Blessing of Candles - 02/02/25

Blessing of Waters - 01/05/25

Blessing of St Basil Bread - 12/31/24

Nativity - 12/25/24

Eve of Nativity - 12/24/24

Entrance into the Church - 12/22/24

Many blessed years for her entrance into the Orthodox Church!

Annual Cookie Walk - 12/15/24

Visitation of Archbishop Michael - 12/01/24

Thanksgiving Feast - 11/10/24

Blessing of Those in Healing Ministries - 11/03/24

Blessing of Iconographer - 10/13/24

Blessing for New School Year & New Catechumen - 09/01/24

Dormition of the Holy Theotokos - 08/15/24

Transfiguration of our Lord - 08/06/24

Blessing of Apples - 07/28/24

Blessing of Apple's on the feast of St Irene, Abbess of the Convent of Chrysovalantou.

Blessing of Cars - 07/21/24

Baptism of Robert Anastasios - 07/20/24

Feast Day of Ss Peter & Paul - 06/29/24

Blessing of Graduates - 06/16/24

Baptism of Ignatius - 06/08/24

Paschal Memorial Service - 05/13/24

Pascha - 05/05/24

Vespers & Liturgy on Holy Saturday - 05/04/24

Compline of Great & Holy Saturday - 05/03/24

Holy Friday-Reading of the Twelve Passion Gospels - 05/02/24

Palm Sunday - 04/28/24

Holy Unction - 04/25/24

Presentation of Mitre to Archpriest James - 02/18/24

Archbishop Michael visited the parish and awarded Archpriest James with the privilege of wearing a mitre.

May God grant him many blessed years!

Super Bowl Chili Cook Off - 02/14/24

Blessing of Candles - 02/01/24

Blessing of St. Basil Bread - 12/31/23

Nativity - 12/25/23

Nativity Eve - 12/24/23

Annual Christmas Cookie Walk - 12/17/23

Feast Day of St. Nicholas - 12/06/23

Church Cleaning - 12/02/23

Thanksgiving - Glory to God for All Things - 11/23/23

Fall Season at Ss Peter & Paul - 11/13/23

Thanksgiving Feast - 11/12/23

Blessing of Those in Healing Ministries - 11/05/23

Names Day of Father James - 10/22/23

Distinguished Diocesan Donors Dinner - 10/08/23

Blessing of New Academic Year - 09/10/23

Reception into the Church - 08/20/23

Feast of the Transfiguration & Blessing of Fruits - 08/06/23

Blessing of Cars & Birthday - 07/23/23

Feast Day of St. John of San Francisco - 07/02/23

Feast Day Celebration of Saints Peter & Paul - 06/28/23

Blessing of Graduates - 06/18/23

Memorial Saturday - 06/06/23

New Catechumen - 04/30/23

Paschal Memorial Service - 04/24/23

Bright Monday Celebration - 04/17/23

Pascha - 04/16/23

Vespers & Liturgy on Holy Saturday - 04/15/23

Vespers & Matins on Holy Friday - 04/14/23

Matins on Holy Thursday - 04/14/23

Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) - 04/09/23

Lazarus Saturday - 04/09/23

Holy Unction - 04/06/23

Church Cleaning - 04/01/23

The Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary - 03/25/23

Veneration of the Holy Cross - 03/19/23

The Third Sunday of Lent is that of the Veneration of the Cross. The cross stands in the midst of the church in the middle of the lenten season not merely to remind men of Christ’s redemption and to keep before them the goal of their efforts, but also to be venerated as that reality by which man must live to be saved. “He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Mt.10:38). For in the Cross of Christ Crucified lies both “the power of God and the wisdom of God” for those being saved (1 Cor.1:24).

Vespers-Veneration of the Holy Cross - 03/18/23

Pre-Sanctified Liturgy - 03/08/23

Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Blessing of Boiled Wheat - 03/03/23

Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple - 02/02/23

Batptism - 01/28/23

Marriage - 01/15/23

May God grant them many blessed years!

New Years Eve & Blessing of St Basil's Bread - 01/02/23

Nativity - 12/26/22

Eve of Nativity - 12/24/22

St Nicholas The Wonderworker Play - 12/04/22

A live theatrical production about the life of St Nicholas the Wonderworker

Akathist of Thanksgiving - 11/24/22

The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 11/21/22

Blessing for Those in Healing Ministries - 11/06/22

Blessing of Infant - 10/23/22

Many Blessed Years!

Recognition of Choir Members - 10/02/22

The Protection of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 10/01/22

Zoom Scripture Study - The First and Second Epistles of St. Peter and the Ministry of St. Peter as recorded in the Acts of the Apostles - 09/22/22

On Wednesday evenings a 1 hour class will be held via Zoom.  This Bible Study is open to everyone and feel free to join us as often as you can. There is no registration required or costs.  This series on St. Peter's two epistles will begin on October 12th, and continue every Wednesday evening. Join us!

http://zoom/us/j/35391994   Meeting ID: 353 939 1994   Password: 181591

The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross - 09/14/22

Baptism - 09/10/22

Blessing of Teachers and Students - 09/04/22

The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 08/06/22

Entrance Into the Church - 07/31/22

Blessing of Cars - 07/17/22

The Holy Glorious and All-Praised Leaders of the Apostles Peter and Paul - 06/29/22

Synaxis of the Saints of North America and Visit of AB Michael - 06/26/22

New Catechumens - 06/20/22

Pentecost - 06/12/22

Memorial Saturday - 06/11/22

Ascension Vesper - 06/04/22

Midfeast of Pentecost - 05/18/22

Paschal Memorial Service - 05/03/22

Bright Monday - 04/25/22

Paschal Feast - 04/24/22

Pascha - 04/24/22

The Bright Resurrection of Our Lord!
Christ is Risen!
Indeed He is Risen!

Great & Holy Friday Compline - 04/22/22

Matins of Holy Friday - 04/21/22

Palm Sunday - 04/17/22

Lazarus Saturday - 04/16/22

Service of the Holy Unction - 04/14/22

Final Presanctified Liturgy Before Pascha - 04/13/22

Church Cleaning - 04/02/22

Presanctified Liturgy w/ Archbishop Michael - 03/30/22

Veneration of the Cross - 03/27/22

Installation of Church Council Members - 03/20/22

The Meeting of our Lord in the Temple - 02/02/22

Great Blessing of Waters - 01/09/22

Blessing of St Basil Bread - 01/04/22

The Nativity of Our Lord - 12/25/21

Eve of The Nativity of Our Lord - 12/24/21

Annual Cookie Walk 2021 - 12/19/21

Our famous annual cookie walk was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended and helped to set up this wonderful church fundraiser!

Hope to see you again next year!

The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 11/21/21

Synaxis of Holy Healers & Thanksgiving Brunch - 11/07/21

Afterfeast of The Elevation of the Holy Cross - 09/19/21

Church New Year - 08/31/21

Celebration of the church New Year. The first day of the Church New Year is also called the beginning of the Indiction. The term Indiction comes from a Latin word meaning, “to impose.” It was originally applied to the imposition of taxes in Egypt. 

Read more at: https://www.oca.org/saints/lives/2021/09/01/501-church-new-year

This Sunday the parish also celebrated the 30th wedding anniversary of Dan & Maria

Blessing of New Seminarian - 08/22/21

The Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God - 08/15/21

After the Ascension of the Lord, the Mother of God remained in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian, and during his journeys She lived at the home of his parents, near the Mount of Olives. She was a source of consolation and edification both for the Apostles and for all the believers. 


The parish also presented wedding icons to the newly wed couple, Alexander & Anne

The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ - 08/07/21

Lesser Blessing of Water - 08/02/21

Recognition of New Altar Servers - 07/18/21

Pentecost - 06/20/21

Memorial Saturday - 06/19/21

Liturgy with Archbishop Michael - 06/13/21

The Ascension of our Lord - 06/10/21

Marriage - 05/30/21

May God grant them many blessed years!

Marriage - 05/23/21

May God grant them many blessed years!

HOLY PASCHA: The Resurrection of Our Lord - 05/02/21

Great and Holy Saturday - 05/01/21

Great and Holy Friday - 04/30/21

Great and Holy Thursday - The Last Supper - 04/29/21

Great and Holy Monday - 04/26/21

Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem-Palm Sunday - 04/25/21

The Raising of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday) - 04/24/21

....In a carefully detailed narrative the Gospel relates how Christ, six days before His own death, and with particular mindfulness of the people “standing by, that they may believe that thou didst send me” (John 11:42), went to His dead friend Lazarus at Bethany outside of Jerusalem. He was aware of the approaching death of Lazarus but deliberately delayed His coming, saying to His disciples at the news of His friend’s death: “For your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe” (John 11:14).



5th Sunday of Great Lent: Saint Mary of Egypt - 04/18/21

Youth Church Cleaning & Hike - 04/17/21

3rd Sunday of Great Lent: Veneration of the Cross - 04/05/21

2nd Saturday of Great Lent: Memorial Saturday Liturgy - 03/28/21

First Week of Great Lent - 03/20/21

2021 Lenten Journey - 02/14/21

Celebration of Saint Basil the Great - 01/12/21

Feast of the Theophany of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/09/21

The Nativity of our Lord God & Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/20

Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem during the reign of the emperor Augustus (Octavian). Caesar Augustus decreed that a universal census be made throughout his Empire, which then also included Palestinian Israel. The Jews were accustomed to be counted in the city from where their family came. The Most Holy Virgin and the Righteous Joseph, since they were descended from the house and lineage of King David, had to go to Bethlehem to be counted and taxed.


Eve of the Nativity of our Lord - 12/24/20

Entry of the Theotokos into the Temple - 11/22/20

100th Anniversary of St. Nectarios of Aegina - 11/11/20

Blessing of Those in Healing Ministries - 11/02/20

Sunday Liturgy & Visitation of Archbishop Michael - 10/24/20

Sunday Liturgy With The Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and the Diocese of New York & New Jersey

Also, congratulations and many blessed years to Proto-Deacon Paul on his 25th Anniversary of Ordination to the Diaconate

Vespers & Visitation of Archbishop Michael - 10/17/20 - 10/18/20

Saturday evening Vespers service with the Most Reverend Michael, Archbishop of New York and the diocese of New York & New Jersey

Blessing of Church Iconographer - 10/11/20

The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross - 09/19/20

Blessing of Teachers and Students - 09/06/20

Church New Year - 09/01/20

30th Wedding Anniversary - 08/30/20

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 08/15/20

The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 08/06/20

Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord - 08/02/20

Saint Irene Chrysovolantou and Blessing of Apples - 07/27/20

Although Saint Irene performed many miracles during her life, let us mention only one. On great Feasts it was her habit to keep vigil in the monastery courtyard under the starry skies. Once, a nun who was unable to sleep left her cell and went into the courtyard. There she saw Abbess Irene levitating a few feet above the ground, completely absorbed in prayer. The astonished nun also noticed that two cypress trees had bowed their heads to the ground, as if in homage. When she finished praying, Irene blessed the trees and they returned to their upright position.



Holy Glorious and All-Praised Apostles Peter and Paul - 06/30/20

Synaxis of All Saints - 06/14/20

Memorial Saturday - 06/07/20

Paschal Matins - 05/28/20

On Wednesday of the sixth week of Pascha, we celebrate the Leavetaking of the Feast. While most Feasts have their Leavetaking on the eighth day, Pascha, the Feast of Feasts, has its Leavetaking on the thirty-ninth day. The fortieth day is the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, which marks the end of the Lord’s physical presence on earth. He does not abandon us, however. He has promised to be with us always, even until the end of the age (MT 20:28). As we sing in the Kontakion for Ascension, “Thou didst ascend in glory, O Christ our God, not being parted from those who love Thee, but remaining with them and crying: I am with you and no one will be against you.” There is a similar thought expressed in the Troparion for the Dormition: “In falling asleep, you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos.”

Diocese of NY and NJ-Diocesan Directives on the Gradual Re-Opening of Diocesan Churches - 05/24/20

Diocese of New York and New Jersey - Diocesan Directives on the Gradual Re-Opening of Diocesan Churches
Issued May 8, 2020 ~ FOR DISTRIBUTION



The Meeting of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple - 02/02/20

Feast of the Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/06/20

Blessing of Water - 01/05/20

The Circumcision of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; St Basil the Great - 01/01/20

The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/19

Christmas Eve Dinner - 12/25/19

Life of Saint Nicholas Church Play - 12/08/19

The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 11/21/19

The Protection of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 10/01/19

The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross - 09/14/19

Church Summer Picnic - 09/08/19

The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary - 09/08/19

A Blessing for Teachers and Students - 08/18/19

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 08/15/19

The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 08/06/19

Procession of the Honorable Wood of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord - 08/01/19

Blessing of Autos and Bikes - 07/21/19

Saints Peter and Paul Feast Day - 06/29/19

Memorial Saturday (Pentecost) - 06/16/19

Pentecost with Kneeling Vespers - 06/16/19

Recognition Of Graduates - 06/09/19

The Ascension of our Lord - 06/06/19

Visit of Archbishop Michael - 06/02/19

Baptism of Daniel and Timothy - 05/25/19

HOLY PASCHA The Resurrection of Our Lord - 04/28/19

Great and Holy Friday - 04/26/19

Great and Holy Thursday - 04/26/19

Palm Sunday includes Matins and Procession - 04/21/19

The Raising of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday) - 04/20/19

The Mystery of Holy Unction - 04/18/19

Laudation of The Theotokos - 04/13/19

Church Store - 04/07/19

Veneration of the Cross - 03/31/19

A New Journey for two Parishioners - 03/31/19

Catechumen Daniel - 03/31/19

The Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary - 03/25/19

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/17/19

Installation of new Church Council - 03/17/19

Catechumen Timothy - 03/17/19

Adult Study Class on Confession What, Why, When and How - 02/27/19

Our Journey to Pascha! 2019 - 02/17/19

The Meeting of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple - 02/03/19

Childrens Coffee Hour and Blessing of Icons - 01/27/19

Church Bulletin - Week of January 20th - 01/19/19

Feast of the Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/06/19

The Feast of the Circumcision/The Feast of St Basil the Great - 01/01/19

Baptism of Luke Emmanuel - 12/29/18

The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/18

Eve of the Nativity of Our Lord - 12/24/18

The Entry of the Most Holy Mother of God into the Temple - 11/21/18

2019 Calendar of Events - 11/18/18

Thanksgiving Dinner - 11/04/18

Blessing for all those in the Healing Ministries - 11/04/18

2018 Guatemala Healthcare Team - 11/04/18

A Dinner of Thanks & Fall Celebration - Sunday, November 4th at 12:00p.m. - 10/20/18

On Sunday, November 4th, at 12:00p.m. we will host a special dinner (Turkey) of thanksgiving. This is to celebrate two achievements that have taken place in these past months.  The installation of the new church flooring and the renovation of the upstairs parish hall.  For the first time, we will be using the upper hall.  All parishioners, former parishioners and  friends of the parish are invited!  There is no charge.  Please simply reply no later than 6:00p.m. Sunday October 28th with your name and number of people attending.  There is also a sign-up sheet on the vestibule stand in the church. For more information contact Ekaterine Margiani (908-240-7701) or Fr. James (908-685-1452). You may leave information on the phone or e-mail - frjames@ssppoc.org.  Please join us!

Archbishop Michael Visit - Liturgy - 10/07/18

Coffee Hour-Archbishop Michael Visit and Fr James 40th Anniversary in Manville - 10/07/18

Youth Group Activity - Q&A on Societal Issues Impacting Children - 10/07/18

Father James 40th Anniversary in Manville - 10/07/18

Archbishop Michael Visit - Vespers - 10/06/18

The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos - 10/01/18

Parishioners of Ss Peter and Paul - 09/23/18

Reformed Church of Bound Brook Soup Kitchen - 09/20/18

The Universal Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross - 09/14/18

Nativity of Most Holy Theotokos - 09/08/18

Church New Year - 09/01/18

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God - 08/26/18

YouTube Channel - 08/26/18


Blessing of Teachers and Students - 08/19/18

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 08/15/18

The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 08/06/18

Nativity of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - 07/29/18

90th Birthday - Natalie Ratzkovich - 07/22/18

Blessing of Autos - 07/22/18

New Church Floor - First Liturgy - 07/15/18

Church Flooring Project - 07/14/18

Saints Peter and Paul Feast Day - 06/29/18

1 Year Anniversary Memorial for Infant Ivanna - 06/21/18

Holy Pentecost - 05/27/18

Memorial Saturday - 05/26/18

The Ascension of our Lord - 05/17/18

May 10th Study Class - 7-8:30p.m. in Conference Room - All Invited! - 05/01/18

"On the Necessity of Guarding our Thoughts - the First Step in Spiritual Action and of Spiritual Defense."  The Holy Saints teach us that our contribution to our salvation is to a large extent dependent upon the thoughts we hold to.  The modern day Elder, St. Paisios of Athos (+1994) remarks that "the entire spiritual life depends on our thoughts."  There are all kinds of thoughts, simple and composite; good and bad, from God and from the demons, as well as from our own conjuring.  We will examine the positive and negative charcter of thoughts and what the Fathers recommend us to rightly think.

Ordination to Priesthood of Deacon Samuel - 04/21/18

Radonitsa - Day of Rejoicing - 04/17/18

HOLY PASCHA: The Resurrection of Our Lord - 04/08/18

Great and Holy Saturday - 04/07/18

Great and Holy Friday - 04/07/18

Great and Holy Thursday - 04/05/18

Entry of Our Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) - 04/01/18

The Raising of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday) - 03/31/18

Holy Unction - 03/29/18

Roses at Church - 03/28/18

The Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary - 03/25/18

Deanery Vespers - 03/18/18

Akathist for Departed - 03/10/18

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 02/25/18

Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts - 02/23/18

The Meeting of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple - 02/02/18

Urban Air Adventure Park Youth Activity - 01/28/18

Feast of the Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/06/18

St Basil Bread and Circumcision of our Lord - 01/01/18

Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ - 12/25/17

Divine Liturgy and Vigil - 12/24/17

Royal Hours and Matins - 12/22/17

Feast of St Nicholas - 12/05/17

St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Archbishop of Myra in Lycia - 12/05/17

Annual Christmas Cookie Walk - Sunday, December 10th at 11:20a.m. - 11/29/17

We are pleased to invite you to our Annual Christmas Cookie Walk!  Arrive on-time to choose your own wonderful selection of home-baked cookies from around the world.  Cookies sell out quickly, so don't be late!

Location: 605 Washington Ave., Manville NJ (Lower Parish Hall) Visit our website for directions: www.ssppoc.org

Blessing of Iconographer Austin - 10/08/17

Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross - 09/14/17

The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 09/08/17

Blessing for New School Year - 08/20/17

Mary Baptism - 08/19/17

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 08/15/17

Transfiguration of Our Lord - 08/06/17

Summer Picnic at the Kita's - 07/30/17

Joy of All Who Sorrow Icon - 07/23/17

Blessing of Holy Oil from tomb of St John of San Francisco - 07/01/17

Ordination to Deacon of Samuel Davis at St. Simon of Cyrene Mission - 07/01/17

SS Peter and Paul Feast Day - 06/29/17

Commemoration of the Appearance of the Archangel Gabriel to a Monk on Mt. Athos, and the Revelation of the Hymn, “It Is Truly Meet. - 06/11/17

Graduating Students 2017 - 06/11/17

Holy Pentecost with Kneeling Vespers - 06/04/17

Now the comforting Spirit has been poured out on all flesh, beginning with the choir of the apostles.  He has spread His grace, communicating it to all the faithful, He gives proof of His mighty descent by distributing the fiery tongues to the disciples for the praise and glory of God.  So now that our hearts have been spiritually enlightened, strengthened in faith by the Holy Spirit, let us pray that our souls may be saved!

Paschal Memorial at Cemetery - 04/24/17


On Sunday, April 23rd, "The Holy Fire," from Jerusalem was brought to our parish church via, Washington DC and Lakewood, NJ. Anyone wishing to carry the Holy Fire to their homes may take of the Holy Fire at the conclusion of any of the scheduled liturgical services (see monthly calendar).  

Holy Pascha - 04/16/17

Vesperal Liturgy Holy Saturday - 04/15/17

Great and Holy Friday Vespers - 04/14/17

Matins with 12 Passion Gospels - 04/13/17

Palm Sunday - 04/09/17

Lazarus Saturday - 04/08/17

Holy Unction - 04/06/17

Deanery Vespers - 04/02/17

Laudation of the Most Holy Theotokos - 04/01/17

The Annunciation of our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary - 03/25/17

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/05/17

Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & blessing of wheat - 03/03/17

Scout Sunday - 02/05/17

Meeting of Our Lord - 02/02/17

Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace! / From you shone the Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God. / Enlightening those who sat in darkness! / Rejoice, and be glad, O righteous elder; / You accepted in your arms the Redeemer of our souls, / Who grants us the Resurrection.  https://oca.org/saints/lives/2017/02/02/100407-the-meeting-of-our-lord-and-savior-jesus-christ-in-the-temple


Youth Group Ice Skating - 01/29/17

Faithbook - 01/22/17

The Youth of Ss. Peter and Paul created the attached 'Faithbook'.  This is our newest social media platform.  Check it out!

Faithbook - 01/22/17

St Simon of Cyrene Mission Church - 01/08/17

Theophany - 01/06/17

St Basil Bread and Circumcision of our Lord - 01/01/17

The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/16

Hierarchial Liturgy with Abp Michael - 12/17/16

Annual Cookie Walk - 12/11/16

Blessing of Medical Professionals, Researchers and Students - 11/06/16

101st Anniversary with Archbishop Michael - 10/30/16

101st Anniversary Celebration - October 29 & 30 - 10/26/16

This weekend we will clebrate our 101st anniversary. It is the "post-feast" of our 100th anniversary last year. Please join us in worship and fellowship! 

Saturday, October 29th: 5:30p.m. Vigil with a Light Supper with Archbishop Michael in Parish Center.

Sunday, October 30th: 9:00a.m. Divine Liturgy with Archbishop Michael, followed by Festal Meal in our Parish Center.

Church New Year_Ice Cream Social - 09/01/16

New School Year Pool Party - 08/30/16

Prayers for Academic Year - 08/21/16

The Dormition of our Most Holy Lady the Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary - 08/15/16

The Holy Transfiguration of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 08/06/16

Blessing of All Things Mobile - 07/17/16

Annual Church Picnic - 07/10/16

Baptism of Samuel - 07/02/16

St John of San Francisco - 07/02/16

SS Peter and Paul Feast Day - 06/29/16

100th Anniversary Feature-length Film Now Online - 06/28/16

The receiving of the Holy Gifts..... - 06/23/16

The receiving of the Holy Gifts at a Sunday Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter & Paul Church.  When we partake of the Holy Gifts we are united to them and become more grafted onto the Mystical Body of Christ, which is His Church. While we approach for Holy Communion, the people sing this hymn: “Receive the Body of Christ, taste the Fountain of Immortality.”  The priest says to the person receiving the Holy Gifts: “The Precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is given unto the servant of God (name) for the remission of sins and to life everlasting.”

7/16/2016 - Bringing the Orthodox Christian Faith to the African-American Community - 06/18/16

Ss. Peter and Paul will host a diocesan sponsored seminar-workshop on outreach to African-Americans led by Deacon Turbo Qualls and Father Alexei Altschul of the Brotherhood of Saint Moses the Black. The seminar includes lunch and concludes with Vespers. While designed primarily for clergy, lay ministry leaders and interested laymen are encouraged to attend. The conference is free of charge.

The Ascension of our Lord - 06/09/16

Blessing of Water - 05/24/16

Paschal Commemoration of the Departed 2016 - 05/09/16

Bright Monday with procession of Saints - 05/02/16

HOLY PASCHA: The Resurrection of Our Lord - 05/01/16

Great & Holy Thursday thru Holy Saturday - 04/28/16

Palm Sunday - 04/24/16

Lazarus Saturday - 04/23/16

Pre-Sanctified with Archbishop Michael - 04/20/16

The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is an evening service. It is the solemn lenten Vespers with the administration of Holy Communion added to it. There is no consecration of the eucharistic gifts at the presanctified liturgy. Holy Communion is given from the eucharistic gifts sanctified on the previous Sunday at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, unless, of course, the feast of the Annunciation should intervene; hence its name of “presanctified.”
(Thanks to Nick Kita for the pictures)

Scout Sunday - 04/17/16

Deanery Vespers - 04/17/16

Veneration of the Cross - 04/03/16

Presanctified Liturgy - 03/30/16

New Website for Orthodox Christian Cemetery - Hillsborough, NJ - 03/29/16

A new website has been created for the cemetery - www.orthodoxchristiancemetery.org   The purpose of the new website is to make known to all Orthodox Christians that the cemetery at 1166 Millstone River Road is open to everyone of the Orthodox Faith (and their immediate spouse - if not Orthodox).  The cemetery is well kept and offers an honorable burial place until the Second Coming of our Lord. There is a 360 panoramic view of the grounds.  The cost of a grave is $1,700.

2016 Council Members Induction - 03/27/16

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/20/16

Sunday of Orthodoxy in Manville Procession from Holy Ghost to Saints Peter and Paul to St. George's Orthodox Church.

Snow Storm "Jonah" Jan. 23/24 - 01/22/16

Due to "Jonah" which will be a blizzard here in Somerset County, there will be no services on Saturday, January 23rd.

Please check-in again for information in regard to the church schedule for Sunday, January 24th.

Be careful and the Lord bless!

Yolka - 01/10/16

Eve of the Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ-Blessing of Waters - 01/05/16

Circumcision of the Lord and St. Basil the Great - 01/01/16

Nativity of Our Lord - 12/25/15

Cookie Walk - 12/13/15

2015 Cookie Walk - 12/07/15

St Nicholas Day - 12/06/15

Christmas Cookie Walk - Dec. 13th at 11:30a.m. - 11/18/15

Our annual Christmas Cookie Walk will be held on Sunday, December 13th at 11:30a.m.  A very fine selection of baked cookies will be for sale. They sell our quickly, so don't delay your arrival.  The sale is in the Lower Hall behind the church building.

100th Anniversary Video Presentation Dec. 27th - 12:15p.m. - 11/18/15

On Sunday, Dec. 27th the video Presentation celebrating the 100th anniversary of our parish will take place in our Lower Hall. If you missed the first showing in early December, you can catch the second viewing. The Film showing will be at 12:15p.m. and run for 80 minutes. The professionaly produced video is an unfolding of the history, ethos and people of Ss. Peter & Paul Parish.  Join us for the Divine Liturgy at 9:30a.m., followed by coffee hour and the film.


O Lord Jesus Christ our God, Thou did say to Thy disciples: "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give." We come before Thee in humility and ask that Thy peace which surpasses all understanding will descend upon all people around the world, especially those currently in conflict and war. Increase understanding and forgiveness among nations. Awaken the longing for a peaceful life in all those who are filled with hatred for their neighbor.  Extinguish every dispute and banish all temptations and disagreements. Grant wisdom to civil authorities. Send Thy Guardian Angels to safeguard both civilians and the military; as well as cities and nations.  Free those held captive, protect those in danger, and comfort those who are suffering and displaced.  Implant in all of us reverence for Thee, and confirm us in love for one another.  Make us worthy to celebrate the Feast of Thy Holy Nativity and to join with the angels in singing: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men."  For Thou art the King of Peace and the Saviour of our souls and to Thee do we send up glory, together with Thy Father Who is from everlasting and Thy Most Holy Good and Life-Creating Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Synaxis of the Archangel Michael and the Other Bodiless Powers - 11/08/15

Blessing for those in Healing Ministries - 11/01/15

Trailer: Ss. Peter & Paul - Manville, NJ - Celebrating 100 Years - 10/10/15

The 15-minute trailer of the 1 hour, 20 minute feature film to be released on Sunday, December 6, 2015 in honor of the 100th Anniversary of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church in Manville, NJ.

100th Anniversary Gramotas - 10/06/15

As part of the 100th Anniversary, a number of Gramotas were presented to a number of our parishioners as well as to Mr. George Filippakis, the iconographer who labored over 40 years in adorning the Church with Byzantine iconography and  to Proto-Deacon Paul Sokol on the 20th anniversary of his ordination to the deaconate.

100th Anniversary Banquet - October 4, 2015 - 10/05/15

Divine Liturgy with Archbishop Michael - 10/04/15

Memorial Service-100th Anniversary - 10/03/15

October Adult Study Classes - Oct. 7, 14, 21 & 28 - Wednesdays 7-8:30p.m. - 09/29/15

"The Path of Prayer," is the subject of this 4 week series. What is Prayer? What kinds of prayer are there? Times of Prayer? Is Prayer and action or disposition?  We will be guided by St. Theophan the Recluse (+1894), in a practical way how to better our personal prayer life. All are invited! Lower Hall at 605 Washington Avenue, Manville.

Oct. 7:  A Personal Rule of Prayer    Oct. 14: Mental Prayer    Oct. 21: Unceasing Prayer   Oct. 28: A  Life of Prayer

Forefeast of the Elevation of the Cross - 09/13/15

25th Wedding Anniversary - Deacon Paul and Patricia - 08/30/15

Beheading of the Baptist John - 08/29/15

Beheading of the Holy Glorious Prophet, Forerunner, and Baptist John - 08/29/15

Blessing of Teachers and Students - 08/23/15

Marriage of S. Varney & S. Malenkova - 08/16/15

S. Varney Baptism - 08/08/15

Forefeast of the Transfiguration of our Lord - 08/05/15

Blessing of all things Mobile - 07/19/15

Church Picnic - 07/19/15

Pierogi Making - 07/11/15

SS Peter and Paul Feast Day - 06/29/15

Synaxis of the Saints of North America - 06/14/15

On the second Sunday after Pentecost, each local Orthodox Church commemorates all the saints, known and unknown, who have shone forth in its territory. Accordingly, the Orthodox Church in America remembers the saints of North America on this day.

Youth Day at Somerset Patriots - 06/07/15

Take me out to the ball park, take me out to the game, buy me some cotton candy and ice cream.....SS Peter and Paul Youth Group attended a baseball game at Somerset Patriots.  Young and Old alike had a great time.

All Saints Day - 06/07/15

Run for the Churches - 06/06/15

Pentecost with Kneeling Vesper - 05/31/15

In the Church’s annual liturgical cycle, Pentecost is “the last and great day.” It is the celebration by the Church of the coming of the Holy Spirit as the end—the achievement and fulfillment—of the entire history of salvation. For the same reason, however, it is also the celebration of the beginning: it is the “birthday” of the Church as the presence among us of the Holy Spirit, of the new life in Christ, of grace, knowledge, adoption to God and holiness.

Memorial Saturday - 05/30/15

5th Anniversary of the Consecration of Archbishop Michael - 05/14/15

Lesser Blessing of Water - 05/10/15

MEMORIAL SERVICE AT CEMETERY - MAY 30, SAT. 9:30a.m. - 05/05/15

A General Memorial Service at the Orthodox Christian Cemetery of Ss. Peter & Paul in Hillsborough, will be held on Saturday, May 30th at 9:30a.m. (There will be no service at the cemetery on Pentecost Sunday, May 31st).  Give rest O Lord and blessed repose to Thy servants who have fallen-asleep! For more information, please contact Fr. James.

Pascha 2015 - 05/05/15

Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee from before his face!  
Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life. (Troparion).
This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

100th Birthday Celebration - 05/03/15

Childrens Egg Hunt and Names Day Celebration - 05/02/15

Project Mexico - 04/19/15

Bright Monday - 04/13/15

On Bright Monday the Church commemorates the Sweet-Kissing (Glykophilousa) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.  Like the Iveron Icon (March 31), the Sweet-Kissing Icon was also saved from the iconoclasts by a pious woman in the ninth century. It also traveled miraculously upon the sea, arriving at Mt. Athos, the “Garden of the Theotokos,” where it was honored by the monks.

Pascha Sunday Vespers - 04/12/15

Great & Holy Friday with Kids Basket and Egg Decorations - 04/10/15

Great and Holy Thursday - 04/09/15

Palm Sunday - 04/05/15

Palm Sunday: The Feast Of The Entrance Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Into Jerusalem - On the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most joyous feasts of the year. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem following His glorious miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Having anticipated His arrival and having heard of the miracle, the people when out to meet the Lord and welcomed Him with displays of honor and shouts of praise. On this day, we receive and worship Christ in this same manner, acknowledging Him as our King and Lord.

Holy Unction - 04/02/15

Holy Unction-Unction of the Sick

Christ came to the world to “bear the infirmities” of men. One of the signs of his divine messiahship was to heal the sick. The power of healing remains in the Church since Christ himself remains in the Church through the Holy Spirit.  The sacrament of the unction of the sick is the Church’s specific prayer for healing. If the faith of the believers is strong enough, and if it is the will of God, there is every reason to believe that the Lord can heal those who are diseased.  http://oca.org/orthodoxy/the-orthodox-faith/worship/the-sacraments/holy-unction

Veneration of the Cross (also Council Induction) - 03/15/15

The Third Sunday of Lent is that of the Veneration of the Cross. The cross stands in the midst of the church in the middle of the lenten season not merely to remind men of Christ’s redemption and to keep before them the goal of their efforts, but also to be venerated as that reality by which man must live to be saved. “He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Mt.10:38). For in the Cross of Christ Crucified lies both “the power of God and the wisdom of God” for those being saved (1 Cor.1:24).

Vespers for Thursday, March 5th is cancelled - 03/04/15

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/01/15

On Sunday evening, March 1, 2015 — the first Sunday of Great Lent — Orthodox Christians will gather in churches around the world to commemorate the restoration of icons to their proper use in the Church on March 11, 843 AD, thereby ending the 100-plus year iconoclast controversy.  The spiritual theme of the day is first of all the victory of the True Faith.  “This is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith” [1 John 5:4].  Secondly, the icons of the saints bear witness that man, “created in the image and likeness of God” [Genesis 1:26], becomes holy and godlike through the purification of himself as God’s living image.


The Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers (with St. Grigol and Holy Ghost Churches of Manville) will be held here at Ss. Peter & Paul Church at 1:00p.m. Sunday, March 1st. (The previous scheduled visist to these two churches will not take place.) All are invited to the Vespers, due to the weather, the planned fellowship meal will not take place after the Vespers.  Please drive safely on Sunday!

Presanctified Liturgy - 02/27/15

Mardi Gras - 02/15/15

Coffee hour became Mardi Gras.  Look at how the church hall turned into a Mardi Gras event.

Scout Sunday 2015 - 02/08/15

Scout Sunday is always observed on the Sunday before February 8, Scouting Anniversary Day [1910]. BSA programs have traditionally considered reverence for and belief in God to be cornerstones for developing young men and women in character, citizenship and fitness.

Feb. 2nd - Services Cancelled - 02/01/15

The forecast for Manville on Feb. 2nd is for some 5 inches of snow with morning sleet and freezing rain. Both the Feb. 2nd mornign and evening services are cancelled.  The Feast of the Meeting of the Lord with the blessing of candles will take place today at 5:30p.m. (before the storm and Super Bowl).The Lord bless!  Safe travelling.

Yolka Youth Cast Celebration - 01/25/15

Our Yolka Youth cast celebrated with Pizza and Cupcakes after Liturgy today for a great job in the OCN News Network presentation.

Yolka Youth Cast Party Celebration - 01/25/15

Our Yolka Youth cast celebrated with Pizza and Cupcakes after Liturgy today for a great job in the OCN News Network presentation.


The Divine Liturgy (9:30a.m.) will not be served. The church will not be opened.

The roads and sidewalks are dangerous.

As 12:00noon, an Akathist to the Lord will be served (plain rain by then).

Be safe. Keep holy in prayer the Lord's Day.

Yolka 2015 - 01/11/15

Children of Ss Peter and Paul Orthodox Church present Yolka 2015

Theophany of Our Lord - 01/06/15

Theophany is the Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). God the Father spoke from Heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the St John the Forerunner, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Son in the form of a dove. From ancient times this Feast was called the Day of Illumination and the Feast of Lights, since God is Light and has appeared to illumine “those who sat in darkness,” and “in the region of the shadow of death” (Mt.4:16), and to save the fallen race of mankind by grace.


The Blessing of Homes will take place January 7th thru February 20th. Those wishing to have their homes blessed, should schedule a date and time with Father James.  It is best to have your home blessed as early as possible in the time framework provided. You may call, e-mail or speak with Fr. James in person.  Information  in regard to the meaning and preparing your home for the blessing with the Theophany Waters is found in the Sunday Bulletin (on-line) of January 4, 2015. This is a wonderful blessed opportunity to bring the grace of the Theophany of our Lord into your home and family.

St Basil Bread - 12/31/14

For centuries upon centuries, parents, grandparents and godparents have related the following to Orthodox children about St. Basil and the Vasilopita. One year, during a time of terrible famine, the emperor levied a sinfully excessive tax upon the people of Caesarea. The tax was such a heavy burden upon the already impoverished people that to avoid debtors' prison each family had to relinquish its few remaining coins and pieces of jewelry, including precious family heirlooms. Learning of this injustice upon his flock, St. Basil the Great, the archbishop of Caesarea, took up his bishop's staff and the book of the holy Gospels and came to his people's defense by fearlessly calling the emperor to repentance. By God's grace, the emperor did repent! He canceled the tax and instructed his tax collectors to turn over to St. Basil all of the chests containing the coins and jewelry which had been paid as taxes by the people of Caesarea. But now St. Basil was faced with the daunting and impossible task of returning these thousands of coins and pieces of jewelry to their rightful owners. After praying for a long time before the icons of our Master Christ and His All-Holy Mother, St. Basil had all the treasures baked into one huge pita. He then called all the townspeople to prayer at the cathedral, and, after Divine Liturgy, he blessed and cut the pita, giving a piece to each person. Miraculously, each owner received in his piece of Vasilopita his own valuables. They all joyfully returned home, giving thanks to God who had delivered them from abject poverty and to their good and holy bishop St. Basil the Great! In remembrance of that miracle wrought by God as a result of St. Basil's love and defense of his people, Orthodox Christians have observed the tradition of the Vasilopita each year on January 1st-- the date on which St. Basil reposed in the Lord in the year 379.

The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/14

The Nativity of Christ has long been counted as one of the Twelve Great Feasts. It is one of the greatest, most joyful and wondrous events in the history of the world. The angel said to the shepherds, “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, glorifying God and saying: Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Those who heard these things were astonished at what the shepherds told them concerning the Child. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen” (Luke 2:10-20).



Extending to all our Parishioners, Friends of the Parish, Visitors and People of Good Will, Greetings on the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ.  May He bless, guide and lead you on the Path of Salvation.  May these Holy Days be filled with newness of life and the Peace, Joy and Love that comes from God Himself!

Pictures from St. Spyridon Akathist service - 12/11/14

Pictures from St. Spyridon Akathist service 

Service to St. Spyridon - Dec. 11th, 7:00p.m. - 12/08/14

On Thursday, December 11th, Compline will be served with the Akathist to St. Spyridon and anointign wih oil from his tomb. All are invited.


Due to weather conditions, it may be necessary to make changes in the parish schedule. Notification of changes will be posted at least one hour prior to the scheduled time. These notifications will be made 1) on the parish website; 2) on the parish e-mail (you are welcome to subscribe to); 3) on Face Book: "Friends of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthdoox Church"

Pictures from Thanksgiving Service - 11/27/14


Our 2nd Annual Coat Drive - coats, gloves, scarves, boots, - is currently taken place. These items may be placed in the bin located inside the lower hall by the entrance door.  The extra and unsued things we have may be the primary warm materials for someone needful.

CHRISTMAS COOKIE WALK - DEC. 14TH AT 11:15A.M. - 11/26/14

Our Annual Christmas Cookie Walk will take place on Sunday, December 14th at 11:15a.m.. Every year an assortment of baked cookies are available on the second Sunday of December.  The cookies go fast! Come early!  The sale takes place in the Lower Hall, behind the church. (605 Washington Ave., Manville).

MANVILLE: Church celebrates its history and diversity - 11/14/14

Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church on Washington Avenue began celebrating its 99th anniversary of service on Sunday with a church service and international food festival.

Pictures from the 99 Anniversary Celebration of Saints Peter and Paul - 11/09/14

99 Years of Faith in Manville - 11/04/14

Manville, NJ -  Every Sunday morning for the past 99 years, a Divine Liturgy is celebrated at Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Manville, with church bells ringing, a choir singing and the faithful gathering in prayer.  Services are also held on many days throughout the week with the same joyful solemnity of the Orthodox Christian faith.  On Sunday, November 8th, Ss. Peter and Paul invites the community to join in their 99th Anniversary and International Food Festival.

The Blessing for Those in the Healing Ministries - 11/02/14

1st year Blessing of Marriage of John Richard Webber and Alex Ptichka - 10/12/14

1st year Blessing of Marriage of John Richard Webber and Alex Ptichka.

May god grant them many years

Pictures from Blessing of Iconographers - 10/12/14

Pictures from Blessing of Iconographers


Bishop Michael will be present as we clebrate out 99th anniversary, Nov. 8th and 9th. On Saturday, Nov. 8th, 5:30p.m. Vigil with anointing of oil from the tomb of St. Nectarios of Aegina. On Sunday, Nov. 9th, 9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy and Coffee Hour. At 2:00p.m. an Akathist to our Lord will be served with anointing of oil, followed by a short children's concert. At 3:00p.m. the parish will host an International Food Festival at the VFW (right across the street). You are all invited. Please see the flyer on our Announcement Page for more details.

99th Anniversary Celebration, November 8 and 9, 2014 - 10/07/14

99th Anniversary Celebration, November 8 and 9, 2014 - 10/07/14

Six Week Fall Educational Series - October 1/November 5 Wednesdays 7-8:30p.m. - 09/23/14

Select Reading of Topics of Contemporary Greek Orthodox Theologians is the title of this series. All are invited! The classes will be held in the Lower Church Hall Conference Room on the following Wednesdays from 7-8:30p.m.

October 1 "Time and the Church"  by Prof. Georgios Manztaridis

October 8 "The Inviolability of Free Will" by St. Nectarios of Aegina (+1920)

October 15 "Theosis: Deification (Part One) by Fr. George Kapsanis of Mt. Athos (+2014)

October 22 "Theosis: Deification (Part Two) by Fr. George Kapsanis of Mt. Athos (+2014)

October 29 "Ecumenical Councils: The Myth of the Seven in Number and the Criteria of Councils" by Fr. John Romanides

November 5 "Theological Insights On Orthodox Spirituality" by Metroploitan Nicholas of Mesogaia


Pictures from the Elevation of the Cross - 09/13/14

Pictures from Nativity of the Theotokos - 09/07/14

Pictures from Nativity of the Theotokos

Pictures from the Church New Year - 08/31/14

Pictures from the Church New Year

Departure Blessing for Reader Symeon and Theodora - 08/24/14

Departure Blessing for Reader Symeon and Theodora

Blessing of Students and Teachers 2014 - 08/24/14

Pictures from the Blessing of Students and Teachers 2014

Pictures from Dormition vigil service - 08/14/14

The feast of the Dormition or Falling-asleep of the Theotokos is celebrated on the fifteenth of August, preceded by a two-week fast. This feast, which is also sometimes called the Assumption, commemorates the death, resurrection and glorification of Christ’s mother. It proclaims that Mary has been “assumed” by God into the heavenly kingdom of Christ in the fullness of her spiritual and bodily existence.

As with the nativity of the Virgin and the feast of her entrance to the temple, there are no biblical or historical sources for this feast. The Tradition of the Church is that Mary died as all people die, not “voluntarily” as her Son, but by the necessity of her mortal human nature which is indivisibly bound up with the corruption of this world.

The Orthodox Church teaches that Mary is without personal sins. In the Gospel of the feast, however, in the liturgical services and in the Dormition icon, the Church proclaims as well that Mary truly needed to be saved by Christ as all human persons are saved from the trials, sufferings and death of this world; and that having truly died, she was raised up by her Son as the Mother of Life and participates already in the eternal life of paradise which is prepared and promised to all who “hear the word of God and keep it.” (Luke 11:27-28)

You can read the full description at oca.org

Blessing of Things Mobile - Sunday, July 20 - 11:15a.m. - 07/18/14

On Sunday, July 20th, the Feast of the Prophet Elias, as is the custom, a blessing of "Things That Are Mobile," will take place after the Divine Liturgy. As the Pophet Elias was "transported" by a fiery chariot and fiery horses as if into heaven; we bless all means of transportation (autos, bikes, motocycles, hot air-ballons, etc) as well as Things That "move us" (as water boards, skates, skies,) in recreation.  Asking for protection and receiving the blessing of the Lord, we pray for safety in our travels and for things used in recreation.  The blessing will take place in the churhc parking lot as well as on So. 6th Avenue and Washington Avenue.

Pictures from St Tikhon's Summer Camp 2014 - 07/13/14

Pictures from St Tikhon's Summer Camp 2014

- 07/10/14

Pictures from Saints Peter and Paul Patronal Feast day - 06/29/14

Photos include Saturday Vespers, Sunday Divine Liturgy, Procession around the Church and Celebrations.

Thank you to all those who contributed to the Parish Picnic.

Blood Drive - July 26, Sat. from 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. - 06/27/14

Blood is  a sign and factor of life. Blood is a personal gift. Blood secures the well-being of others. You invited to be a blood donor, if you can.  For your consideration:

You must weigh 120 lbs. or more.

You must know your SS# and have photo or signed ID.

You must eat a meal one hour prior to donation.

You must drink plenty of water prior to donation.

The drive will be held in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall at 605 Washington Avenue, Manville.

Lemonade and Conversations Evenings - Wednesdays of July/7-8p.m. - 06/27/14

On Wednesday evenings in the month of July, anyone who so wishes may meet at the parish rectory - 605 Washington Avenue, for a cold lemonade and discussion about "anything and everything."  This is an oppportunity to meet with Fr. James and other parishioners and friends of the parish to share, question, contribute, comment, speak or just listen. There is no formal agenda.   From 7-8:00p.m.  All are welcome!

Congratulations to the graduating students of 2014 - 06/15/14

Congratulations to the graduating students of 2014

Pictures from Pentecost Cemetery Memorial Service - 06/08/14

Pictures from Pentecost Cemetery Memorial Service

Pictures from Pentecost kneeling vespers - 06/08/14

Pictures from Pentecost kneeling vespers 

Pictures from Pentecost Vigil - 06/07/14

Pictures from Pentecost Vigil 

Pictures from Memorial Saturday - 06/07/14

Pictures from Memorial Saturday


The revised schedule for the Study Classes "On the Mystery of Death" is posted below.

THE MYSTERY OF DEATH - Classes May 7, 14, 21 and June 4 (revised) - 04/30/14

A Four Part Series "On the Mystery of Death"   This Class is Open to all and will be held on Wednesday evenings, May 7 thru June 4 in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall. The time is 7-8:30p.m.  

  1. May 07:  The Crucifixion and the Abolition of Death
  2. May  14:  The Descent of Christ Into Hades
  3. May  21:  Resurrection/Ascension/Pentecost
  4. June   04:  Death Before and After Christ

Pascal Memorial at Cemetery - April 28th at 6:30p.m. - 04/26/14

On the eve of "the Day of Joy," (Radonitsa), when a Paschal Commemoration of all the departed is observed; a General Memorial Service with the singing of Paschal Canon will be held at the Cemetery at 6:30p.m., Monday, April 28th.

Pictures from Pascha 2014 - 04/20/14

Pictures from Pascha 2014

- 04/20/14

Pictures from Holy Friday Compile with Procession - 04/18/14

Pictures from Holy Friday Compile with Procession 

Pictures from Holy Friday service - 04/18/14

Pictures from Holy Friday service 

Pictures from the 12 Passion Gospels - 04/17/14

Pictures from the 12 Passion Gospels 

Pictures from Holy Thursday Vespers and Divine Liturgy - 04/17/14

Two events shape the liturgy of Great and Holy Thursday: the Last Supper of Christ with His disciples, and the betrayal of Judas. The meaning of both is in love. The Last Supper is the ultimate revelation of God’s redeeming love for man, of love as the very essence of salvation. And the betrayal of Judas reveals that sin, death and self-destruction are also due to love, but to deviated and distorted love, love directed at that which does not deserve love. Here is the mystery of this unique day, and its liturgy, where light and darkness, joy and sorrow are so strangely mixed, challenges us with the choice on which depends the eternal destiny of each one of us. “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour was come... having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end...” (John 13:1). To understand the meaning of the Last Supper we must see it as the very end of the great movement of Divine Love which began with the creation of the world and is now to be consummated in the death and resurrection of Christ.

More can be read at oca.org

Pictures from Palm Sunday - 04/13/14

MANVILLE: Children lead effort in caring - 04/12/14

MANVILLE: Children lead effort in caring
They organize food, monetary donations for Caritas

   Children from three Manville churches and the Catholic elementary school led efforts to collect food and gift cards for families assisted through the Caritas organization, which is headed by borough resident Barbara Demchak through Christ the Redeemer Parish. 

   Caritas is the Latin word for "caring and sharing" and the children worked together to collect 32 large deliveries of food, Easter treats and more than $1,300 in grocery gift cards to be distributed this week through Caritas.
You can view our slide show of our Lenten Basket Project below 

Lenten Basket Project and making of palms and pussy willows - 04/12/14

Lenten Basket Project and making of palms and pussy willows

Pictures from Palm Sunday great vespers - 04/11/14

Pictures from Holy Unction Service - 04/10/14

Pictures from the Laudation of the Theotokos - 04/04/14

Pictures from the Service Cannon of St. Andrew - 04/02/14

Pictures from the Service Cannon of St. Andrew

Pictures from Annunciation to Theotokos - 03/24/14

Pictures from Annunciation to Theotokos

Sunday of Orthodoxy in Manville - 03/09/14

Sunday of Orthodoxy in Manville Procession from St. George's Orthodox Church to Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church to Holy Ghost Church 

Pictures from Pre-Sanctified Liturgy - 03/07/14

Pictures from Pre-Sanctified Liturgy with Blessing of boiled wheat.  

Pictures from Cheesefare and Forgiveness Sunday - 03/02/14

Pictures from Cheesefare and Forgiveness Sunday

Pictures from Meatfare Sunday - 02/23/14

Pictures from Meatfare Sunday 

Picture from Feast day of Meeting of our Lord in the Temple and Scout Sunday - 02/02/14

Picture from Feast day of Meeting of our Lord in the Temple and Scout Sunday

Saints Peter and Paul Yolka 2014 - 01/12/14

Saints Peter and Paul Yolka 2014

Pictures from Blessing of Water and for the feast of Theophany - 01/05/14

Pictures from Blessing of Water and for the feast of Theophany

Pictures from the Divine Liturgy celebrating the Circumcision of Our Lord - 01/01/14

Pictures from the Divine Liturgy celebrating the Circumcision of Our Lord

Pictures from Vespers with St Basil's bread - 12/31/13

Pictures from Vespers with St Basil's bread

Pictures from Christmas Caroling at the Church Hall - 12/29/13

Pictures from Christmas Caroling at the Church Hall

Pictures from the Nativity of our Lord - 12/24/13

Pictures from Vigil and Divine Liturgy services of the Nativity of our Lord. 

Pictures from the Eve of Nativity - 12/24/13

Pictures from the Royal Hours held for the Eve of the Nativity. 

Pictures from Entrance of Iwonna into Holy Orthodoxy - 12/08/13

Many Blessed Years to Iwonna on her Entrance into Holy Orthodoxy

Cookie Walk 2013 - 12/08/13

Pictures from the Cookie Walk held in the church hall.

Pictures from St Nicholas feast day 2013 - 12/06/13

Photos from Divine Liturgy on St Nicholas feast day


Our Annual Christmas Cookie Walk  is Sunday, Dec. 8th at 11:45a.m. in the Lower Hall of the Social Building, 605 Washington Avenue, Manville.  A large selection of your favorite cookies will be on sale.,  They sell out fast. Don't be late.

Pictures from Entrance of Most Holy Theotokos Feast Day 2013 - 11/21/13

Pictures from Divine Liturgy of Enterance of the Most Holy Theotokos Feast Day.

Study Class: The Guarding of the Mind and the Heart - 10/30/13

A four-part class on prayer with the mind and the heart. The teachings of St. Nicodemus of Mt. Athos (+1794); from Chapter 10 of "A Handbook of Spiritual Counsel".

Youth pumpkin picking outing - 10/19/13

Pictures from the Saints Peter and Paul youth pumpkin picking outing at Norz Hill farm.

Study Class - Oct. 23rd, 7-8:30p.m. "The Secret of Salvation" - 10/17/13

"The Secret of Salvation."  How is it that I as a Christian can say that "I was saved," "I am saved," "I am being saved," and "I will be saved." Why is each assertion true and what does it imply for myself now and in the past and in the future?  All are invited! The Class is held in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.

Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church 98th Anniversary Open House and International Food Festival - 10/13/13

Thank you for joining us for our 98th Anniversary Open house and International Food Festival. Here are the Photos from our Akathist service, Annointing with Holy Oil(for well-being, peace, healing and all other needs), Childrens Choir, International Food Festival Church Tours and Iconography.

A Study Class: "The Spirits of the Departed" Oct. 16th, 7-8:30p.m. Conference Room in Lower Hall - 10/08/13

What is the Orthodox Christian Understanding of the State of the Souls Departed?  What is our Realtionship with them? Come and join us as we examine this questions:  Jesus and the Dead.  The Departed Saints. We and the Souls. Talking About Souls. Are We Afraid of Evil Spirits. 

Public is invited!


98th Anniversary Open House and International Food Festival - 09/27/13

Join us as we celebrate 98 years of Orthodox Christianity in Manville, New Jersey!  All are welcome!  Sunday, October 13, 2013

98th Anniversary Open House and International Food Festival - 09/19/13

Pictures from Elevation of the Cross - 09/14/13

Pictures from Elevation of the Cross

Church Picnic 2013 - 08/25/13

Photos from the Church Picnic

An Invitation To Join Us On Facebook - Friends of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church - 08/24/13

Our Recent Postings Include:

  • A Christian Must Not Be Fanatical by Elder Paisios
  • What Elder Germanos Said About Sexual Sins
  • A Crisis of Faith In Egypt
  • The Village of St. Cosmas Aitolos in Albania
  • The Forgiveness of St. Dionysius of Zakynthos
  • Monasteries of Greece On Line
  • St. Nectarios of Aegina In Where To Find God
  • Liturgical Gestures Used  In The Orthodox Church
  • Links Between Constantinople and San Francisco
  • The Darkened Mind and Hardened Heart By St. Nikolai of Zicha

Join us!

Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Zachary Sokol - 07/28/13

Today Zachary Sokol was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout at our St. George Gazebo.

Blessing of Golden Apples - 07/28/13

Today Golden Apples were blessed in front of the Icon of St. Irene of Chrysovolantou

Blessing of things Mobile - 07/21/13

Photos from the Blessing of things Mobile.

Photos from Saint Tikhons Summer Camp - 07/15/13

Photos of the Youth of Saints Peter and Paul Parish at Saint Tikhon's Summer Camp held on July 9th to July 15th.


"The Blessing of Things That Are Mobile"will take place Sunday, July 21st at 11:00a.m. in the church parking lot. As is our  custom, autos, motorcycles, bikes, skate-boards, skis, wagons, and other "mobile" things used for transporation and recreation are blessed. The prayer and blessing is provided for wise use of mobile things, for protection from accidents and for the fulfillment of the good purpose for which the instruments are used for.  You may bring all these bless-able mobile transport means to the church parking lot.  Hot Air Ballons?  Please call Father James to make special arrangements.

MOVIE: "AKEELAH AND THE BEE" - JULY 16, TUESDAY, 7:00P.M. - 07/04/13

"Akeelah and the Bee" is our featured July Film Presentation. It will view in the Conference Room at 7:00p.m. in the Lower Social Hall at 605 Washington Avenue. The film is Open to the Public. You are invited!

This 112 minute film is the  story of an 11 year old precocious girl from south Los Angeles with a gift for words. Despite hte objections of her mother Tanya, Akeelah enters various spelling contests, for which she is tutored by the forthright Dr. Larabell, her principal, Mr. Welch and the proud residents of her neighborhood.  Akellah's aptitude earns her the opportunity to compete in the Scripps National Spelling Bee and in turn unites her neighborhhod who witness the courage and inspiration of one amazing girl.

Saints Peter and Paul Feast day - 06/29/13

Photos from Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Special guest Archpriest Gary Breton from Orthodox Christian Church of the Annunciation in Brick, NJ.

Cemetery memorial Service with Dedication of Tree Planting in Memory of Jerry Yadlowsky - 06/23/13

Photos from the Cemetery memorial Service with Dedication of Tree Planting in Memory of Jerry Yadlowsky

Pentecost and the Prayers for Kneeling - 06/23/13

Pentecost and the Prayers for Kneeling


You are invited to join us for an evening (two features, total of 55 minutes) on Thursday, June 20th in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall. Our first feature is The William Tyndale Story. This film presents the life anf activities of a "hunted fugitive" in England in the year 1536. At that time it was outlawed by both the church and King Henry VIII to read, write or speak the Sacred Sciptures in the English language. William's crime is translating the Bible in English for the common people.  Tyndales Bible was the basis for the King James Version printed in 1611.

The second feature is The Ancient Faith. This film looks at the historical Church in the time of the Apostles and the events that led to the Great Schism, the Protestand Reformation and the survival and expansion of the Orthodox Church over the past two-thousand years. Yes,
 2,000 years condensed into 22 minutes.

55 Minutes of education and inspiration. Please join us!

Father's day visit with Bishop Michael - 06/16/13

Bishop Michael celebrating liturgy on 7th Sunday of Pascha (Fathers Day)
Rebecca Oliver and Andrew Keller recognition for college / high school graduation 
Nicholas Mattei receiving his Chi Rho Orthodox Scouting Award from Bishop Michael
Father Joseph Frawley who celebrated 35 years in the priesthood.

June 23rd, General Memorial Service at Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery 4:00p.m. - 06/10/13

On Pentecost Sunday, June 23rd, a General Memorial Service will be held at the Cemetery 1166 Millstown River Road, Hillsborough. At this service, each grave will have a prayer said over it.  In addition, a dedication and blessing of newly-planted trees will take place in honor of Jerry Yadlowsky, a generous benefactor to the cemetery, who reposed this year.  The entire service will be about 45 minutes. Grant eternal rest O Lord to those burried and awaiting the General Resurrection!

Visitation of Bishop Michael - June 15 & 16 - 06/10/13

On the weeked of June 15 and 16, Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey will visit our parish.  The schedule is the following:  Saturday, June 15th, Vigil at 5:30p.m. with Bishop Michael; Sunday, June 16th, 9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy with Bishop Michael, followed by a Father's Day Breakfast at our Parish Center.  All are invited!

Photos from Bright Monday procession - 05/06/13

Photos from Bright Monday procession 

Photos from Pascha 2013 - 05/05/13

PASCHA OF THE LORD 2013 - MAY 5 - 05/04/13


Greeting all of you - parishioners and families, friends of the parish, former parishioners, and visitors to our website - with the paschal expression of joy, peace and love in our Lord Jesus Christ!

May this Holy Feast of "the Passover of the Lord," and the accompanying 40 Days of the Paschal Season fill you with all the rich blessings of our Crucified and Risen Jesus Christ!

Father James and Parishioners of Ss. Peter & Paul Church, Manville, NJ

Movie: May 21,Tuesday, 7:00p.m. "Suing the Devil" - 04/28/13

This film (97 minutes) is the story of a certain Luke O' Brien, a washed up salesman turned night law student. He decides to sue the devil for 8 trillion dollars.  On the last day before Luke files a default judgment, Satan appears to defend himself. On Satan's legal team are 10 of the country's best trial lwayers.  The entire world watches om Legal TV to see who will win the Trial of the Century.

The "Dove Family - Approved" gave this film five doves, the highest rating. It is recommended for ages 12 plus.  This movie offers hope and inspiration.  Every Christian should see this as should anyone who has ever faced the storms of life, which covers everyone.

The public are invited. There is no cost. Please join us!  The film is shown in the  Conference Room in the Lower Hall at 605 Washington Avenue, Manville. 

Memorial Service at Cemetery - Monday, May 13th at 6:30p.m. - 04/28/13

On Monday, May 13th at 6:30p.m. a General Paschal Memorial Service will be held at the Parish Cemetery, 1166 Millstone River Road in Hillsborough.  The service will be of a half-hour duration. It has been the custom since at least the 4th century, for Orthodox Christians to go to the cemeteries to greet the departed in the week following the Lord's Resurrection with the expression of Christian joy -  "Christ is Risen!  Indeed He is Risen!"

(In case of rain, the service will be held on Tueday, May 14th at 6:30p.m.. If necessary, and it rains this day as well, the service will be held in the church  605 Washington Ave., Manville at 7:00p.m., on Tuesday).

[Updated] - Photos from Palm Sunday and Blessing of Outside icon of Saints Peter and Paul - 04/28/13

Photos from Palm Sunday and Blessing of Outside icon of Saints Peter and Paul

Added 40 more photos from Palm Sunday

Photos from Deanery Vespers in Manville with Bishop Michael - 04/14/13

Photos from Deanery Vespers in Manville with Bishop Michael

April 14th - Deanery Vespers in Manville with Bishop Michael - 04/11/13

On Sunday, April 14th, the clergy and faithful of the NJ Deanery will gather with Bishop Michael, here at Ss. Peter & Paul Church for the celebration of Lenten Vespers at 4:00p.m.  After the Vespers, a light Lenten Meal will be held in the Parish Center.  All are invited!

Sunday of Orthodoxy celebration - 03/24/13

Visit of  Father Peter and parishioners of  St. Grigol Khanzteli, the Georgian church in Manville

Photos from March 2013 Blood drive - 03/23/13

Photos from March 2013 Blood drive

BLOOD DRIVE - MARCH 16 SATURDAY 10:00A.M. - 3:00P.M. - 03/06/13

A Blood Drive will be held at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish Center (lower level) on Saturday. March 16th from 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. The Amercian Red Cross tells us that "The Need is Constant. The Gratification is Instant. Give Blood."  For more information call 732-545-5642 or 1-800-GIVE-LIFE.


Scout Sunday and St. Nicholas of Japan - 02/03/13

Pictures of our Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of Saints Peter and Paul and Names day of Nicholas Torrisi

Visit from Father Paul Shafran and Icon of St. Nina - 01/27/13

Photos from Liturgy with Father Paul Shafran and Icon of St. Nina

Photos from the Yolka - 01/13/13

Pictures from Theophany - 01/06/13

Photos from Nativity - 12/25/12


Extending to all parishioners and friends of the parish and their families - the joy of the Feast of the Nativity According to the Flesh, of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ!

May these festal days be blessed and be a source of grace, beauty, brightness and growth in the Image of Christ Himself. With my prayers and love in the Lord.

Father James

Photos from the 2012 Cookie Walk - 12/16/12

Photos from December 16, 2012 Cookie walk held in the lower parish hall.

Christmas Cookie Walk - Sun., Dec. 16th at 11:30a.m. - 12/04/12

Our annual Christmas Cookie Walk will take place at 11:30a.m.  sharp!

Arrive on time to choose your own wonderful selection of home-baked cokkies from around the world. Cookies sell out quickly, so don't be late!

The sale will take place in the Lower Parish Hall at 605 Washington Avenue, Manville.

"The Spirit of Orthodoxy" Choir - 11/11/12

On Sunday, November 11th. The Choir presented a concert on liturgical music in the Church followed by a reception in the parish hall.

November Film - Sun., Nov. 25th at 11:45a.m. - 11/08/12

"Beware of Christians" is our November Cinema Presentation.  The showing is at 11:45a.m. is in the Lower Hall, there is no charge and it is open to the public. This 93 minute film is about 4 college students who leave their Christian routine lives in the USA in a quest to find what it means to be a follower of the Lord.

Alex, Matt, Michael and Will have grown up as Bible-believing Christians who did all the right things.  As they have grown older, they have realized the Christ in the Bible does not exactly look like the healthy, wealthy Amercian Jesus they have been trained to know and serve.  In search of a deeper meaning and truth, the four spend a summer in travel across Europe.

Their journey, often a comedy of errors, includes a lost passport, an encounter with an Austrian pop star, a surprise discovery at a nude beach, and a romantic postcard entanglement.  More importantly, the young men capture real, honest discussions about what it means to be a Christian.

St. Katherine Day - Nov. 24th, Sat - Special Program - 11/08/12

On this day, we will have here at our church, a nun from the Convent of St. Elizabeth in Belarus, Russia. The sister will be give a presentation (half-hour video) on the history and service of their community.  The sisters care for children without parental support as well as patients suffering from alcholic and drug abuse at a near by psychiatric hospital.

A table will be arranged to offer products made at the convent: vestments, embroideries, crosses, prayer ropes, other religious articles and music cd's.  These products support the charitable work of the sisters and make wonderful gifts.

Please join us for this special morning:
9:30a.m    Akathist to St. Katherine the Great-Martyr and anointing with oil from her tomb.
10:15a.m. Coffee and refreshments with half-hour video about the convent and ministry of the sisters
11:00a.m. Convent religious articles go on sale.

Spirit of Orthodoxy Concert - 10/12/12

Photos from Bishop Michael's visit Sept 29 &30th - 09/30/12

Photos from His Grace, Bishop Michael visit to our parish on Saturday, September 29th for the Vigil and Divine Liturgy. After the Divine Liturgy the blessing of the St. George Gazebo took place, followed by a festal meal in the lower hall.

MOVIE: "PRODIGAL" OCT. 14TH, SUNDAY AT 11:45A.M. - 09/21/12

"Prodigal,"  is our October film presentation. This 90 minute award winning film, is a powerful movie of hope. An 18 year old suddenly finds himself with an inheritance of $100,000. We find Levi Layton tired of his small town life and his workaholic father. Along with his girlfriend, Abigal, and friend Tyler, he finds new interests and embarks upon what he hopes to be a more fulfilling life. As often happens, a sudden event puts the young man at a crossroad he didn't expect or desire. Decision time now confronts the young man with some hard choices.



A three part study class on "Orthodox Worship" will be offered on Thursdays, Sept 27/Oct 4 and Oct. 18 in the Conference Room from 7-8:30p.m.  The classes are open to the public and there is no charge. Please join us!

The study will examine and discuss a presentation by Fr. George Metallinos, Dean of the Athens University School of Theology in Greece and noted theologian/author.

"Orthodox Worship"

Sept. 27: Chrisitan Worship, Liturgical Order and Historical Development and the
 Worshipping Community.

Oct. 04: "Churchifying" the media, Liturgical theology, the Liturgy.

Oct. 18:  The sanctification of the entire world, Worship and the Spiritual Life and the Liturgy after the Liturgy.



His Grace, Bishop Michael will visit our parish on Saturday, September 29th for the Vigil Service at 5:30p.m.  On Sunday, September 30th, His Grace will be greeted as he enters  the church at 9:10a.m. and celebrates the Divine Liturgy at 9:30a.m.  After the Divine Liturgy the blessing of the newly constructed St. George Gazebo will take place; followed by a festal meal in the lower hall with informal conversation with Bishop Michael. All are invited to join us for this festal celebration.

Movie: Sunday, Sept. 12th at 11:45a.m. - 08/28/12


Jeremiah the Prophet is the feature film for the month. It will be shown on Sunday, September 12th at 11:45a.m. in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.  All are invited, there is no charge. The film is of 96 minutes duration.

The film tells the story of the Prophet Jeremiah, who lived 700 years before the birth of Christ.  The Prophet abandons his family and the woman he loves in order to relay God's message in Jerusalem.  Jeremiah is persecuted and branded as a traitor for warning others of the destruction of the Holy City.  He continues fearlessly with his mission and experiences the City's destruction by the Babylonians.  St. Jeremiah is commemorated on May 1st and his prophecies are read during Great and Holy Week. A handout of select prophecies will be handed out at the film presentation. Come join us!

Icon of the Holy Napkin - 08/05/12

On the entrance wall into the nave of the church a new icon now adorns the upper hall.  This icon is that of the “Holy Napkin” the icon of our Saviour, “Not-Made-By-Hands.”  A full description of the icon may be found on the feast day calendar for August 16th. (See OCA  website: www.oca.org – calendar). The Icon was painted by our resident iconographer, Austin Kachek and is a memorial gift from the family, friends and parishioners of (+Mary Holovach, Oct. 18, 2009).  May her memory be eternal!

Photos from the Church Picnic 2012 - 07/22/12

Photos from the Church Picnic 

Blessing things that are mobile - 07/22/12

After the Divine Liturgy, a "blessing of things mobile" took place in the parking lot. Autos, bikes, baby strollers, and boogie boards were also blessed. It is normal for us to bless things that we use - for transportation and even recreation. The blessing is for their safe usage as well as a reminder that whatever we do, wherever we are at, be it work or play, we should do the will of the Lord and remember His Holy Name.

Photos from Saints Peter and Paul Feast day - 06/29/12

Photos from Our Parish Patronal Feast Day Celebrated Friday, June 29th.

2012 Annual Picnic - 06/21/12

Movie: "Ss. Peter & Paul" July 15th and 17th - 06/18/12

"Ss. Peter & Paul"

This is an epic film that brings ti life the precarious existence of early Christianity. The "new movement" is beset by violent opposition from without and constant turmoil from within. In this period of the Church, there are two key leaders, the Apostles Peter and Paul.who struggle to keep the Faith alive.  This dramatic presentation follows the pair, both together and separately, through three epochal decades.  Included are the stoning of the Proto-Martyr Stephen, the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus, their encounter in Jerusalem, their conflicts over how the word of the Christ should be spread, Paul's travels to Asia Minor and Greece, Peter and Paul's clashes over the Jewish law and Peter's decision to follow in Paul's courageous footsteps.  The drama concludes in Rome in approximately  A.D. 64 with the beheading of St. Paul and the crucifixion of St. Peter under Emperor Nero.
The film will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.
Sunday, July 15th at 11:45a.m. (Part 1 - 96 minutes)
Tuesday, July 17th at 7:00p.m. (Part 2 - 96 minutes)
All are invited!  Please join us!

Spring 2012 Graduates - 06/17/12

Our Parish Students graduating this spring from High School are the Following, Zachary Sokol, Nicholas Stone and Alexander Torrisi. 

Baptism of Kristabelle Ann Gorbatuk - 06/09/12


A Talk by Bishop Michael, June 14th, Thursday at 7:00p.m. - 06/01/12

On Thursday, June 14th at 7:00p.m., His Grace Bishop Michael of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey will deliver a talk entitled, "The Church As The Body Of Christ."

This presentation will be held in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall at 605 Washington Ave., Manville.  All are invited! light refreshments will be served.

Continued Spring 2012 Cemetery Work - 05/28/12

This past month of May, a power-washing of graves and fences at the cemetery took place. It is all part of the expanded project to maximize the beauty of our cemetery. Your support and response to our Annual May Mailing for “Cemetery Care” is much appreciated. Thank you for your offering, and if you have not received the special mailing, you may not be on our list. Please be so kind to send your address to Ss. Peter & Paul Church Cemetery, 605 Washington Avenue, Manville, New Jersey 08835

The Marriage of Peter Parsells and Heather Graver - 05/27/12

Photos from the Marriage of Peter Parsells and Heather Graver

Visit of Bishop Peter of Cleveland - 05/27/12

On Sunday, May 27th, His Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland, of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad served Hierarchial Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul church in Manville, nj

Movie: June 10th at 11:45a.m. - 05/22/12

the feature movie this month is  "The 12 Biggest Lies."  Every persons on the planet walks around with opinions based on what they think they know, and those opinions direct how all of us act and react.  But very few ever question the substance that forms those crucial opinions.

From the very nature of truth to how the world began; from morality to religion; from population control to political correctness; from Israel to Islam; from atheism to God...our entire world runs on what we believe.  Join us in examining at least "12 things" that may not make the measure of what is true.  All are invited!  The film is 90 minutes long and will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.

Memorial Service at Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery - June 3rd - 05/17/12

On Sunday, June 3rd at 4:00p.m. a General Memorial Service will be held at Ss. Peter and Paul Cemetery at 1166 Millstone River Road in Hillsborough.

Bishop Peter of Cleveland to Serve May 27th - 05/17/12

On Sunday, May 27th, His Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland, of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad will serve Hierarchial Divine Liturgy at 9:30a.m. We warmly welcome His Grace!  Join us in this celebration and the Coffee Hour to follow!

Spring 2012 Cemetery Work - 05/05/12

Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery in Hillsborough, NJ has undertaken a major work project this Spring of 2012. In a concerted effort to maintain and enhance the beauty of the cemetery, trimming, cutting, leveling of grounds, and planting has been done.  In the developed section of the cemetery, attention has been given to the 196 trees and 266 shrubs and plants that all have been established in the past 15 years.  Some 109 yards of mulch has been used.   

In the month of May an annual appeal is made for “Cemetery Care.”  This year, a great deal of work and expenditure has been done on the cemetery grounds.  We invite you to make a free will offering in memory of the departed and for the beautification of these holy grounds.  The Lord bless your offering!   

Offerings may be made to:  Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery, 605 Washington Ave., Manville, NJ 08835

Movie: May 20th at 11:45a.m. - 04/29/12

"The Mission"

A powerful epic about a man of the sword and a man of the cloth who unite to shield a South American Indian tribe from brutal subjugation by 18th century colonial empires.  This unforgettable, action-filled drama or faith vs. greed and wills vs. cultures stars Robert De Niro and Jeremy Irons.

After the 1492 publicity tour by an Italian sailor whose promotional skills were better than his sense of direction, the nations of Europe practically tripped over each other in their rush to carve out empires out of the newly-"discovered" continents of the Western Hemisphere.  In addition to the secular nations-states, the Catholic Church got in on the act as well.  Disputes over arbitrary boundary lines on inaccurate maps were common; after all, when people sitting comfortably at home in Europe are drawing the lines, there are bound to be inaccuracies.

If the lands of the New World were treated like just so many squares on a chessboard, the people of those lands fared even worse.  At best, they were an annoyance and an obstacle to be overcome, at worst, they became commodities over which the European  powers could haggle and bargain.

In the midst of these struggles were the missionaries, who saw themselves as the Indians' best friends,  but who in their own way forced tremendous change and upheaval in the native cultures.

The film is 125 minutes and will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.  There  is no admission free, and all are invited!

Adult Study Class - May 2nd, Wed. 7-8:30p.m. - 04/24/12

The Theological Significance of Christ's Descent Into Hades

In the Tomb with the body, in Hades with the soul and on the Throne with the Father, wast Thou, Thyself, O Christ filling all things with Thy Glory.  After the death of Christ on the Cross, our Lord went into Hades or Sheol "the region of the dead" to liberate the souls of the righteous who were held captive by Death.  What does the Church say about this invasion by Christ?  Who profited?  Who did not profit?  Does the Descent of Christ into Hades have any personal salvific importance for us?  What the Scriptures and Fathers teach us about this Great Event.
In the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.  All are invited!

Photos from Bright Monday - 04/16/12

Photos from Bright Monday

Film:" Sacrament of Penance" March 8th and 11th - 02/27/12

An educational film, "The Sacrament of Confession" will be shown on Thursday,  March 8th at 7:00p.m. and again on Sunday, March 11th at 11:45a.m.  This 45 minute film will be followed by a brief discussion on the content of the Film.  Why was Confession instituted by Our Lord?  How often ought one to make a Confession?  What is the connection between Repentance and Confession? How to prepare for Confession?  What are the consequences of not making a Confession?

While we may know what Confession is and make Confessions, this is an opportunity for us to clear up any misunderstandings we may have about this Holy Sacrament.

Blessing of Scouts - 02/05/12

Photo's from Blessing of the Scouts 

Winter Weather Alert - 12/29/11

A Winter Weather Alert  is issued by the parish if there is a change in the schedule of services or other events due to weather.  This alert is emailed to all those on the parish mailing  list. If you are not on the parish mailing list, you are invited to subscribe - simply go the the home page to "mailing list."  The parish website will also indicate under "announcements" changes in the schedule.  All such changes will be indicated at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled service or event.In inclement weather, please check the website or your email before setting out to the church.

The Blessing of Homes - Jan. 7th thru Feb. 17th - 12/29/11

The Blessing of Homes with the newly-blessed waters of the Feast of the Theophany of our Lord (Jan. 6th) takes place in  the month of January and February.  It is the custom of Orthodox Christians to have their homes blessed holy water and the prayers of the priest.

For more information, or to arrange a time to have your home blessed, please contact Father James (908-685-1452) or frjames@ssppoc.org.

Movie - Sun., Jan. 8th at 11:45a.m. "The Blind Side" - 12/29/11

"The Blind Side"  This 76 minute film depicts the true story of Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youngster from a broken home, taken in by the Touhys,  a well-to-do white family who helps him to fulfill his potential.  At the same time, Oher's presence in the Touhy's lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own.

Living in this new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome.  As a football player and student, Oher works hard with the help of his coaches and adopted family, becomes an All-American  offensive left tackle.

All are invited!  Conference Room in the Lower Hall.

Cookie Walk - 12/11/11

Photos from our Cookie Walk held on December 11, 2011

Adult Study Class - Thursday, December 8th - 11/26/11

"Teachings from the Liturgical Texts of the Feast of the Nativity of our Lord"

The feast of the Nativity of our Lord (Christmas) is offered to us for worship, study and indeed salvation!  The texts of the liturgical services, taken from the Old and New Testaments, and the poetry and writings of the saints of the church, provide us with a treasury of riches that inspire and educate us.  Spend some time with us this evening, as we examine some of the texts and prepare ourselves for the forth-coming feast of the Nativity of the Lord.  Time: 7-8:30p.m. in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.  All are invited! 

Movie "Bella" Sunday, Dec. 4th at 11:45a.m. - 11/26/11

The Movie "Bella" will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall of Sunday, December 4th at 11:45a.m. This 91 minute film is great for family viewing.  Synopsis: An international soccer star is on his way to sign a multi-million dollar contract when something happens that brings his career to an abrupt end.  A waitress, struggling to make it in New York City, discovers something  about herself that she is unprepared for.  in one irreversible moment, their lives are turned upside down...untill an impetuous action brings them together and turns as ordinary day into an unforgettable experience.  The movie is about characters that speak to us of confronting our past, and how the healing power of forgiveness helps us to embrace the future.
There is no charge.  The public are invited. 

CHRISTMAS COOKIE WALK - DEC. 11TH AT 11:30A.M. - 11/26/11

The Annual Parish Christmas Cookie Walk will take place on Sunday, December 11th at 11:30a.m. in the Lower Hall of the Parish Center at 605 Washington Avenue.  A very fine and varied selection of Christmas Cookies will be featured for your holiday celebration. We sell our fast, so be sure to come early.

Litugry of St. James - 10/23/11

Photo's From the Celebration of Litugry of St. James

The Liturgy of St. James, Brother of the Lord - Sunday, October 23rd - 10/20/11

With the blessing of our diocesan hierarch, Bishop Michael, the Liturgy of St. James will  be celebrated on Sunday, October 23rd (the feast of St. James) at 9:30a.m.  This Liturgy is said to have been composed by St. James the Brother of the Lord with additions being added by the Church in time.  The Liturgy is the basis for the later Liturgies of St. Basil the Great and St. John Chrysostom. The Liturgy of St. James is rarely celebrated and when it is, it is usually on the Feast of St. James.  St. James the Brother of the Lord was the first Bishop if Jerusalem and writer of the Epistle that bears his name.  He is one of the Seventy Apostles and ought not to be confused with St. James, the  Brother of St. John (April 30th) nor St. James the Son of Alphaeus (Oct. 9th). 

Prayers for Those in the Healing Ministries - Sunday, Nov. 6th - 10/20/11

On Sunday, November 6th, the Feast of the Synaxis of the Holy Unmercenary Healers, special prayers will be offered at the Divine Liturgy for those who minister in the medical field and related healing disciplines.

Movie: "The Climb" Nov. 6th, Sun. at 11:45a.m. - 10/20/11

"The Climb"

This Movie Presentation will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall on Sunday, November 6th at 11:45a.m.   All are invited!  There is no charge.
The movie (101 minutes) is the story of two mountain climbers in the Chilean Andes. One of the climbers is a believer and the other a non-believer.  Their climb in the mountains escalates into a test of wills, character and sacrifice that pushes both men beyond limits.

"A story of courage and sacrifice...The film aims high and succeeds"   -  EP News

"Exciting, inspiring and entertaining"  - The Movie Reporter

Choir Appreciation - 10/16/11

Photo's held for Choir Appreciation

Baptism of Heather Maria Graver - 10/01/11

Movie: "The Magic Never Ends: The Life and Works of C.S. Lewis" Sun. Oct. 9th at 11:45a.m. & Tues. Oct. 11th at 7:00p.m. - 09/26/11

"The Magic Never Ends: The Life and Work of C.S. Lewis"

One of the greatest Christian writers of the 20th century, C.S. Lewis remains today among the most popular and commercially successful writers.  Lewis' numerous books, including his children's books, remain internationally popular. His series, "The Chronicles  of Narnia," was the most popular children's book of the 20th century.  This is the first documentary ever produced in America on this best selling author.  It is narrated by Academy Award winning actor, Sir Ben Kingsley.The musical score was composed by acclaimed musician David Barrett, of One Shining Moment fame.  The 85 minute documentary received two Emmy nominations in music and winning for Best Musical Score.

The documentary spans Lewis' life from his early days in Northern Ireland, through his acclaimed academic career at Britain's prestigious Oxford University, to his life changing friendship with J.R.R. Tolkien, and the legendary love between Lewis and his wife, Joy.

Stone Project - 09/24/11

Special thanks go out to all that helped out with this project.

Movie Presentation - Sept. 18th and 20th - 09/06/11

"Affectionately Yours, Screwtape: The Devil and C.S. Lewis" is the title of this month's feature film.  This 52 minute film  will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall on Sunday, Sept. 18th at 11:45a.m. and again on Tuesday, Sept. 20th at 7:00p.m.  The film is free and the public are warmly invited.
Did God give each person free will?
Who is Satan?
Can good truly overcome evil?
Consider these questions and more as we journey into the mind of C.S.Lewis in this introductory review of one of the great Christian literary works of the 20th century.  The Screwtape Letters, a thin volume of imaginative letters between two devils, has given readers insight into conquering everyday spiritual struggles.  Join us as we explore the biblical, historical and cultural depictions of Satan and hell and gain a deeper understanding of the nature of temptation and redemption.

Orthodox Youth Day at Great Adventure - 08/18/11

Orthodox Youth day 

Talk with Bp. Michael - Thursday, Sept. 22nd - 08/11/11

Annual Picnic - Sunday, August 21st - 07/24/11

Movie Presentation - August 7th and 9th - 07/24/11

"Rediscovering God in America"
This featured August Month Presentation will be shown on Sunday, Aug. 7th at 11:45a.m.
Tuesday, Aug. 9th at 7:00p.m.

The showings take place in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall and are open to the public, there is no charge and everyone is warmly invited!

The film is a trip through Washington, DC, stopping at the monuments and archives that highlights the influence of Christianity on American historical development.  Using the Capital to illustrate how American leadership has had a direct relationship to its Christian beliefs, the host - former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, argues that Christianity should continue to influence American values, morals and policy. 

Blessing of Automobiles and things that move - 07/24/11

Pictures of Blessing of Automobiles and things that move

Funeral of Atopere Filippini - 07/04/11

On July 9th, Atopere  Filippini, fell-asleep in the Lord.
The Funeral arrangements are the following:

Tues., July 12th: 2-4p.m,. and 7-9p.m. Viewing at Fucillo & Warren Funeral Home at 101 So. Main St., Maniville.  A Panikheda Service will be served at 7:30p.m.
Wed., July 13th: 10:00a.m. Prayer at the Funeral Home. 10:30a.m.Funeral Service at Ss. Peter & Paul Church with burial to follow at the parish cemetery. May his memory be eternal!

The Annual Blessing of Autos - Sunday, July 24 at 11:15a.m. - 06/29/11

The Blessing of Autos, Bikes, Scooters, Motorcycles, Wagons, Skate-Boards, Skis and other modes of transportation and recreational use

On Sunday, July 24th at 11:15a.m. after the Divine Liturgy the blessing of - all of the above - will take place in the church parking lot and along So. 6th Avenue.  In this blessing we ask for protection and safety from the Lord as we "move about."
In case of rain - the blessing will take place the next week, Sunday, July 31st.

Thurs. Aug 11/18/25 "Lemonade & Informal Conversations" - 06/29/11

Lemonade and Informal Conversations

On Thursday evenings, Aug 11/18/25  between 7-8p.m. at the parish rectory - 605 Washington Ave., Manville - the opportunity is presented for a nice cold Lemonade and Informal Conversations about "anything under the sun."  This strictly a one hour gathering allows for sharing, simply listening, asking, and commenting on a wide variety of subjects of a spiritual and moral nature. These evenings are for parishioners and anyone else interested in a cold drink and perhaps some spiritual edification.  Come!  Ring the front door bell! All are welcome!

Movie: "Alexander Solzhenitsyn" Sun/July 3 & Tues/July 5 - 06/29/11

Great Souls: Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Hailed as the greatest Russian writer of the 20th century, Alexander Solzhenitsyn went from avowed Communist to Gulag prisoner and outspoken advocate for the destruction of the Soviet empire.  His writings exploded the myth of the Communist ideology and set the stage for the collapse of the Soviet Union.  This hour long DVD filmed on location across Russia, features Solzhenitsyn's dramatic journey. With leading historians, friends and observers, the program follows the writer's life journey across the turbulent years of the Soviet experiment, and examines his spiritual odyssey that made him a champion of the truth.

The film will be presented in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall on Sunday, July 3rd at 11:45 a.m. and again on Tuesday, July 5th at 7:00p.m.  There is no charge and the public is invited.

Saints Peter and Paul Feast day - 06/29/11

Our Parish Patronal Feast Day Celebrated Wednesday, June 29th.

Spring 2011 Graduates - 06/19/11


Memorial Service at Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery - June 12th, Sunday 4:00p.m. - 06/08/11

The annual Pentecost Feast Day General Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, June 12th at 4:00p.m. at our Parish Cemetery at 1166 Millstone River Road, Hillsborough.

Movie Presentation: "Glory to God Alone: The Life of Johann Sebastian Bach" June 19 and 21 - 06/08/11

On June 19th, Sunday at 11:45a.m. and again on Tuesday, June 21st at 7:00p.m. a film presentation on The Life of Johann Sebastian Bach will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall of the Social Building.  The deeply religious nature of his life and music is presented to us. The Orthodox Bishop, Metropolitan Hilarion of the Russian Orthodox Church has said that  "Bach is a universal Christian phenomenon.  His music transcends confessional boundaries; it is ecumenical in the original sense of the word, for it belongs to the world as a whole and to each citizen separately."

The film  is 30 minutes long. The public is invited. There is no charge.

Adult Study Class -" A Theology of Dreams" June 15 - 06/08/11

On June 15th, Wednesday the Adult Study Class - from 7-8:30p.m. will examine the nature of Dreams, from the understanding of the Saints and Fathers of the Church. 
What is the nature of dreams?
The  kinds of dreams we have.
Dreams and Visions
How to react to our dreams

The class is open to the public.  It will be held in the Lower Hall of the Social Building at 605 Washington Ave.

Visit of Bishop Michael - 06/05/11

Visit of Bishop Michael 

Pictures of Hierarchical Divine Liturgy and Tonsure to the Order of Reader and Subdeacon Henry Hando

The Spirit of Orthodoxy Concert and Reception - 05/22/11

Was a Wonderful event! There were 125 people in attendance and a free-will offering was donated for relief work in Japan. 



We the Parish Community of Ss. Peter & Paul Church in Manville, extend to all the blessings of the feast of the Bright Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ!

With our prayers, love and joy in the Risen Lord. Our Parish is Open to all and invites you to worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us!

May these 40 Days of Paschal Joy bring renewal and spiritual joy to all!

Fr. James and Parishioners


On Sunday, May 15th at 4:30p.m., the "Spirit of Orthodoxy" Choir will hold a concert in our church, followed by a festal reception of various ethnic foods in our parish hall.  The choir will focus on hymns of the Pascha (Easter) season and the presentation will use both word (music) and image (icons) to reveal the theology of Christ's Resurrection and Ascension.  All are invited!  A free will offering may be made for the relief of the Japanese Orthodox Church.  All proceeds to International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC). This is a wonderful opportunity to be exposed to the faith of Orthodox Christianity.  We hope you will join us!  For more information, call the parish rectory (908-685-1452) or email: frjames@ssppoc.org


A Film Presentation on Sunday, April 10th at 11:45a.m. in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall. Public invited!

This 2004 Crown Award Winner for Best Documentary (Gold) reveals the faith and spiritual legacies of Generals Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.
This 80 minute documentary places the Civil War in its historical and cultural context.  It guides the viewer through the causes and major battles of the War while providing insight into the lives of two stalwart men who fought for the South.  Both were masterful generals, brilliant  strategists and, above all, faithful Christians,  The faith of these  "Warriors of Honor" governed their lives on and off the battlefield, and their legacies continue even today.

Newly-Departed - Memory Eternal! - 02/23/11

Our prayers for the newly-departed and long time parishioners of Ss. Peter and Paul, (+21 Feb.) Ludmila Tjaden and (+22 Feb.) Michael Warin.
Funeral for Ludmila, Friday, Feb. 25 at 11:00a.m.
Funeral for Michael, Saturday, Feb. 26 at 11:00a.m.
Burial for both will be at our parish cemetery.
A 9th Day Memorial Service for both Ludmila and Michael will be held on Tuesday, March 1st at 7:000p.m.
Memory Eternal!

NJ Deanery Vespers Schedule - 02/21/11


Feb.2nd Services - WEATHER CHANGE - 02/01/11

Due to the ice conditions, there will be no Divine Liturgy this morning on February 2nd.
The 7:00p.m. Service to St. Nicholas of Japan will be held.

Movie: A Pligrim's Way - A Search in Sacred Romania - 01/12/11

A Pilgrim's Way - A Search in Sacred Romania
A film by Mironel de Wilde. 73 Minutes.

"On a journey in search of faith and the truth of my heart, I go on a pilgrimage from Canada to Romania, Eastern Europe, to visit the world of Orthodox Christianity, to ask questions about the roots of our religious and philosophical heritage and find out if Christianity still has a living  spiritual dimension.
The journey takes me to Bucharest to meet people with spiritual insights into the meaning of Christ' teachings.  I go to Putna Monastery, near the Ukrainian border for immersion into monastic life, then on to visit some of the greatest elders  of the church and I hear first hand where the Christian path can lead me."
Sunday, Feb. 6 at 11:45a.m.
Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 7:00p.m.
Conference Room in the Lower Hall.
Open to the Public.  All are invited!

The Blessing of Homes - 12/25/10

With the Feast of the Holy Theophany - January 6th, the annual custom of blessing of homes begins.  In 2011, the home blessing season will be from January 7th thru February 12th. Those wishing to have their homes blessed should make arrangements with Father James (in person,  or by phone or email) for a particular day and time.

Movie: "Faith Like Potatoes" - 12/23/10

Faith Like Potatoes: The Story of a Farmer Who Risked Everything for God

This award winning Christian film of 116 minutes has proven to captivate audiences both in Africa and America.  Based on the true life of a South African Farmer, Angus Buchan, it is set in the turbulent hills of the KZN Midlands.  Angus' manic quest for material success is slowly transformed into a wild love for God and people, as he wrestles with faith, hope, natural disasters and tragic personal loss.
This film presentation is open to the public and there is no charge.
Sunday.   Jan. 9th at 11:45a.m.
Tuesday, Jan. 11th at   7:00p.m.
The Film is shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall of the Parish Educational Building, 605 Washington Avenue, Manville.

Movie: "The Story of Jacob & Joseph" Dec. 12th & 14th - 11/23/10

This Old Testament Story is of two brothers who turn against one another our of selfish greed.  Collen Dewhurst stars as Rebecca, who gives birth to twin sons, Esau and Jacob.
Though Esau is the first born and entitled to his family fortune, Jacob is Rebecca's favorite.  Through a cunning and devious scheme, Rebecca helps steal Esau's birth right from his aged father, Issac.  The deception tears the family apart for 20 years, but just as reconciliation brings Jacob  and Esau together, a new generation of envy is born.
Jacob's sons, who envy their brother Joseph, sell him as a slave to a passing caravan.  Joseph is taken in chains to Egypt, but he astonishes all with his talents and becomes the Pharaoh's chief advisor  But Joseph cannot forget his family, and his forgiveness of their cruelty is a lesson in morality  that will live forever.

Sunday,  Dec.   12th at 11:45a.m.
Tuesday, Dec. 1 4th at   7:00p.m.
Conference Room in Lower Hall.  Free Admission!  All are invited!

Pictures from the visit of Bishop Michael - 11/22/10

Pictures from Bishop Michael's first visit to our parish on the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. More pictures to come in the future. 

Vigil Service with Bishop Michael - 11/20/10

Bishop Michael's Visit during vigil service on the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple

Reception and Conversations with Bishop Michael in the Conference Room with Soup and Refreshments

Christmas Cookie Walk Dec. 19 - 11/14/10

The annual Christmas Cookie Walk will be held on Sunday, Dec. 19th at 11:00a.m. in the Lower Hall of SS. Peter & Paul Church, 605 Washington Ave. A very fine selection of delicious homemade cookies will be available.

Annual Blessing For Those in the Healing Ministries - 11/07/10


Movie: "Constantine and the Cross - 11/02/10

This classic film depicting the early life of St. Constantine the Great, will be shown on
Sunday, Nov. 14th at 11:45a.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 16th at 7:00p.m.
All are invited! There is no charge. The film will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Church Hall. The film is 2 hours.

For a synopsis of the film, please see page three of the posted on line Sunday Bulletin of November 7th.

Visit of Metropolitan Dimitri of Georgia - 10/26/10

On Oct. 26th, Metropolitan Dimitri of Batumi and Lazeti Diocese of the Church of Georgia, and Communities of the USA and Canada, celebrated a Molieben to the Mother of God, together with visiting priests and a very large number of faithful Georgian Orthodox Christians.  His Eminence spoke to the people about matters of the Faith.  All were anointed with blessed oil from the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. After the service a wonderful reception was held in the parish hall.

Visit of Bishop Michael - 10/05/10

Bishop Michael will make his first visit to our parish on the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple - Nov. 20th and 21st.

Nov. 20th, Sat.
4:30p.m. to 5:30p.m. Informal Reception and Conversations with Bishop Michael in the Conference Room with Soup and Refreshments.
5:30p.m. Vigil Service and Confessions.

Nov. 21st, Sun.
9:00a.m. Entrance of Bishop Michael into the Church and reading of the Hours
9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy
11:15a.m. Festal Lenten Luncheon in the Lower Hall

All parishioners, former parishioners, friends of the parish and visitors are invited!

Blessing of things that are mobile - 09/19/10


St. Tikhon's Pilgrimage - 09/18/10

On September 18th, our parish sponsored a bus trip for a one day pilgrimage to the Monastery of St. Tikhon, in South Canaan, Pa.  The monastery is over a hundred years old and six of the twelve cannonized saints of America have had an association with the monastery. We were blessed to visit this holy monastery and venerate the many relics of the saints.  The day was spent in prayer, fellowship, visits to the bookstore and museum, the cemetery, and the various shrines on the grounds. We are appreciative that Bishop Tikhon broke bread with us at the luncheon and spoke with us about the nature of the monastic life.  The Abbot, St. Sergius, also gave us a warm welcome and Monk Nicodemus provided us with a tour of the Monastery and conversed with us about spiritual persons associated with the history of the monastery.  We returned home with a sense of spiritual joy and strength.  Glory to God!

Movie: "Molokai - The Story of Fr. Damien" - 09/11/10

This film presentation is the story of Fr. Damien, a Catholic priest who ministered to the outcast lepers on the isle of Molokai in the Hawaiian Islands from 1872 to his repose from the dread disease of leprosy in 1889. On a barren island in miserable surroundings, abandoned by the outside world, Fr. Damien labors selflessly and earns the trust of his flock. Little by little, he is able to secure for the well-being of his colony. In his final sickness - from leprosy that he contracted - Fr. Damien remains energetic and devoted.  In October 2009, Fr. Damien was canonized a saint of the Roman Catholic Church.

The film received the 2002 Crown Award Winner for Best Drama (Bronze) and the 2002 Crown Award Winner for Best Picture (Bronze). Starring in the film are David Wenham, Sam Neill, Kris Kristofferson and Peter O'Toole.
The film is 112 minutes duration.

The film will be presented in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall on Sunday, Oct. 10th at 11:45a.m. and again on Tuesday, Oct. 12th at 7:30p.m. 
All are invited to these free film presentations! Please join us!

Movie: On the Trail of Christianity in Turkey - 08/17/10

Journey of Faith traces the rich heritage of Christianity through the ages in Asia Minor (present day Turkey). Travel to 14 biblical locations with animated maps to place vents in context.  Over 50 related works of art from the world's finest museums are used as Journey of Faith takes you on the trail of Christianity's roots in Turkey, from the time of the Apostles to the Crusaders. (60 minutes)

Sept. 12th, Sun. at 11:45a.m.
Sept. 15th, Wed. at 7:00p.m.
Presentations are in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.  There is no charge.  Public Invited.

Parish Picnic: Part Two - Sept. 5th - 08/10/10

Part Two of the Parish Picnic will be held Sunday, Sept. 5th at 2:00p.m. at the Village Swim Club in East Brunswick.  All are invited! Parishioners, former parishioners, friends of the parish and extended family members.  Please bring your own drinks, side dish, towel, etc. If you are planning to attend, please let Daniel Torrisi know by Wednesday evening, Sept. 1st   (732-545-5642).

Bus Trip to St. Tikhon's - 07/28/10



On July 9th, Tatiana, reposed in the Lord. Memory Eternal!
On July 12th, at 11:00a.m. the Funeral Service will be held in church, followed by burial in the parish cemetery,

A viewing will be held July 12th, from 8-10a.m. at Fucillo & Warren Funeral Home on S. Main St., Manville.

Georgian Festal Gathering - 07/08/10

On Thursday, July 8th, the Georgian Community welcomed visiting Archbishop Anton of Vani and the Bagdadi Diocese of the Patriarchate of Georgia  at Ss. Peter & Paul Church.  Along with Father Peter of St. George Church in Philadelphia, a Molieben Service to the Mother of God was served.  Archbishop Anton gave a homily and anointed the people with blessed oil from the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. On behalf of the parish Community of Ss. Peter & Paul, Archpriest James Parsells welcomed Archbishop Anton and  presented to him  an icon of All the Saints of Alaska and an icon of St. Tikhon, Enlightener of North America to Father Peter.  A lenten festal meal was held in the parish center, with wonderful foods and even more wonderful fellowship and conversations.  Archbishop Anton again spoke to all those gathered as well as to individuals.  The festivities lasted well into the night. A blessed event!

Saints Peter and Paul Day - 06/29/10

Our Parish Patronal Feast Day Celebrated Tuesday, June 29th.

MOVIE: JULY 11 & 13 - 06/16/10

The film, Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 20-28 will be shown on Sunday, July 11th at 11:45a.m. and again on Tuesday, July 13th at 7:30p.m. Both viewings are in the Conference Room in the lower hall.  The public is invited. There is no charge. 

These last chapters of the Acts of the Apostles are concerned with the missionary work of the Apostle Paul, his visit to Greece; his farewell address; his visit to Jerusalem and arrest and his trip to Rome.  The teaching and works of St. Paul are dramatically presented to us.


The Annual Picnic will be held at Village Swim Club in East Brunswick, starting at 2:00p.m.  The Picnic is open to all parishioners, former parishioners and friends of the parish and their families.  We do need to know how many are coming. A sign-up sheet is located on the vestibule stand in church or you may contact Dan or Maria Torrisi at 732-545-5642 or mdtorrisi@gmail.com

Cost is $10 a person and children under 10, free.  Please let us know is you are attending by Sunday, July 18th.

BLESSING OF AUTOS - JULY 18 - 06/13/10

On Sunday, July 18th, after the Divine Liturgy the Annual Blessing of Autos will take place in the church parking lot and along Washington Avenues and South Avenues.  The Rain Date, will be Sunday, July 25th.

SS. PETER & PAUL DAY - JUNE 29 - 06/06/10

Our Parish Patronal Feast Day is Tuesday, June 29th. We extend a warm invitation to all of you to join us in celebration of the holy saints.
Monday,  June 28th - 7:00pm. Vigil; Confessions
Tuesday, June 29th - 9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy & Procession, followed by festal meal in the Lower Hall.

MOVIE: Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 10-20 - 06/01/10

On Sunday June 13th at 11:45a.m. and again on Tuesday, June 15th at 7:30p.m., the film, Acts of the Apostles, Chapters 10-20 will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall. The presentation is based solely on the text of the Books of the Acts, word for word.  In these chapters we will see the missionary expansion of the Church in Asia Minor, Syria and Greece.  The teachings of the Apostles as well as their deeds and miracles will inspire us.  The Public is invited!  Please join us! 

Spirit of Orthodoxy - 05/16/10

The "Spirit of Orthodoxy" Choir concert on May 16th held in our church, followed by a festal reception of various ethnic foods in our parish hall. 

Consecration of His Grace, Bishop Michael - 05/08/10

Photos taken by members of local parish from Manville of the consecration of His Grace, Bishop Michael on Saturday May 8th at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Jersey City.


As  is the custom, a General Memorial Service for all the Departed will be served at Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery on Pentecost Sunday, May 23rd at 4:00p.m.


On Sunday May 9th at 11:45a.m. and on Tuesday, May 11th at 7:30p.m., the first or a three part dramatic presentation of the Acts of the Apostles will be shown. This first segment - chapters 1 through 9 - cover the Ascension of our Lord; the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost; the Martyrdom of Stephen; the Mission work of Apostles Peter and John; as well as the Conversion of Saul to Paul. The actual words of the scriptures  - word for word - is narrated.  A powerful presentation !
The public are invited!  No cost. The film will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.

MOVIE PRESENTATION - APRIL 11 & 13 - 04/05/10

"The Journey of St. Paul"
On Sunday, April 11 at 12:00noon and again on Tuesday, April 13 at 7:30p.m. this one hour, one-act play on St. Paul will be presented. The film begins at the end of St. Paul's life, as he stands before Governor Festus and King Herod Agrippa.  Here, Paul gives an account of himself and his ministry. This powerful drama presentation is based on the Acts of the Apostles and the Epistles of St. Paul. The movie will be shown in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall and is open to all, there being no charge. 

3 ADULT STUDY CLASSES: APRIL 21, 28, MAY 5 - 04/04/10

On 3 consecutive Wednesday evenings - April 21, 28  and May 5 - the theme of "The Role of A Bishop," will be examined.  The study will focus on the New Testament teaching, the theology of the episcopacy and the rite of consecration of a bishop.  This study is preparatory in light of the consecration of Bishop-Elect Michael, as Bishop of New York and New Jersey that is planned for May 8th.
The classes are open to all and are held in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall on Wednesdays from 7-8:30p.m. Join us!

Deanery Vespers - 03/21/10

Photo report.

MOVIE: "RETURN OF THE ICON" MAR. 14 & MAR. 16 - 03/01/10

"The Return of the Icon"
In the Summer of 2004, the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God - one of several attributed to the hand of the Apostle Luke - was returned to Russia after 60 years in he USA. The film explores the history of the icon throughout the centuries and how it came to the USA.  The miraculous deliverance of the holy icon from both the Nazis and Communists is high-lighted. Especially impressive is the "home-coming" of the Tikhvin Icon to her monastery east of St. Petersburg.
Mar. 14, Sun at 12:00p.m.
Mar. 16, Tues, at 7:30p.m.
The Public is invited. Conference Room in Lower Church Hall.

WEATHER CHANGES - FRI. & SAT. - 02/16/10

Due to the snow storm:
Friday evening - no service
Saturday morning - 9:30a.m. Akathist to St. Raphael;
Saturday evening - 5:30p.m. Vespers & Compline;
Sunday morning - usual schedule




On January 7th, at 6:30p.m., Father Alexander will celebrate a service in the Georgian language on the feast of the Nativity of the Lord (Old Calendar Christmas). All are invited!



DEC.  20, SUN.  9:10a.m. Hours
                              9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy
                              5:30p.m. Compline & Confessions

Please note that while services may be held, this does not mean that you should necessarily be here. Use your discretion before setting out.

ST. NICHOLAS DAY 2009 - 12/06/09

Feast of St. Nicholas, 2009, at Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church.


This series of films will be shown in the Conference Room in the lower hall of our Parish Center.  The series is open to the public and there is no charge.  All are invited!

"Bridge to the East"
Jan. 10th, Sun at 12:00p.m. & Jan. 12th, Tues. at 7:30p.m.
This award winning film features commentary by the late Sir Steven Runciman, one of Great Britain's greatest historians.  Sir Runciman traces the lingering influence of Byzantine culture in Eastern and Western Europe and it's part in Christianity and Islam.  We are guided from the mosaics of Ravenna, to the beauty of Monemvassia, to the Ecumenical Patriarchate iin Constantinople, to spectacular Mistra and the harmony of its architecture.  54 minutes.

"Where God Walked on Earth"
Feb. 21st, Sun. at 12:00p.m. & Feb. 23rd, Tues. at 7:30p.m.
This is a wonderful production by the BBC on the 6th century Monastery of St. Katherine on Mount Sinai in Egypt.  This ancient Greek Orthodox Monastery has been a treasure house of icons, parchments and religious articles gathered over the centuries. The history, art, as well as the lives of the monks are alll superbly presented.  Assuredly, the best video you will ever see on this Holy Mountain where God walked and was seen by Moses and Elijah.  53 minutes.

"The Return of the Icon"
Mar. 14th, Sun. at 12:00p.m. & Mar. 16th, Tues. at 7:30p.m.
In the summer of 2004, the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, one of several attributed to the work of the Apostle Luke, was returned to Russia after some 60 years in the USA.  The story begins in a Chicago house and ends in the famous Monastery of Tikhvin, east of St. Petersburg, Russia.  The history of the icon is related, and the miraculous escape of the Icon from both the Nazis and Communists.  The joyful greeting of the returned icon by the Patriarch of Russia and the clergy and faithful  numbering  in the hundreds of thousands is recorded. 85 minutes.

MOVIE & PIZZA NIGHT - 12/01/09

On Tuesday, Dec. 27th at 6:00p.m. a new released movie will be shown (to be announced) for our entire Parish Family. Pizza and refreshments will be served. Plan to come. A free will donation may be made at the movie.  If you plan to come, please sign-up on the sheet provided on the vestibule stand, so we can order enough pizza.


On November 23, the Georgian Orthodox Faithful gathered at Ss. Peter & Paul to celebrate the Fall Feast of the Great-Martyr George, with a Molieben celebrated by Archpriest Alexander of St. Nino Church in Brooklyn. More than a hundred people were present to honor St. George.


This Declaration is the result of several months of dialogue among Orthodox,  Catholic and evangelical Christian leaders. The resulting 4,700 page document is a watershed in sound ecumenism and witnessing to the basic principles of Christian life in society.  The  truths reaffirmed are:
1) the sanctity of human life
2) the dignity of marriage as the conjugal union of husband and wife
3) the rights of conscience and religious liberty.

Among the original signers was Metropolitan Jonah, Primate of the Orthodox Church in America.

A must reading for Christians. the website is www.manhattandeclaration.org

Printed copies are available in our church vestibule.


The Cookie Walk will be held in the Lower Hall on Sunday, December 13th at 11:00a.m.  A variety of Christmas Cookies will be on sale.

Memory Eternal! Fr. George Breyan - 09/16/09

Archpriest George Breyan, a former deacon and parishioner of Ss. Peter & Paul Church here in Manville, reposed on Sept. 14th.  Father George served parishes in the Mid-West Diocese and the Diocese of the South. An obituary may be found on the OCA site: www.oca.org/news/1928.   A 40th Day Memorial Service will be held on Oct. 22nd, Thurs. at 6:30p.m.in our church.


The handmaiden of God, Mary Holovach fell-asleep in the Lord on Sunday, Oct. 18th.  Mary was 88.  The schedule for the Funeral is the following:

Monday/Oct. 19th:  At Fucillo & Warren Funeral Home 205 So. Main St., Manville (908-725-1763) Viewing 2:00-4:00p.m. and 7:00-9:00p.m. with Panikehda at 8:00p.m.

Tuesday/Oct 20th: At. Ss. Peter & Paul Church, 605 Washington Ave., Manville (908-685-1452) Viewing at 6:00p.m. and Funeral Service at 7:00p.m.

Wednesday/Oct. 21st:  At. Ss. Peter & Paul Church, 9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy, followed by Burial at the Parish Cemetery in Hillsborough

Monday, Oct. 26th, 6:30p.m. 9th Day Memorial Service in the church.

Thursday, Nov. 26th, 40th Day Memorial Service, time to be determined. Check back.


Films will be shown in the Conference Room.  Parishioners and the Public are invited!

"The Monastery - Mr. Vig and the Nun"
Sun. Oct. 11th at 12:00p.m. & Tues., Oct. 13th at 7:30p.m.

This film of 84 minutes tells the story of a Danish man living in a dilapidated castle whose dream has been to turn the castle into a monastery.  The patriarchate sends nuns and in the person of Sister  Ambrosija, the wills and lives of both Mr. Vig and the nun  are changed in a heart-warming and often hilarious documentary.  Two very different, yet equally obstinate people are thrown together by chance or destiny and become close friends.

"Apostolic Fathers: Handing On the Faith"
Sun., Nov. 8th at 12:00p.m. & Tues., Nov. 10th at 7:30p.m.
Born into a pagan world of gods and goddesses, the Early Fathers of the Church blazed a new trail to follow the living God.  With the words of the Apostles still ringing in their ears, these champions passed the fullness of te Faith to the next generation.  The film traces the Fathers steps through the Holy Land, Turkey, France and Italy.  Featured in this documentary are Ss. Ignatius of Antioch, Clement of Rome, Polycarp of Smyrna, Irenaeus of Lyons and Justin Martyr.  Church  history, biblical study and apologetics are rolled into one remarkable adventure.

"Faith of our Fathers"
Sun., Dec. 6th at 12:00p.m. & Tues. Dec. 8th at 7:30p.m.
This historical documentary takes a look at what the founding fathers of the United States intended when they framed the Constitution and wrote the first Amendment clauses.  Were the fathers of our country like Thomas Jefferson trying to create a Christian nation, a secular state or something in between? 

Parish Facebook - 08/07/09

Ss. Peter & Paul has created a Facebook page - Friends of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church.

Pot Luck Lunch - Aug. 16th - 08/05/09

A Pot Luck Lunch will be held on Sunday, Aug. 16th after the Divine Liturgy.  A good time to chat, and share our lives and foods.  All are invited!  Speak with Jill Peterson or Handy Hando about bringing foods.

Emails added to Parish Directory - Aug.8 - 08/05/09

The Parish Directory has added email addresses. To access the Directory make a request for password and user word.  For corrections, please notify Fr. James

Parish Picnic - 07/26/09

On Sunday, July 26, members and friends of the parish gathered for the annual picnic. Many thanks to all who participated and worked to make this day possible!

Blessing of Autos - 07/10/09

The annual blessing of autos and other modes of transportation will take place on Sunday, July 19th after the Divine Liturgy.

Summer Film Series - 06/19/09

A series of free films will be offered at our Parish Center Conference Room this Summer. Parishioners and the Public are invited.

July 12th, Sun. 12:00p.m. & July 14th, Tues. 7:30p.m.
"The Life of St. John Maximovitch, Archbishop of San Francisco (+1966).

Aug. 9th, Sun. 12:00p.m. &  Aug. 11th, Tues. 7:30p.m.
"Ostrov" or "The Island"

Sept. 13th, Sun. 12:00p.m. & Sept. 15th 7:30p.m.
"Beyond Torture - Pitesti Prison in Romania"

"The Life of St. John Maximovitch"

This film of 60 minutes is a presentation of the life of a modern Orthodox Saint who reposed in 1966, as the Russian Orthodox Archbishop of San Francisco. When his coffin was opened some 26 years later, his body was found to be incorrupt.  Follow the life of St. John from his childhood in Kharkov, Ukraine to Serbia, China, Europe and California.   The film has interviews from many persons who knew the holy hierarch personally.  In his life time St. John was already considered a man of great holiness.  Miracles were performed by him in his life and continue to this day.

"Ostrov" or "The Island"
This Russian produced film closed the 2006 Venice Film Festival and received the Golden Eagle Award.  Structured like a parable, "Ostrov" tells the tale of Father Anatoly, a fictional monk who for decades seeks God's forgiveness for shooting a fellow soldier at the Nazis' behest during the Second World War to save his own life.  The film is set in the 1970's in a remote northern monastery.  The film reveals speaks about monastic life, the consequences of sin and God's forgiveness.

"Beyond Torture"
In 1949 Stalinist Soviets began a sweep of Romanian college campuses, to imprison and transform young Romanians into a communist way of thinking.  This is the story of Pitesti Prison in Romania.  The evils and depravity of what went on is revealed, as well as the struggle of the human soul.  A good part of the documentary is composed of an interview with Father Roman Braga, a prison survivor and today, a spiritual father to Romanian nuns in America.

June Adult Study Classes - 05/17/09

On three Wednesday evenings of June month we will meet and examine the Work of the Holy Spirit.
Christ the Sender of the Spirit
Wed., June 10: The Grace of Pentecost, The Anointing and the Seal
Wed., June 17: The New Spiritual Senses, Charismatic Life
Wed., June 24: Pentecost and Illumination, Praying to and in the Holy Spirit.

All classes will be held in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall. Time 700p.m. to 8:30p.m. All are invited!

Memorial Service at Cemetery - 05/13/09

On Sunday, June 7th at 4:00p.m., a General Memorial Service for all the departed will be held at Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery, 116 Millstone River Road in Hillsborough. For more information about the cemetery, please view the sidebar "cemetery,"

Georgian Day Celebration Photo Report - 05/02/09

On Saturday, May 2nd our parish held "A Celebration of the Nation of Georgia: its Faith, People and Culture". The day began with a Molieben Service in Georgian by Fr. Alexander Tandishvili  the rector of St. Nino Church in Brooklyn. The Service was held before the Iveron (Georgian) Icon of the Mother of God. Fr. Alexander spoke that our Orthodox Church embraces all people of all lands and uses many languages. Our Orthodox Faith is One and expressed in  both unity and diversity.  Fr. James Parsells, rector of Ss. Peter & Paul, welcomed all those gathered and expressed on behalf of the parish, our delight and joy to host this first time event. At the conclusion of the Service, the faithful were anointed with blessed oil from the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, founded in the 5th century and inhabited for centuries by Georgian monastics.  Throughout the day the church remained opened and people came in and out to pray and light candles.  In our parish hall, a feast of Georgian foods and wines and fellowship took place.  Educational displays about Georgia were on display and religious items for sale.  A wonderful day!

Bright Monday 2009 - 04/20/09

On Bright Monday, April 20th, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul, together with visiting clergy and friends, celebrated the festive Divine Liturgy. Due to adverse weather conditions the customary procession had to be canceled. However, those in attendance were able to share in a luncheon and fellowship following the Divine Liturgy. Many thanks to those who helped make this Paschal celebration so joyous! Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!

3 Wednesday Adult Classes - Apr. 29, May 6 & 13 - 04/13/09

On Wednesdays April 29, May 6 and 13, at 7:00p.m. in the Conference Room, we will gather to read and discuss the topic:  "The Conciliar Structures of the Orthodox Church in America."  The examination will be based on the writings of Metropolitan Jonah. A timely topic in the light of the life of our Church. Mission and identity and core values will be looked at.  All are welcome!

Paschal Memorial Service at Cemetery - Apr. 27 - 04/12/09

On April 27th, Monday at 6:30p.m. a Paschal Memorial Service wil be held at the Parish Cemetery. This being, the eve of "The Day of Joy," (Radonitsa) the greeting of the departed with the paschal joy of Christ Risen.

In case of rain, the Memorial will be held Tuesday at 6:30p.m. and if necessary (7:00p.m. in the church).

Celebrating the Nation of Georgia: Its Faith, People and Culture - May 2nd, Saturday - 03/30/09

On Saturday, May 2, 2009, from 10:30a.m. to 4:00p.m., SS. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church of Manville, NJ will have a special celebration of the Georgian nation - its faith, people and culture.

Father Alexander from St. Nino Georgian Orthodox Church of Brooklyn will lead a service in the Georgian language at the beginning  of the celebration.

After the church service, traditional Georgian food will be served in the lower church hall.  Books and other items will be available.

Come learn about the history and culture of this ancient Christian country, Georgia!

Everyone is welcome to join the celebration.  Following the service, the church will be open for visitation.

For more information: Email: katemargi@yahoo.com or call Ekaterina at 908-240-7701

February Study Classes - Open To All! - 01/25/09

The Church's Basic Teaching on Human Dignity, Freedom and Rights will be the topic of a 3 week study.The classes are held in the Conference Room of the Lower Hall. All are invited. There is no cost.
Feb. 11, Wed., 7:30p.m. to 9:00p.m. Human Dignity as a Religious & Ethical Category. Freedom of Choice and Freedom From Evil.
Feb. 18, Wed., 7:30p.m. to 9:00p.m. Human Rights in the Christian Worldview and in the Life of Society.
Feb. 25, Wed., 7:30p.m. to 9:00p.m. Principles and Areas of Orthodox Church Human Rights Work.


Greetings to all visiting our website on this the feast of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ!
May He Who was born in a cave and lay in a manger, Christ our True God, grant you all the rich blessings of this holy feast!


Greetings to all visiting our parish website, as we celebrate the Holy Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ!

May He Who was born in a Cave and lay in a manger, Christ our True God, grant you all the rich blessings of this holy feast!

(+) Patriarch Alexy II Reposes - 12/04/08

Today, December 5th, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia suddenly reposed in the Lord.  A Memorial Service will be held this evening at 6:30p.m.

Christmas Cookie Walk - Dec. 14th - 12/03/08

The annual Christmas Cookie Walk will be held on Sunday, December 14th at 11:00a.m. in the Upper Hall.
A selection of home-baked cookies will be on sale.

Newly-Departed Anastasia - 11/21/08

OnNovember 22nd, Anastasia Barna of Manville, a life long parishioner reposed in the Lord. May her memory be eternal!
Panikheda on Tuesday, Nov. 25th at 3:00p.m. at Fucillo & Warren Funeral Home on South Main Street, Manville.
Funeral on Wednesday, Nov. 26th at 9:30a.m. at the Church followed by burial at the Parish Cemetery


On November 12th, Wednesday, the Holy Synod of Bishops, accepted the vote of the All-American Council and confirmed Bishop Jonah of Fort Worth, Texas - a bishop for only 12 days! - as Archbishop of Washington and  New York, Metropolitan of All-America and Canada.  Axios!  Axios!  Axios! ("He Is Worthy!")

A biography of our new diocesan bishop and primate of our  autocephalous church may be found on the OCA site: www. oca.org

30th Anniversary of Fr. James in Manville - 10/05/08

On Sunday, October 5, 2008, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Archpriest James Parsells' pastoral assignment to Manville.  Following the Divine Liturgy, a festal meal was held in the Parish Center, during which Fr. James was presented with a gift on behalf of the parish.  Present at the festivities were Archpriest David Straut, together with his parishioners from St. Elizabeth the New Martyr in Rocky Hill, NJ, and Priest John Parsells together with his family from Christ the Savior in Dagsboro, DE.  Many thanks to all who made this celebration such a success!  May the Lord grant Fr. James and all those who gathered for this special day many blessed years!

October Tuesdays - Scripture Study Class - 09/17/08

The theme of the Scripture Study Class will be  Members of One Another, a study of Ephesians 4:25-32.  We will meet in the Conference Room, class is from 7-8:30p.m.
Oct.  7  Trouble in Ephesus
Oct. 14 Baptism, Truth, Members of One Another
Oct. 21 Conflict - be Angry But Do Not Sin
Oct. 28 Honor the Spirit - Honor the New Life in Christ

The Class is open to the Public. No cost.

New Weekly - Wednesday Parish E-Mail - 09/17/08

Starting on September 17th, our parish is sending out a mid-week e-mail, every Wednesday. The purpose is "to keep in touch" and give an up-date on parish and general church news and events; a few question & answers and some spiritual counsel.  If you wish to receive the Wednesday E-Mail let Father  James know: frjames@ssppoc.org

Diocesan Assembly - 09/15/08

On Monday, September 15th, the annual Assembly of the Diocese of Washington and New York was held at Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church of South River, New Jersey. Representing Ss. Peter & Paul of Manville were Fr. James Parsells and Michael Redmond.

weather ALERT Saturday - 09/05/08

Somerset County may have some 8 inches of rain on Saturday. The Saturday evening  service will only be Compline at 5:00p.m. 

Significant News in OCA - 09/05/08

The Holy Synod and Metropolitan Council have held meetings September 4-6.
The actions of both church bodies may be viewed on the website of the OCA: www.oca.org and on the site Orthodox Christians for Accountability: www. ocanews.org

Among the important actions:
The release of the Special Investigating Committee report;.
The acceptance of the retirement of Metropolitan Herman;
The appointment of Archbishop Dmitri of Dallas as
locum tenens of the Metropolitan's See.

Newly-Departed (+) Sophie Wassel - 08/19/08

Sophie Wassel of Manville reposed on Tuesday, August 20th. May her memory be eternal!
Viewing will be at our church on Sunday, Aug. 24th from 300p.m. to 6:00p.m.with a Panikheda at 4:00p.m.
The Funeral Service will be at our church on Monday, Aug. 25th at 10:30a.m. with burial at our parish cemetery.

Parish Picnic - 07/20/08

On Sunday, July 20th, the Annual Parish Picnic was held at the Village Swim Club in E. Brunswick. Parishioners and friends enjoyed a day of fellowship, food, swimming and recreation. Many thanks to all who helped make this year's picnic such an enjoyable time!

Blessing of Automobiles - 07/20/08

On Sunday, July 20th, the feast of the Prophet Elias, there was a blessing of automobiles. It is customary to have this blessing on or near the feast of the Prophet Elias who ascended into the heavens in a fiery chariot. (2 Kings 2:11)

Newly-Departed Justina Sokol - 07/05/08

On July 5th, Saturday, Justina Sokol reposed in the Lord. Funeral arrangements will take place in Herkeimer, New York, and are as follows:

Enea Family Funeral Home
220 North Washington Street
Herkeimer, New York

Viewing on Tuesday 7/8/08, 2-4pm and 7-9pm.  Memorial at 8:00pm.

Funeral on Wednesday, 7/9/08, 9:30 at Funeral Home
10:00am at Ss. Peter & Paul, East Herkeimer

Our sympathy is expressed to Protodeacon Paul on the repose of his mother.

A 9th Day Memorial will be held at our parish  church on July 12th, Sat. at 4:45p.m.

Memory Eternal!

Patronal Feast - 06/29/08

On Sunday, June 29, 2008, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul celebrated their patronal feast. VRev. David Koles celebrated the Divine Services with VRev. James Parsells, Rector of the Parish, while friends and visitors from various places were in attendance. Following the Divine Liturgy and procession around the church, a festal luncheon was offered. Many thanks to all who helped make the day such a special one!

Parish Picnic - July 20th 2:00p.m. - 06/15/08

The Village Swim Club at 1 Tower Center Blvd in East Brunswick will be the site of our picnic. Located on 10 acres, there is a large swimming pool and a separate kiddie pool There are 2 shady picnic groves with lots of tables and chairs, tennis courts, basketball courts, ping pong, volley ball and wiffle ball.

Food and beverages will be provided - a minimal donation of $5.00 per adult is requested. Children under 10 no charge.

Parishioners, former parishioners, friends of the parish and their families are all invited. But we do need to know who you are and number of people. Please indicate this no later than Sunday, July 13th to Maria Torrisi (732-545-5642) or Fr. James (908-685-1452) or sign in on the "picnic sheet" on the vestibule stand in the church.

Questions? Please speak with Daniel or Maria Torrisi.

A day of fellowship and good fun. Come and join us!

Ss. Peter & Paul Day - June 29th - 06/02/08

On Sunday June 29th, our parish celebrates our Patronal Feast, honoring the Holy Apostles Peter & Paul.
9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy and Outdoor Procession and Prayers.  A festal meal will follow in the lower hall.
All are invited! Friends of the parish, former parishioners, neighbors. Everyone!

Cemetery Memorial Service - June 15th - 06/02/08

The annual Pentecost Sunday, Memorial Service at the Parish Cemetery will be held at 4:00p.m. on June 15th.

June Adult Study Classes - 05/25/08

In June Month 3 classes will be held - All are welcome!
Tuesdays, 7:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall

June 10th: Christians Promote Holy, Hot Sex in Marriage - an Orthodox Understanding.

June 17th: The Message of the Emerging Church Movement - an Orthodox View

June 24th: On Spiritual Life in the Church - The Encyclical of the Holy Synod of Bishops of the OCA

Newly-Departed Julia (+) - 05/11/08

On June 12th, Julia Yadlowsky of Manville reposed at the age of 100.
The Funeral will be at 12:00p.m. on Monday, June 16th, in our parish church followed by burial at the parish cemetery.
A Panikheda will be served on Sunday, June 15th at 8:00p.m. at Ketusky Funeral Home in Manville. Viewing will be from 2-4 and 7-9.
May the Memory of Julia be eternal!

Anton Belov Concert - May 16th - 05/10/08

The famous Russian Baritone - Anton Belov - will perform at Ss. Peter & Paul Center, located on the corner of So. 7th and Washington Avenues, in Manville on Friday, May 16th at 7:30p.m.
Amission is free. A community reception will follow the performance.

(+) Newly-Departed Genevieve Tindall - 04/29/08

On Bright Tuesday, April 29th, Genevieve Tindall, a long time parishioner reposed in the Lord.
Viewing will be at Bridgewater Funeral Home on Friday  from 2-4 and 7-9 with a Panikheda at 7:30p.m.
The Funeral will be in church on Saturday at 9:30a.m.
and  burial at the parish cemetery.
Christ is Risen!

Holy Pascha - 04/27/08

On Sunday, April 27, 2008, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul celebreated the Feast of Feasts, Holy Pascha. Following the Divine Services a festal meal was held in the Parish Center. Christ is Risen!

Paschal Greetings! - 04/26/08


May Christ our True God, Risen from the dead, bestow His Peace, Joy , Love and All His Rich Blessings upon all of our parishioners and friends of the parish!

And unto us He has granted eternal life, let us worship His Resurrection on the third day!

Manville: Town's two Orthodox Churches Share More Than They Differ - 04/24/08

An interview with Bob Makin, Faith Reporter for the Courier News with Fr. James Parsells and Fr. Matthew Moriak about our two churches. Go to the site: www.c-n.com/faith The website will change on April 29th , Tuesday to www.MyCentralJersey.com/faith

Newly-Departed Wliiam Davidovich (+) - 04/15/08

A former parishioner William (Basil) Davidovich of Dallas, Texas fell-asleep in the Lord on April 14th.  The funeral for William will be held on Friday, April 18th at 9:30a.m. in our church with burial at Rova Farm.  A viewing will be held at Cusick Funeral Home in Somerville on Thursday , April 17th from 5-8p.m., with a Panikheda at 4:00p.m. May his mermory be eternal!

Great & Holy Week 2008 - April 20th-26th - 04/14/08

Palm Sunday - April 20th
9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy
Coffee Hour
Religious Item Sale in Conference Room
Question & Answer Period
6:30p.m. Bridegroom Matins

Great & Holy Monday - April 21st
7:00p.m. Bridegroom Matins

Great & Holy Tuesday - April 22nd
7:00p.m. Bridegroom Matins

Great & Holy Wednesday - April 23rd
7:00p.m. Bridegroom Matins

Great & Holy Thursday - April 24th
9:30a.m. Vespers & Divine Liturgy
7:00p.m. Matins with the 12 Gospels

Great & Holy Friday - April 25th
3:00p.m. Vespers
7:00p.m. Compline

Great & Holy Saturday - April 26th
10:00a.m. Vespers & Divine Liturgy
11:30p.m. Nocturnes

12:01a.m. Matins & Divine Liturgy
Blessing of Paschal Foods
Feastal Meal
12:00p.m. Vespers

Bright Week - April 27th-May 3rd - 04/10/08

12:01a.m. Matins & Divine Liturgy
                   Blessing of paschal foods
                   Festal Meal
12:00p.m. Vespers

9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy and Festal Meal
                 (all visitors are welcome to the meal!)
7:00p.m. Vespers

9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy
7:00p.m. Vespers

9:30a.m. Akathist to the Risen Jesus
7:00p.m. Deanery Vespers & Festal Meal at Christ  the Saviour Church in Paramus

9:30a.m. Akathist to the Life-Giving Tomb

9:30a.m. Akathist to the "Life-Giving Spring"

9:30a.m. Akathist to the Resurrection; Confessions
5:30p.m. Vigil; Confessions

No Thursday 3:00p.m. Service - 03/18/08

The scheduled 3:00p.m. service for Thursday has been cancelled. 


Reminder - set your clocks ahead, Day Light Savings Time begins March 9th, Sunday. Divine Liturgy 9:30a.m. DST

Choir Director Position Open - 02/08/08

Our parish is presently seeking a choir director.
For more information, please contact Fr. James.

Newly-Departed Herman - 12/22/07

On Dec. 21st, Herman Tjaden, husband of long time parishioner Ludmila Tjaden reposed.  The funeral for Herman will be held at Fucillo & Warren Funeral Home in Manviile on Dec. 28th, Friday at 11:00a.m. with burial in our parish cemetery.  Our sympathy is expressed to Ludmila and our prayers for Herman.

Parish Council Meetings 2008 - 12/18/07

Meetings for the Year 2008 are as following:
Thursday,  Jan. 24
Sunday,     Feb. 17 (Annual Meeting)
Sunday,     Mar. 23 (Installation of New Council)
Thursday,  Mar. 27
Thursday,  May  15
Thursday,  July 17
Thursday,  Sept. 18
Thursday,  Nov. 06
Thursday,  Jan. 22, 2009
All Thursday Meetings begin at 7:00p.m. Sharp.
Parishioners are invited to attend Meetings.

Cancellations Due to Weather or Other Reason - 12/17/07

If it is necessary to cancel a service or scheduled parish event, this will be noted on the website - at least one hour prior to the scheduled service or event. Look  at "Up Coming Service" section on the home page for the notification.
The rector may also be called or you may call Mary Holovach (908-725-8978).

Historic Visitation of Bishop Peter - 12/09/07

On Sunday, December 9th, Bishop Peter of Cleveland (ROCOR) celebrated Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter & Paul Church (OCA) in Manville, New Jersey. This joyous and historic celebration manifested the new-found unity of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and the Orthodox Church in America, made possible by the re-unification of the Russian Church Abroad and the Moscow Patriarchate.

Newly-Departed Archbishop PETER & Vera Somoluk - 11/18/07

On November 19th, Monday, Archbishop PETER, the retired hierarch of our diocese reposed.

A long time parishioner, Vera Somoluk of Manville also reposed on this day.

Memory Eternal!

New Infant Born - 11/11/07

On Dec. 12th, a son was born to Fr. John and Emily Parsells.  His name is Alexander. Mother and son are doing fine.

Bishop Peter to Visit Dec. 9th - 11/08/07

On Sunday, Dec. 9th, Bishop PETER of Cleveland of the Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America (ROCA), Russian Orthodox Church Abroad will celebrate - with the kind permission of Metropolitan HERMAN - Hierarchial Divine Liturgy at 9:30a.m.

At the Divine Liturgy Deacon Paul Sokol of our parish will be elevated to the rank of Protodeacon, an award bestowed upon Deacon Paul by the Holy Synod of Bishops (OCA) at their Spring 2007 Synod. Bishop PETER on behalf of the Metropolitan, will bestow the award.

A festal lenten meal will follow. All are invited!
This is a historic event in the life of our parish as well as our diocese. The liturgical unity of our OCA and the ROCA is a cause of spiritual joy.

Schedule Changes 24,25,26,27 - 10/18/07

Sidewalk replacements on church property make it necessary to cancel services on these dates.
While there is no morning service on the 27th, the usual Vigil will be held at 5:30p.m.

The church parking lot is presently closed and will not be open until after Oct. 26th.

Christmas Cookie Walk - Dec. 16th - 10/08/07

The annual Christmas Cookie Walk will be held on Sunday, Dec. 16th at 11:00a.m. in the upper parish hall, entrance on 7th Ave. (corner of Washington Ave.)

A Study Class on the Divine Liturgy - Oct. 9th-Nov.6th - 09/14/07

A Study on the Meaning of the Divine Liturgy, based on St. Nicholas Cabasilas - "A Commentary on the Divine Liturgy," - will be held on Tuesday evenings for 5 weeks: Oct. 9th thru Nov. 6th. The class will be from 7-8:30p.m. and meet in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall.
The class is open to the public. All are welcome!
For more information, contact Fr. James

Oct. 9th - Part One: Introduction and the Prothesis
Oct. 16th - Part Two: Liturgy of the Catechumens
Oct. 23rd - Part Three: Liturgy of the Faithful I
Oct. 30th - Part Four: Liturgy of the Faithful II
Nov. 6th - Part Five: Thanksgiving

Youth Boating Day - 07/28/07

On July 2nd, members of the Youth Group went boating on Lake Budd, NJ. Some photos of the outing.

Parish Picnic - Sunday, August 19th - 06/25/07

Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Picnic will be held on Sunday, Aug. 19th at 1:30p.m. at the Village Recreation and Swim Club in East Brunswick. The cost is $5.00 per person.
Come enjoy an afternoon of fellowship, fun, food and swimming under the trees of the shady grove and in the Olympic size pool.
Hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, desserts, watermelon, soda and beer are on the menu.
Please sign up with Susan Gorbatuk (908-722-7849) by July 29th.
Directions to the Village Recreation and Swim Club will be provided. Please let Fr. James know if you need a ride.
Friends, Former Parishioners and Family are Welcome!

Feast of St. John Maximovitch - July 2nd - 06/25/07

Our parish will celebrate the feast of St. John Maximovitch, Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco (+1966) with Vespers and  anointing of oil from his tomb 7:00p.m. July 1st, Sunday and the Divine Liturgy, 9:30a.m., July 2nd, Monday.
It is a distinct honor for our parish to have custody of sacred liturgical hierarchal vestments that belonged to St. John. All are welcome to the holy services.

Lemonade Nights July 11/18/25 - 06/25/07

An opportunity for informal discussion with the parish priest is being offered for Wednesday nights, July 11, 18 and 25, from 7:45p.m. to 8:30p.m. Any subject may be brought up and discussed over a glass of refreshing lemonade. A 7:00p.m. service preceds the lemonade time, but it is not a requirement for coming for a drink.
Questions? Concerns? Ideas? Comments? Thirsty?

2007 Church Walk - 06/02/07


Ss. Peter & Paul Patronal Feast - June 29th - 06/01/07

The Patronal Feast day of our parish, honoring the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, is June 29th, Friday. The parish rector and parishioners invite all to celebrate with us on this holyday.
Thursday, June 28th: 7:00p.m. Vigil Service
Firday, June 29th: 9:30a.m. Divine Liturgy and Procession, followed by a festal lenten meal.
All are welcome!
For more information, please contact Father James

Pirohi Sale Taking Place - 06/01/07

You may place orders with Susan Gorbatuk (908-722-7849) no later than Friday, June 8th. They will be available for pick-up  beginning Wednesday, June 13th.
Be sure to make arrangements for pick-up.

3 Adult Study Classes - 05/18/07

On Thursday evenings, May 24, 31 and June 2 a series of Adult Study Classes will be held on the topic: The Delights and Riches of the Divine Pentecost. We will meet in the Conference Room. Time is 7-8:30p.m. All are invited!
May 24 - Part I:  Sinai and the Upper Room
                            The Revelations of the Holy Trinity
May 31 - Part II: The Holy Spirit as Person
                            The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
June 7 - Part III: The Apostles' Baptism
                            The Birthday of the Church

St. Nectarios Monastery Visit - 05/12/07

On May 12th, a group of parishioners made a visitation to the Monastery of St. Nectarios in Roscoe, New York.

Visit to Monastery of St. Nectarios - 04/27/07

On May 12th, Saturday, a visit is planned to the Monastery of St. Nectarios in Roscoe, New York (A two hour trip). The visitation would include lunch and dinner at the monastery, a tour of the grounds, a question and answer period with the Fathers, Vespers and an opportunity to browse the gift shop. The trip is open to all, but we need to know the number of people, so meals can be planned by the monastery. There is no cost. It is especially hoped that young people will make this visitation. For more information please speak with Maria Torrisi or Georgia Economou.
Time of leaving Manville 9:00a.m. and return in Manville 8:00p.m.

Cemetery Memorial Service - May 27th - 04/24/07

On Pentecost Sunday, May 27th at 4:00p.m. a General Memorial Service will be held at the Parish Cemetery.

Manville Flood & the Church - 04/16/07

The parish church of Ss. Peter & Paul is actually at one of the highest points in the borough. The church property is in good order and has sustained no damage. Our prayers and support for our fellow town people whose homes and businesses have been damaged. Some 277 people are currently being sheltered, pending a return to their homes. Our appreciation is expressed for your phone calls and emails in regard to our well being. As of Monday evening (7:00p.m.) the homes of all our parishioners in the flood areas seem to be alright. We ask that any parishioners' in difficulty, please let Father  James know.

"Day of Joy" Memorial Service - 04/15/07

Due to the wet conditions at the cemetery, the "Day of Joy" (Radonitsa) memorial Service willbe held in the church on Tuesday, April 17th at 7:00p.m.

Bright Monday - 04/09/07

On Bright Monday, April 9th, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul, together with visiting clergy and friends, celebrated the festive Divine Liturgy which was followed by a Procession. Afterwards, those in attendance shared in a luncheon, which was followed by an egg-hunt for the children. Many thanks to those who helped make this Paschal celebration so joyous! Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!

Ladies "Pot Luck" Night Out - 04/01/07

An evening of good conversation and cheer with the girls.
Bright Friday, Apr. 13th at 6:30p.m. in the church hall.
RSVP Terry Filippini by Apr. 10th at 908-231-1960 or tfilippini@verizon.net.
A favorite dish or dessert, or beverages are welcome!

Mar. 24th morning service cancelled - 03/21/07

There will be no Saturday morning service, Mar. 24th.

Mar. 17th cancellations - 03/16/07

Due to weather conditions the Saturday morning Memorial Service and the Saturday afternoon Church School Prorgam have been cancelled.  The Saturday evening  Vigil service will be held.

No service Mar. 16th - 03/15/07

The Vespers for Friday, Mar. 16th has been cancelled due to the icy weather.

Diocesan Website - 02/20/07

The Diocese of Washington and New York website is in operation: www.dcnyoca.org

Newly-Departed John (Feb. 1st) - 01/31/07

Your prayers are asked for the newly-departed servant of God, John Barsigian of Watervliet, New York (+Feb. 1st).
Our sympathy is expressed to Matushka Daria, on the repose of her beloved father, John. May his memory be eternal!
The funeral is Feb. 5th, Monday at St. Basil's Church, Watervliet, NY 9:30a.m..

Pirohi Dinner - Feb. 16th - 01/29/07

The Annual Pre-Lenten Pirohi Dinner will be held on Friday, Feb. 16th from 5-7:30p.m. at our Parish Center, the corners of So. 7th and Washington Avenues.
Advanced Tickets (before Feb. 9th) $8.00
Tickets at the Door $10.00
To purchase tickets and for more information please call Susan at 908-722-7849.

The Blessing of Homes - 01/12/07

Is taking place thru Feb. 12th. If you wish your home to be blessed, please make arrangements with Fr. James as soon as possible.

Winter Dance Party - Jan. 21st - 01/12/07

A Winter Dance Party will be held on Sunday, Jan. 21st at Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Center, from 2-4:30p.m..
All Parishioners and Friends of the Parish are invited.
Music by De Ja Vu..
Refreshments will be served.
There is no charge.
For more information contact Peter Parsells 908-872-5657 or Maria Torrisi 732-545-5642

Newly-Departed Parishioner - Anna Wasitowski - 12/30/06

Anna Wasitowski (+Dec. 30th)
Memory Eternal!
Viewing - Jan. 2nd from 5-9p.m. with Panikheda at 8:00
at Fucillo & Warren Funeral Home
Funeral - Jan. 3rd 9:30a.m. at church

Winter Weather Cancellations - 12/22/06

The parish schedule may be changed due to winter weather. To check for changes or cancellations on any particular day, call the rectory or the website will post one hour before the event any cancellation.

New Section on Church Relics - 11/25/06

We are blessed to have holy relics of a number of saints. A listing of the saints whose relics we have is now provided. May these holy saints interceed for us as we venerate their grace-filled relics

Church Tour - Oct. 29th - 10/20/06

"Windows to Heaven"
The public are invited to a talk and tour of Ss. Peter & Paul Church on Sunday, Oct. 29th at 3:00p.m..
Celebrating its 90th anniversary, the interior of the church iconographic work has been completed. Life-size paintings of scenes from the life of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and saints from various nations and times are depicited on the ceiling and walls.
A question and answer period will follow the tour and refreshments will be served at the parish hall.
Admission is free. All are welcome!

Adult Study Classes - November - 10/18/06

"To be A True Human Being Means
To Become A God"

A Study in how Jesus Christ transfigures human nature
Nov. 8 Salvation in Christ
Nov. 15 Christification of the Human Being
Nov. 29 Christification of the World
Dec. 7 The Cosmic Body of Christ

The classes are on Wednesdays, from 7-8:30p.m. in the Conference Room at Ss. Peter & Paul Hall. All are
invited. There is no charge. For more information, contact Father James

Prayers for Those in Healing Ministires - Nov. 5th - 10/18/06

On the feast of the Holy Unmercenary Healers, celebrated on the first Sunday of November; prayers are offered at the Divine Liturgy for all those in the medical and healing disciplines and related services. On this day, we ask the Physician of Souls and Bodies to guide, enlighten, and preserve those rendering healing services to others.

"The Ministry of Jesus Christ" - 09/14/06

A 3 part presentation will be offered on
Sept. 20th, Wed.   Christ: The God-Man
Sept. 27th, Wed.   Christ: The Father of the Human Race
Oct.      4th, Wed.   Christ: The New Adam
The adult classes begin at 7:00p.m. and end at 8:30p.m. They  are held in the Conference Room in the Lower Hall. Parishioners as well as the public are most welcome.

Ordination of Dn. John Parsells to the Holy Priesthood - 07/01/06

On Saturday, July 1st, 2006, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN visited our parish to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and ordain John V. Parsells to the Holy Priesthood. A festal meal followed in the Parish Center. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this day happen. Congratulations and many years to Fr. John, Matushka Emily, and their new daughter, Elisabeth Parsells!

Baptism of Elisabeth Parsells - 06/12/06

On Sunday, July 2nd, Elisabeth Parsells is to receive Holy Baptism. The baptism is to be performed at 12:30 p.m., following a light lunch after the Divine Liturgy. After the baptism, cake and refreshments will be offered in the Parish Center. All are invited!

Ordination of Dn. John Parsells to the Holy Priesthood - 06/12/06

On Saturday, July 1st, Metropolitan Herman will visit our parish to ordain Dn. John Parsells to the Holy Priesthood. The Hierarchical Divine Liturgy is to begin at 9:30 a.m. and there will be a meal following in the Parish Center. All are invited!

Parish Synodicon Online - 06/05/06

The list of departed members of the parish is now available online.

Adult Classes: May 17th & 24th - 05/05/06

May 17th: The Great Lent Letter of 2006 of Fr. Thomas Hopko. An examination of the contents of this letter which outlines many of the problems of the inner life of our Orthodox Church in America.
May 24th: The Calendar Issue: Old and New Usages.
Why this issue is not settled and the serious consequences of  having a double calendar usage.

Both topics are of some controversy. Be prepared.
We will meet in the conference room in the lower hall. Time: 7-8:30p.m.. All are welcome!

Bright Monday / Romanian Choral Performance - 04/24/06

On Bright Monday, the parish community welcomed friends and guests for an Open House following the Divine Liturgy.  As is the custom in Manville, many of the children took the day off from school to attend the Church Services and to spend the day with one another playing games and enjoying the Feast.  Following the evening service, a liturgical and folk song concert was offered in the Parish Center by the Ars Carminis Theological Choral Group.  The members of the group are students of the University of Orthodox Theology "Patriarch Iustinian Marina" in Bucharest, Romania.  Following a splendid performance, the choir and attendees shared fellowship and refreshments.

Christ is Risen! - 04/23/06

Pascha at Ss. Peter & Paul >
Metropolitan Herman's Paschal Greeting >
Paschal Sermon of St. John Chrysostom >
Paschal Greetings from around the world >

Holy Pascha - 04/23/06

On Sunday, April 23rd, the faithful gathered for the celebration of the Feast of Feasts, Holy Pascha.  Despite adverse weather conditions, which forced the cancellation of the traditional procession around the church building, the liturgical celebrations were filled with resurrectional joy!  Following the Nocturns, Matins, Divine Liturgy, and the blessing of the Paschal baskets in the Parish Center, many parishioners and guests stayed to exchange their Paschal greetings and to share their festal foods.  Christ is Risen!  Indeed He is Risen!

Romanian Choral Group Visits - April 24th - 04/13/06

A liturgical and folk song concert will be given by the Ars Carminis Theological Choral Group at Ss. Peter & Paul Parish Center on Monday, April 24th at 7:30p.m..
The members are current students of the University of Orthodox Theology "Patriarch Iustinian Marina" in Bucharest, Romania. All are invited! Free will donation, Refreshments.

A Film Presentation: "The Face: Jesus in Art" - 02/26/06

"The Face: Jesus in Art", a WNET documentary, was presented on Sunday, February 26, 2006, at 2:00pm, in the upper level of the parish center. Following the film, Fr. James and Austin Kachek, the resident iconographer of the parish, led a discussion on the film as it relates to the Orthodox iconographical tradition. Then, following a tasty meal, Mr. Kachek led a tour of the church for those who were visiting the parish.

Sunday - February 12th Divine Liturgy - 02/11/06

The Divine Liturgy will be celebrated. This does not mean that the parking lot, sidewalks or streets are clean of snow.  The Sunday Bulletin has been already mailed out.

A Film Presentation: "The Face: Jesus in Art" - February 26th - 02/07/06

The WNET documentary, "The Face: Jesus in Art", will be presented on Sunday, February 26, 2006, at 2:00pm, in the upper level of the parish center. Refreshments will be served. All are welcome.

Adult Study Classes: Feb. 14, 21, 28 - 02/02/06

A 3 week Tuesday evening program will be held from 7-8:30p.m. in the Parish Conference Room.
The topic: "The Life of the Patriarch Joseph, Son of Jacob: Lessons for Our Life" All are invited!

Pirohi Dinner - March 3rd - 02/02/06

A Pirohi Dinner will be held at the Parish Center on Friday, March 3rd, from 5:00p.m. to 7:30p.m..
Advanced Tickets are $8
Tickets at the Door      $10
Child Under 12             $5
For Tickets and more infromation, call Susan 908-722-7849

Workshop on Estate Planning - March 11th - 02/02/06

A workshop on the subject of Wills and other matters related to Estate Planning will be held on Saturday, March 11th from 10:00a.m. to 11:30a.m. in the Conference Room. The presentation will be given by Mr. John Zahodnick. There is no charge to attend, and all are invited.

Christmas Caroling - 12/27/05

On Tuesday evening the parish choir and members of the youth group visited local nursing homes to sing Christmas Carols for the patients.

Dec. 15th Adult Class Cancelled - 12/15/05

Due to weather this evening's class will not be held

Class Cancelled - Dec. 15th - 12/15/05

The Adult Study Class for Thursday evening, Dec. 15th has been cancelled due to weather.

Christmas Cookie Walk - 11/18/05

The annual Christmas Cookie Walk will be held on Dec. 11th, Sunday at 11:30a.m. in the upper hall of our parish.
More information to follow

Adult Study Class - 11/18/05

 A 3 week  Thursday evening series
 Dec.  1st   What the Psalms Teach us about God
 Dec.  8th   What the Psalms Teach Us about Ourselves
 Dec. 15th  How we Can Pray the Psalms

The classes are held in the Conference Room in the lower  hall and are open to all. Time 7:00 to 8:30p.m..

Visitation of Met. HERMAN and ordination of Dn. John Parsells - 10/30/05

On Sunday, Oct. 30th, 2005, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN visited our parish to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and ordain John V. Parsells, a parishioner and recent graduate of St. Tikhon's Seminary, to the diaconate. A festal meal followed in the Parish Center. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this day happen. Congratulations and many years to Dn. John and Matushka Emily Parsells!

90th Anniversary Celebration - 10/02/05

In 2005, the parish of Ss. Peter & Paul in Manville, NJ, established in 1915, celebrates 90 years of service to Christ's Holy Church. On Sunday, October 2nd, special anniversary celebrations were held as the faithful offered their thanksgiving to God in the Divine Liturgy and warmly welcomed all those who gathered for the 90th Anniversary Banquet which followed.

Visitation of Metropolitan Herman - 09/30/05

His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN, will visit our parish on Sunday, Oct. 30th. The Divine Liturgy will be at 9:30a.m., during which, John V. Parsells a parishioner and recent graduate of St. Tikhon's Seminary will be ordained to the diaconate. A festal meal will follow. All are invited.

Adult Study Classes - 09/26/05


A four part series to be held on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30p.m.
Classes are open to all. They will be held in the Confrerence Room in the Lower Hall.
Oct. 18th: Revelation and Tradition
Oct. 25th: Tradition and traditions
Nov. 8th: How We Understand What Our Teachings Are.
Nov. 15th: How Non-Orthodox Christians Determine What Their
Teachings Are

Choir Picnic - 08/28/05

On Sunday, August 28th, the Ss. Peter & Paul choir, youth groups, and their families gathered for the annual Choir Picnic.  The weather held out and everyone had an enjoyable time courtesy of the Kita's, who hosted the picnic!

Patronal Feast - 06/29/05

On Wednesday, June 29th, the faithful gathered to honor our heavenly patrons, Ss. Peter and Paul.  Following the Divine Liturgy and Procession, a festal meal was served in the parish center.  Holy Apostles Peter and Paul pray unto God for us!

New Ceiling Icons - 06/20/05

On Monday, June 20th, iconographer George Filippakis with the help of the parish's resident iconographer, Austin Kachek, began the installation of four large ceiling icons depicting the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, the Theophany of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. In 1980, iconographer George Filippakis began work on the church's wall and ceiling icons. The church is still in the process of being completed by the work of Mr. Filippakis.

Marriage of John Parsells and Emily Straut - 06/12/05

On Sunday, June 12th, John Parsells and Emily Straut were united in the bond of Holy Matrimony. The service was performed by His Grace Bishop TIKHON, with the assistance of Dn. Paul Sokol. Following the Marriage Service, everyone was invited to the parish center for a reception and fellowship. Many thanks to all who helped make this day memorable for John and Emily! May God grant them many blessed years!

Visit of His Grace Bishop TIKHON - 06/12/05

On Sunday, June 12th, His Grace Bishop TIKHON led the faithful in the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, commemorating the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council held in Nicaea, 325 AD. His Grace also served the Vigil Service held on Saturday night. Many thanks to His Grace for his kindness, words of instruction, and leadership in the Divine Services.

Visit of His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN - 04/10/05

On Sunday, April 10th, His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN visited our parish and served the Lenten Mission Vespers. After the service everyone was invited to a lenten meal in the upper parish hall. Many thanks to all who helped make this event possible!

Vespers on April 10th, 4:00p.m. - 02/21/05

On Sunday, April 10th, our parish will host the NJ Deanery Vespers. His Beatitude, Metropolitan Herman will be present, as well as the St. Vladimir's Seminary Chorale. The students will sing the Vespers and have a selection of items from the seminary bookstore for sale. A lenten supper will follow . All are invited!

Calendar of Services & Events for 2005 - 01/31/05

The Calendar of Services and Events for 2005 may be found on Schedule of Services. Go to the Monthly Calendar for any month of the current year and discover the parish services and activities. Subject to change.

Youth Group Ice Skating Outing - 01/01/05

The Twelve Apostles' Youth Group capped off their 2004 event schedule with a trip to the Bridgewater Sports Arena for ice skating. Following the ice skating, the youth group enjoyed pizza, saw a movie, and went to a local park.

Adult Study Classes - November - 10/08/04

A Six Week Study on the BASICS OF ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY will be held on Tuesday evenings beginning Nov. 2nd and ending on Dec, 7th. They will take place in the Conference Room at the the Parish Center from 7-8:30p.m..

The classes are open to parishioners and the general public.
A textbook, The Way, the Truth and the Life will be used, an option will be given to use or purchase the book.

Part One: Life and Salvation (God and Mankind, Jesus as Saviour)
Nov. 2 The Works of the Holy Spirit / The Creed Part One
Nov. 9 The Creed Parts Two and Three
Nov.16 The Creed Parts Four and Five

Part Two: Salvation and the Church (Scripture, Church History)
Nov. 23 The Bible and the Two Great Commandments
Nov. 30 Mercy and Forgivenss and the Church Beginnings
Dec. 7 The Early Church and the Seven Ecumenical Councils

Part Three: Walking the Path of Salvation (Sprirituality, Saints and Moral Issues)
Part Four: For the Salvation of the World (Sacraments and the Divine Liturgy) will be scheduled in the first part of 2005, using the same text book.

Church Beautification Project - 10/08/04

As part of the preparation for the parish's 90th anniversary (June 29, 2005) and as continuation of the church beautification process, we have undertaken to complete the church's ceiling with the installation of four large icons depicting: the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, the Theophany of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. Should you wish to participate in this project you may do so by filling out this form, or contacting Fr. James at 908-685-1452.

Youth Group Waterpark Trip - 08/31/04

The Twelve Apostles Youth Group concluded their summer events with a trip to Camel Beach Waterpark located in Tannersville, PA. Of the 22 water slides and attractions some of the favorites were the Titan, the Triple Venom, and the Sidewinder.

Choir Picnic - 08/22/04

The Ss. Peter & Paul choir, youth groups, and their families gathered on Sunday, August 22nd, for the annual Choir Picnic.  A good time was had by all.  Thanks once again to the Kita's for hosting the picnic!

Bible Study Classes - September / October - 08/20/04

A Six Week Study Class on the Epistle to the Hebrews will be held on Wednesdays from 7:00p.m. to 8:30p.m., in the Conference Room at Ss. Peter and Paul Church Center. All are invited! Bring your Bible. No charge.
September 15th, Chapters 1 & 2
September 22nd, Chapters 3 & 4
September 29th, Chapters 5 & 6
October 6th, Chapters 7 & 8
October 13th, Chapters 9 & 10
October 20th, Chapters 11, 12 & 13

Double Baptism - 07/31/04

The servants of God, Alexander and Martin were baptized and chrismated on Saturday, July 31st. Following the outdoor Baptism, the faithful processed into the church for the Chrismation. The joyous occasion concluded with a luncheon in their honor. Many blessed years to Alexander, Martin, their family and sponsors!

Bronx Zoo - 07/15/04

The 12 Apostles Youth Group enjoyed a beautiful day at the Bronx Zoo.  Among the exhibits viewed, some of the favorites were the Congro Gorilla Forest, the Skyfari, and the Sea Lions.  After the visit to the zoo the youth group had pizza and played games.

Patronal Feast - 06/29/04

The faithful gathered for the Patronal Feast to honor the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul. Among the visiting clergy were Fr. David Straut from St. Elizabeth's in Rocky Hill, NJ, Fr. Michael Carney from St. Herman's in Grand Rapids, MI and Fr. Witalis Suszczenia from Holy Trinity, Rahway, NJ.  Parishioners were present from our OCA parishes in Paramus, Brick, Glen Gardner, Rocky Hill and Rahway. Following the Divine Liturgy and procession a delightful festal meal was held at the parish center. Afterwards, the youth spent the afternoon at a pool party. The festal day concluded with the faithful gathering for an Akathist to Ss. Peter and Paul. Many thanks to all who attended from near and far!

NYC Trip - 06/06/04

Belltower Installation - 06/01/04

Bright Monday - 04/28/04

Bus Trip to NYC - June 6th - 04/27/04

A trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the exhibit "Byzantium: Faith and Power" and a short visit later to the newly-renovated OCA Cathedral of the Protection of the Theotokos. Cost $30. Leave Manville 11:30a.m. and return no later than 9:00p.m.. For children price and more information, please call Daria Parsells 908-685-1452 or e-mail daria@ssppoc.org. First Come, First Served

Choir Picnic - August 2003

The Ss. Peter & Paul choir, youth groups, and their families gathered on Sunday, August 22nd, for the annual Choir Picnic.  A good time was had by all.  Thanks once again to the Kita's for hosting the picnic!


100th Anniversary Weekend: October 3 & 4

Saturday, October 3

10:00a.m. General Memorial Service at Parish Cemetery (If rain, the service will be held in the church). All invited to a Brunch (no charge) after the service at the Parish Social Center.

4:30p.m. Confessions

5:30p.m. Vigil Service with Archbishop Michael, followed by a Supper at the Parish Social Center. All invited (no charge).

Sunday, October 4

9:00a.m. Divine Liturgy with Archbishop Michael, followed by a Lite Coffee Hour at the Social Center. All invited.

3:00p.m. Anniversary Dinner Celebration at the Bridgewater Manor, Routes 202/206 North Bridgewater (Tickets required*)

* Banquet Ticket is $90 an adult, $45.00 12-21 of age and under 12 free.  Reservation deadline is Sunday, September 20th. Call Church Office at 908-685-1452.

100th Anniversary DVD

360 Degree Tour: Cemetery

360 Degree Tour

Pascha and Basket Blessing


Christmas Caroling - December 2003

Patronal Feast - June 2003

Upcoming Calendar




9:10 Hours
9:30 Liturgy
4:00 Vespers in Wayne - Abp. Michael
Fast: wine & oil




7:00 Vespers




7:00 Vespers; Confessions


No Public Services

Until further notice, there will be no public services at Ss. Peter & Paul due to the Coronavirus.

Latest News
Blessing of Candles - 02/02/25
Category: Recent Events
Last updated: 2025-02-02 19:55:33


Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church
605 Washington Ave.
Manville, NJ 08835

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