The First Sunday of November is the Feast of All the Unmercenary Healers. In remembering the holy saints who healed in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ; a special prayer is said for those in the medical field and related disciplines of care.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Physician of souls and bodies; Thou didst command Thy Disciples in Thy Name – to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and cast out demons. Thy Disciples then, as also today, preach the Good News, whilst Thou dost work with them and confirm Thy word through accompanying signs.
Bless, direct, impart wisdom and skill to those in the healing ministries who resort to Thee as their Chief Physician and Teacher. Enlighten the mind, purify the heart, strengthen the hands of those in the field of medical healing and the related curative and supporting disciplines.
We pray Thee, enable them to be worthy instruments of Thy healing power; to recall Thy word, - “freely you have received, freely give,” – to be free of the love of money, glory and power; seeking to humbly serve those ill in body, soul and spirit. May their ministry be cultivated in prayer, patience, self-sacrifice and love.
This we ask of Thee, through the intercessions of Thy All-Laudable Apostles and worthy Disciples; of the blessed choir of the holy unmercenary physicians: the Apostle and Evangelist Luke, the excellent healer of the infirm; Antipas, Charalampus and Blaise, the most honored Hieromartyrs; Spyridon Modestus and Luke of Crimea, the All-splendid Luminaries of the Church; the Three pair of divinely- wise Saints Cosmas and Damian, who shared the same name and the same ways; Cyrus and the Glorious John; the divine Panteliemon and Hermolaus; Diomedes and Sampson; together with Mocius, Photius and Anicetas, Artemius, Thalaleus and Tryphon; the Nun-Martyr and Deliverer from depression Maria of Gatchina; of the Royal Nun-Martyr Elizabeth of Moscow; and all those who have healed by Thy power and in Thy Holy Name. For to Thee belongs all Glory, Honor and Worship, together with Thy Father Who is from everlasting and Thy All-holy and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen
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9:30 Liturgy
4:00 Vespers in Wayne - Abp. Michael
No Public Services
Until further notice, there will be no public services at Ss. Peter & Paul due to the Coronavirus.