You are cordially invited to visit Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church in Manville. We are a Pan-Orthodox community serving the region of central New Jersey. Our Church is a parish of the Diocese of New York and New Jersey; of the Orthodox Church in America (OCA). We warmly welcome all who are searching for a church that is in unchanging continuity with the Church of the Apostles and where they may find the purity of the Apostolic Faith.
We are a church for those of all ages, ethnicities, and races, for both families and singles who are searching for the anchor of a Christian community in our rootless society.
Above all, we are a Eucharistic community worshiping the Holy Trinity in spirit and truth as we seek to know God, to be conformed to Christ's example of true humanity, and to be transformed to become partakers of the Divine Nature. Come and worship with us and with the Saints of all ages!
Parishioners and friends of the parish are asked to join the parish mailing for up-dates and changes in the schedule. Every Friday, "Parish Notations" are mailed to those on the list with up-dates, the schedule for the next week and information about our parish life and activities. We cannot sign you up to the Parish E-Mail List, you must do it yourself. Scroll down for signing-up..
9:30 Akathist; Confessions
5:30 Vespers; Confessions
9:10 Hours 9:30 Liturgy12:15 Annual Meeting
Parishioners and friends of Ss. Peter & Paul are encouraged to join our mailing list for mid-week emails. The purpose is to "keep in touch" and offer some news, information, spiritual counsel and other things for your consideration. This mailing list is open to everyone. If you would like to join our mailing list, please fill out the following form.
Note: Upon Subscribing below, shortly after you will receive a confirmation email. Please check your SPAM folder if you did not receive the email.