The Holy Relics are the miracle-working bones clothing or objects of certain saints. We honour them as objects in which God Himself manifests all the miraculous power of His Grace. As long as the saints were on earth, they had the Grace of the Holy Spirit in abundance and by this Grace they not infrequently worked miracles.
This Grace also lives in their souls in heaven where they now dwell. As the saint remains close to the people who call upon him to help them by means of a miracle, so much the more does he himself maintain an especial tie with his body, which is also a habitation of the Holy Spirit ,as the Apostles says: "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you and which you have from God, and that you are not your own" (1 Cor. 6:19).
Holy Scripture speaks to us concerning the miracle-workings of the saints during the period of their life on earth, that they bore witness to the power dwelling within them. Many people were healed only by touching the Apostle Paul's body with a handkerchief (Acts19:12) while others were healed only by being under the shadow of the Apotle Peter when he passed by (Acts 5:15).
- Elder Cleopas of Romania (+1998)
* St. Peter (+67?) Co-patron of the temple, foremost of the Apostles and brother of Andrew. Writer of an Epistle. Crucified in Rome on a cross turned upuside-down. Feast: June 29th
* St. Paul (+67?) Co-patron of the temple and Apostle to the Gentiles. Especially called by our Saviour. Writer of Epistles. Beheaded in Rome under Nero. Feast: June 29th.
* St. Andrew (+1st c.) First-Called of the Apostles, brother of Apostle Peter. Preacher of the Gospel in what today is Southern Russia. Crucified on X shaped Cross. Feast: Nov. 30th.
* St. Matthias (+1st c.) Chosen by lot by the Eleven Apostles to replace Judas, who betrayed Christ. Feast: Aug. 9th.
* St. Cyprian of Carthage (+258) Bishop and Martyr of Northern Africa. Writer of theological works. Feast: Aug. 31st.
* St. Nicholas of Myra (+330) Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. Pastor known for miraculous benefits and charity. Feasts: Dec. 6th & May 9th.
* St. Athanasius the Great (+373) Patriarch of Alexandria. Writer and Defender of Orthodoxy against Arius. Exiled four times for the Holy Faith. Feasts: May 2nd & Jan. 18th.
* St. Basil the Great (+379) Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia. Theologian, Pastor, Author of Monastic Rules and author of a Divine Liturgy and various prayers. Feasts: Jan. 1st & Jan. 30th.
* St. Gregory the Theologian (+391) Archbishop of Constantinople. Theologian and Writer. Together with Ss. Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, one of the "Three Hierarchs." Feasts: Jan. 25th & Jan. 30th.
* St. Ambrose of Milan (+397) A civil governor who became Bishop of Milan and fought against the Arians. Known for his powerful writings and preaching. Feast: Dec. 7th.
* St. John Chrysostom (+407) Archbishop of Constantinople. Theologian, Pastor, Writer of Gospels and Epistle Commentaries. Prophet of Charity and Social Concerns. Feasts: Nov. 13th, Jan. 27th & Jan. 30th.
* St. Patrick of Ireland (+460) Bishop and Enlightener of Ireland. Wonderworker. Feast: Mar. 17th.
* St. Leo the Great (+461) Pope of Rome. Writer of the famous "Tomos" expounding Orthodox belief. Feast: Feb. 18th.
* St. Nectarios of Aegina (+1920) Metropolitan of Pentapolis in Egypt. Theologian, Preacher, Monastic Father, Miracle-Worker. Feasts: Nov. 9th & Sept. 3rd.
* St. John Maximovitch (+1966) Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco. Theologian, Pastor and Wonderworker. Feast: July 2nd.
* Unknown Martyr Under Nero (+67). One of the many unknown Christian martyrs of Rome who suffered under the Pagan Emperor. Feast: All Saints Sunday.
* St. Barbara (+290). Virgin-Martyr, killed by her own pagan father. A particle of her relic is sealed in the Altar of our church. Feast: Dec. 4th.
* St. Theodore the Tyro (+297) Soldier and Martyr. Feasts: First Saturday of Great Lent & Feb. 17th.
* St. Mark of Chios (+1801). New-Martyr who suffered under the Turkish Yoke. Witnessed to the Faith by being beheaded. Feast: June 6th.
* St. Elizabeth the Nun-Martyr (+1918). Grandduchess of Russia. Nun and founder of charitable insitutions. Martyred by Communists. Feast: July 5th.
* St. John the Russian (+1730) Russian Soldier captured by Turks and ensalved. Confessor for the Faith. His relics are to be found in Evia, Greece and remain incorrupt. Feast: May 27th.
* St. John of Kronstadt (+1908). Russian Priest and Wonderworker. Known for his preaching and healing gifts. Feast: Dec. 20th.
* St. Bendict of Nursia (+547) Founder of the monastic life in the region of Italy. Writer of monastic rules and miracle-worker. Feast: Mar. 14th.
* St. Theodore of Sanaxar (+1791) Russian hermit and establisher of a model ascetic community at Sanaxar Monastery. Feast: Feb. 19th.
* St. Herman of Alaska (+1837) Monk and Missionary to Alaska. First saint of the American lands. Feasts: Dec. 13th & Aug. 9th.
* St. Antipas the Athonite (+1882) Originally from Moldavia, he spent time on Mt. Athos as well as in Russian monasteries. He reposed at Valaamo.
Feast: Jan. 10th.
Unmercenary Healers
* Ss. Cosmas and Damian (+3rd c.) The brothers were from Asia Minor and physicians. They are called "Unmcercenary" for they charged no fee for their services. They healed in the Name of Jesus and with medicines. Feasts: Nov. 1st & First Sunday of Nov.
The Holy Relics are the miracle-working bones clothing or objects of certain saints. We honour them as objects in which God Himself manifests all the miraculous power of His Grace. As long as the saints were on earth, they had the Grace of the Holy Spirit in abundance and by this Grace they not infrequently worked miracles.
This Grace also lives in their souls in heaven where they now dwell. As the saint remains close to the people who call upon him to help them by means of a miracle, so much the more does he himself maintain an especial tie with his body, which is also a habitation of the Holy Spirit ,as the Apostles says: "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you and which you have from God, and that you are not your own" (1 Cor. 6:19).
Holy Scripture speaks to us concerning the miracle-workings of the saints during the period of their life on earth, that they bore witness to the power dwelling within them. Many people were healed only by touching the Apostle Paul's body with a handkerchief (Acts19:12) while others were healed only by being under the shadow of the Apotle Peter when he passed by (Acts 5:15).
- Elder Cleopas of Romania (+1998)
* St. Peter (+67?) Co-patron of the temple, foremost of the Apostles and brother of Andrew. Writer of an Epistle. Crucified in Rome on a cross turned upuside-down. Feast: June 29th
* St. Paul (+67?) Co-patron of the temple and Apostle to the Gentiles. Especially called by our Saviour. Writer of Epistles. Beheaded in Rome under Nero. Feast: June 29th.
* St. Andrew (+1st c.) First-Called of the Apostles, brother of Apostle Peter. Preacher of the Gospel in what today is Southern Russia. Crucified on X shaped Cross. Feast: Nov. 30th.
* St. Matthias (+1st c.) Chosen by lot by the Eleven Apostles to replace Judas, who betrayed Christ. Feast: Aug. 9th.
* St. Cyprian of Carthage (+258) Bishop and Martyr of Northern Africa. Writer of theological works. Feast: Aug. 31st.
* St. Nicholas of Myra (+330) Archbishop of Myra in Lycia. Pastor known for miraculous benefits and charity. Feasts: Dec. 6th & May 9th.
* St. Athanasius the Great (+373) Patriarch of Alexandria. Writer and Defender of Orthodoxy against Arius. Exiled four times for the Holy Faith. Feasts: May 2nd & Jan. 18th.
* St. Basil the Great (+379) Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia. Theologian, Pastor, Author of Monastic Rules and author of a Divine Liturgy and various prayers. Feasts: Jan. 1st & Jan. 30th.
* St. Gregory the Theologian (+391) Archbishop of Constantinople. Theologian and Writer. Together with Ss. Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, one of the "Three Hierarchs." Feasts: Jan. 25th & Jan. 30th.
* St. Ambrose of Milan (+397) A civil governor who became Bishop of Milan and fought against the Arians. Known for his powerful writings and preaching. Feast: Dec. 7th.
* St. John Chrysostom (+407) Archbishop of Constantinople. Theologian, Pastor, Writer of Gospels and Epistle Commentaries. Prophet of Charity and Social Concerns. Feasts: Nov. 13th, Jan. 27th & Jan. 30th.
* St. Patrick of Ireland (+460) Bishop and Enlightener of Ireland. Wonderworker. Feast: Mar. 17th.
* St. Leo the Great (+461) Pope of Rome. Writer of the famous "Tomos" expounding Orthodox belief. Feast: Feb. 18th.
* St. Nectarios of Aegina (+1920) Metropolitan of Pentapolis in Egypt. Theologian, Preacher, Monastic Father, Miracle-Worker. Feasts: Nov. 9th & Sept. 3rd.
* St. John Maximovitch (+1966) Archbishop of Shanghai and San Francisco. Theologian, Pastor and Wonderworker. Feast: July 2nd.
* Unknown Martyr Under Nero (+67). One of the many unknown Christian martyrs of Rome who suffered under the Pagan Emperor. Feast: All Saints Sunday.
* St. Barbara (+290). Virgin-Martyr, killed by her own pagan father. A particle of her relic is sealed in the Altar of our church. Feast: Dec. 4th.
* St. Theodore the Tyro (+297) Soldier and Martyr. Feasts: First Saturday of Great Lent & Feb. 17th.
* St. Mark of Chios (+1801). New-Martyr who suffered under the Turkish Yoke. Witnessed to the Faith by being beheaded. Feast: June 6th.
* St. Elizabeth the Nun-Martyr (+1918). Grandduchess of Russia. Nun and founder of charitable insitutions. Martyred by Communists. Feast: July 5th.
* St. John the Russian (+1730) Russian Soldier captured by Turks and ensalved. Confessor for the Faith. His relics are to be found in Evia, Greece and remain incorrupt. Feast: May 27th.
* St. John of Kronstadt (+1908). Russian Priest and Wonderworker. Known for his preaching and healing gifts. Feast: Dec. 20th.
* St. Bendict of Nursia (+547) Founder of the monastic life in the region of Italy. Writer of monastic rules and miracle-worker. Feast: Mar. 14th.
* St. Theodore of Sanaxar (+1791) Russian hermit and establisher of a model ascetic community at Sanaxar Monastery. Feast: Feb. 19th.
* St. Herman of Alaska (+1837) Monk and Missionary to Alaska. First saint of the American lands. Feasts: Dec. 13th & Aug. 9th.
* St. Antipas the Athonite (+1882) Originally from Moldavia, he spent time on Mt. Athos as well as in Russian monasteries. He reposed at Valaamo.
Feast: Jan. 10th.
Unmercenary Healers
* Ss. Cosmas and Damian (+3rd c.) The brothers were from Asia Minor and physicians. They are called "Unmcercenary" for they charged no fee for their services. They healed in the Name of Jesus and with medicines. Feasts: Nov. 1st & First Sunday of Nov.
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Blessing of Candles - 02/02/25
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Last updated: 2025-02-02 19:55:33