The Third Sunday of Lent is that of the Veneration of the Cross. The cross stands in the midst of the church in the middle of the lenten season not merely to remind men of Christ’s redemption and to keep before them the goal of their efforts, but also to be venerated as that reality by which man must live to be saved. “He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Mt.10:38). For in the Cross of Christ Crucified lies both “the power of God and the wisdom of God” for those being saved (1 Cor.1:24).
Celebration of the church New Year. The first day of the Church New Year is also called the beginning of the Indiction. The term Indiction comes from a Latin word meaning, “to impose.” It was originally applied to the imposition of taxes in Egypt.
The Dormition of the Most Holy Mother of God - 08/15/21
After the Ascension of the Lord, the Mother of God remained in the care of the Apostle John the Theologian, and during his journeys She lived at the home of his parents, near the Mount of Olives. She was a source of consolation and edification both for the Apostles and for all the believers.
The Raising of Lazarus (Lazarus Saturday) - 04/24/21
....In a carefully detailed narrative the Gospel relates how Christ, six days before His own death, and with particular mindfulness of the people “standing by, that they may believe that thou didst send me” (John 11:42), went to His dead friend Lazarus at Bethany outside of Jerusalem. He was aware of the approaching death of Lazarus but deliberately delayed His coming, saying to His disciples at the news of His friend’s death: “For your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe” (John 11:14).
The Nativity of our Lord God & Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/20
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born of the Most Holy Virgin Mary in the city of Bethlehem during the reign of the emperor Augustus (Octavian). Caesar Augustus decreed that a universal census be made throughout his Empire, which then also included Palestinian Israel. The Jews were accustomed to be counted in the city from where their family came. The Most Holy Virgin and the Righteous Joseph, since they were descended from the house and lineage of King David, had to go to Bethlehem to be counted and taxed.
Saint Irene Chrysovolantou and Blessing of Apples - 07/27/20
Although Saint Irene performed many miracles during her life, let us mention only one. On great Feasts it was her habit to keep vigil in the monastery courtyard under the starry skies. Once, a nun who was unable to sleep left her cell and went into the courtyard. There she saw Abbess Irene levitating a few feet above the ground, completely absorbed in prayer. The astonished nun also noticed that two cypress trees had bowed their heads to the ground, as if in homage. When she finished praying, Irene blessed the trees and they returned to their upright position.
On Wednesday of the sixth week of Pascha, we celebrate the Leavetaking of the Feast. While most Feasts have their Leavetaking on the eighth day, Pascha, the Feast of Feasts, has its Leavetaking on the thirty-ninth day. The fortieth day is the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, which marks the end of the Lord’s physical presence on earth. He does not abandon us, however. He has promised to be with us always, even until the end of the age (MT 20:28). As we sing in the Kontakion for Ascension, “Thou didst ascend in glory, O Christ our God, not being parted from those who love Thee, but remaining with them and crying: I am with you and no one will be against you.” There is a similar thought expressed in the Troparion for the Dormition: “In falling asleep, you did not forsake the world, O Theotokos.”
A Dinner of Thanks & Fall Celebration - Sunday, November 4th at 12:00p.m. - 10/20/18
On Sunday, November 4th, at 12:00p.m. we will host a special dinner (Turkey) of thanksgiving. This is to celebrate two achievements that have taken place in these past months. The installation of the new church flooring and the renovation of the upstairs parish hall. For the first time, we will be using the upper hall. All parishioners, former parishioners and friends of the parish are invited! There is no charge. Please simply reply no later than 6:00p.m. Sunday October 28th with your name and number of people attending. There is also a sign-up sheet on the vestibule stand in the church. For more information contact Ekaterine Margiani (908-240-7701) or Fr. James (908-685-1452). You may leave information on the phone or e-mail - Please join us!
May 10th Study Class - 7-8:30p.m. in Conference Room - All Invited! - 05/01/18
"On the Necessity of Guarding our Thoughts - the First Step in Spiritual Action and of Spiritual Defense." The Holy Saints teach us that our contribution to our salvation is to a large extent dependent upon the thoughts we hold to. The modern day Elder, St. Paisios of Athos (+1994) remarks that "the entire spiritual life depends on our thoughts." There are all kinds of thoughts, simple and composite; good and bad, from God and from the demons, as well as from our own conjuring. We will examine the positive and negative charcter of thoughts and what the Fathers recommend us to rightly think.
Now the comforting Spirit has been poured out on all flesh, beginning with the choir of the apostles. He has spread His grace, communicating it to all the faithful, He gives proof of His mighty descent by distributing the fiery tongues to the disciples for the praise and glory of God. So now that our hearts have been spiritually enlightened, strengthened in faith by the Holy Spirit, let us pray that our souls may be saved!
The receiving of the Holy Gifts at a Sunday Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter & Paul Church. When we partake of the Holy Gifts we are united to them and become more grafted onto the Mystical Body of Christ, which is His Church. While we approach for Holy Communion, the people sing this hymn: “Receive the Body of Christ, taste the Fountain of Immortality.” The priest says to the person receiving the Holy Gifts: “The Precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ is given unto the servant of God (name) for the remission of sins and to life everlasting.”
The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts is an evening service. It is the solemn lenten Vespers with the administration of Holy Communion added to it. There is no consecration of the eucharistic gifts at the presanctified liturgy. Holy Communion is given from the eucharistic gifts sanctified on the previous Sunday at the celebration of the Divine Liturgy, unless, of course, the feast of the Annunciation should intervene; hence its name of “presanctified.” (Thanks to Nick Kita for the pictures)
Trailer: Ss. Peter & Paul - Manville, NJ - Celebrating 100 Years - 10/10/15
The 15-minute trailer of the 1 hour, 20 minute feature film to be released on Sunday, December 6, 2015 in honor of the 100th Anniversary of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church in Manville, NJ.
As part of the 100th Anniversary, a number of Gramotas were presented to a number of our parishioners as well as to Mr. George Filippakis, the iconographer who labored over 40 years in adorning the Church with Byzantine iconography and to Proto-Deacon Paul Sokol on the 20th anniversary of his ordination to the deaconate.
Take me out to the ball park, take me out to the game, buy me some cotton candy and ice cream.....SS Peter and Paul Youth Group attended a baseball game at Somerset Patriots. Young and Old alike had a great time.
In the Church’s annual liturgical cycle, Pentecost is “the last and great day.” It is the celebration by the Church of the coming of the Holy Spirit as the end—the achievement and fulfillment—of the entire history of salvation. For the same reason, however, it is also the celebration of the beginning: it is the “birthday” of the Church as the presence among us of the Holy Spirit, of the new life in Christ, of grace, knowledge, adoption to God and holiness.
Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered; let those who hate him flee from before his face! Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and upon those in the tombs bestowing life. (Troparion). This is the day which the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!
On Bright Monday the Church commemorates the Sweet-Kissing (Glykophilousa) Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. Like the Iveron Icon (March 31), the Sweet-Kissing Icon was also saved from the iconoclasts by a pious woman in the ninth century. It also traveled miraculously upon the sea, arriving at Mt. Athos, the “Garden of the Theotokos,” where it was honored by the monks.
Palm Sunday: The Feast Of The Entrance Of Our Lord Jesus Christ Into Jerusalem - On the Sunday before the Feast of Great and Holy Pascha and at the beginning of Holy Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates one of its most joyous feasts of the year. Palm Sunday is the commemoration of the Entrance of our Lord into Jerusalem following His glorious miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead. Having anticipated His arrival and having heard of the miracle, the people when out to meet the Lord and welcomed Him with displays of honor and shouts of praise. On this day, we receive and worship Christ in this same manner, acknowledging Him as our King and Lord.
Christ came to the world to “bear the infirmities” of men. One of the signs of his divine messiahship was to heal the sick. The power of healing remains in the Church since Christ himself remains in the Church through the Holy Spirit. The sacrament of the unction of the sick is the Church’s specific prayer for healing. If the faith of the believers is strong enough, and if it is the will of God, there is every reason to believe that the Lord can heal those who are diseased.
Veneration of the Cross (also Council Induction) - 03/15/15
The Third Sunday of Lent is that of the Veneration of the Cross. The cross stands in the midst of the church in the middle of the lenten season not merely to remind men of Christ’s redemption and to keep before them the goal of their efforts, but also to be venerated as that reality by which man must live to be saved. “He who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me” (Mt.10:38). For in the Cross of Christ Crucified lies both “the power of God and the wisdom of God” for those being saved (1 Cor.1:24).
On Sunday evening, March 1, 2015 — the first Sunday of Great Lent — Orthodox Christians will gather in churches around the world to commemorate the restoration of icons to their proper use in the Church on March 11, 843 AD, thereby ending the 100-plus year iconoclast controversy. The spiritual theme of the day is first of all the victory of the True Faith. “This is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith” [1 John 5:4]. Secondly, the icons of the saints bear witness that man, “created in the image and likeness of God” [Genesis 1:26], becomes holy and godlike through the purification of himself as God’s living image.
Scout Sunday is always observed on the Sunday before February 8, Scouting Anniversary Day [1910]. BSA programs have traditionally considered reverence for and belief in God to be cornerstones for developing young men and women in character, citizenship and fitness.
Theophany is the Feast which reveals the Most Holy Trinity to the world through the Baptism of the Lord (Mt.3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22). God the Father spoke from Heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the St John the Forerunner, and the Holy Spirit descended upon the Son in the form of a dove. From ancient times this Feast was called the Day of Illumination and the Feast of Lights, since God is Light and has appeared to illumine “those who sat in darkness,” and “in the region of the shadow of death” (Mt.4:16), and to save the fallen race of mankind by grace.
For centuries upon centuries, parents, grandparents and godparents have related the following to Orthodox children about St. Basil and the Vasilopita. One year, during a time of terrible famine, the emperor levied a sinfully excessive tax upon the people of Caesarea. The tax was such a heavy burden upon the already impoverished people that to avoid debtors' prison each family had to relinquish its few remaining coins and pieces of jewelry, including precious family heirlooms. Learning of this injustice upon his flock, St. Basil the Great, the archbishop of Caesarea, took up his bishop's staff and the book of the holy Gospels and came to his people's defense by fearlessly calling the emperor to repentance. By God's grace, the emperor did repent! He canceled the tax and instructed his tax collectors to turn over to St. Basil all of the chests containing the coins and jewelry which had been paid as taxes by the people of Caesarea. But now St. Basil was faced with the daunting and impossible task of returning these thousands of coins and pieces of jewelry to their rightful owners. After praying for a long time before the icons of our Master Christ and His All-Holy Mother, St. Basil had all the treasures baked into one huge pita. He then called all the townspeople to prayer at the cathedral, and, after Divine Liturgy, he blessed and cut the pita, giving a piece to each person. Miraculously, each owner received in his piece of Vasilopita his own valuables. They all joyfully returned home, giving thanks to God who had delivered them from abject poverty and to their good and holy bishop St. Basil the Great! In remembrance of that miracle wrought by God as a result of St. Basil's love and defense of his people, Orthodox Christians have observed the tradition of the Vasilopita each year on January 1st-- the date on which St. Basil reposed in the Lord in the year 379.
The Nativity of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ - 12/25/14
The Nativity of Christ has long been counted as one of the Twelve Great Feasts. It is one of the greatest, most joyful and wondrous events in the history of the world. The angel said to the shepherds, “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. Then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly hosts, glorifying God and saying: Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Those who heard these things were astonished at what the shepherds told them concerning the Child. And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen” (Luke 2:10-20).
MANVILLE: Church celebrates its history and diversity - 11/14/14
Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church on Washington Avenue began celebrating its 99th anniversary of service on Sunday with a church service and international food festival.
Manville, NJ - Every Sunday morning for the past 99 years, a Divine Liturgy is celebrated at Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in Manville, with church bells ringing, a choir singing and the faithful gathering in prayer. Services are also held on many days throughout the week with the same joyful solemnity of the Orthodox Christian faith. On Sunday, November 8th, Ss. Peter and Paul invites the community to join in their 99th Anniversary and International Food Festival.
The feast of the Dormition or Falling-asleep of the Theotokos is celebrated on the fifteenth of August, preceded by a two-week fast. This feast, which is also sometimes called the Assumption, commemorates the death, resurrection and glorification of Christ’s mother. It proclaims that Mary has been “assumed” by God into the heavenly kingdom of Christ in the fullness of her spiritual and bodily existence.
As with the nativity of the Virgin and the feast of her entrance to the temple, there are no biblical or historical sources for this feast. The Tradition of the Church is that Mary died as all people die, not “voluntarily” as her Son, but by the necessity of her mortal human nature which is indivisibly bound up with the corruption of this world.
The Orthodox Church teaches that Mary is without personal sins. In the Gospel of the feast, however, in the liturgical services and in the Dormition icon, the Church proclaims as well that Mary truly needed to be saved by Christ as all human persons are saved from the trials, sufferings and death of this world; and that having truly died, she was raised up by her Son as the Mother of Life and participates already in the eternal life of paradise which is prepared and promised to all who “hear the word of God and keep it.” (Luke 11:27-28)
Pictures from Holy Thursday Vespers and Divine Liturgy - 04/17/14
Two events shape the liturgy of Great and Holy Thursday: the Last Supper of Christ with His disciples, and the betrayal of Judas. The meaning of both is in love. The Last Supper is the ultimate revelation of God’s redeeming love for man, of love as the very essence of salvation. And the betrayal of Judas reveals that sin, death and self-destruction are also due to love, but to deviated and distorted love, love directed at that which does not deserve love. Here is the mystery of this unique day, and its liturgy, where light and darkness, joy and sorrow are so strangely mixed, challenges us with the choice on which depends the eternal destiny of each one of us. “Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His hour was come... having loved His own which were in the world, He loved them unto the end...” (John 13:1). To understand the meaning of the Last Supper we must see it as the very end of the great movement of Divine Love which began with the creation of the world and is now to be consummated in the death and resurrection of Christ.
MANVILLE: Children lead effort in caring - 04/12/14
MANVILLE: Children lead effort in caring
They organize food, monetary donations for Caritas
Children from three Manville churches and the Catholic elementary school led efforts to collect food and gift cards for families assisted through the Caritas organization, which is headed by borough resident Barbara Demchak through Christ the Redeemer Parish.
Caritas is the Latin word for "caring and sharing" and the children worked together to collect 32 large deliveries of food, Easter treats and more than $1,300 in grocery gift cards to be distributed this week through Caritas.
Ss. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church 98th Anniversary Open House and International Food Festival - 10/13/13
Thank you for joining us for our 98th Anniversary Open house and International Food Festival. Here are the Photos from our Akathist service, Annointing with Holy Oil(for well-being, peace, healing and all other needs), Childrens Choir, International Food Festival Church Tours and Iconography.
Photos from Bishop Michael's visit Sept 29 &30th - 09/30/12
Photos from His Grace, Bishop Michael visit to our parish on Saturday, September 29th for the Vigil and Divine Liturgy. After the Divine Liturgy the blessing of the St. George Gazebo took place, followed by a festal meal in the lower hall.
On the entrance wall into the nave of the church a new icon now adorns the
upper hall. This icon is that of the “Holy Napkin” the icon of our
Saviour, “Not-Made-By-Hands.” A full description of the icon may be found
on the feast day calendar for August 16th. (See OCA website: – calendar). The Icon was painted by
our resident iconographer, Austin Kachek and is a memorial gift from the family,
friends and parishioners of (+Mary Holovach, Oct. 18, 2009). May her
memory be eternal!
After the Divine
Liturgy, a "blessing of things mobile" took place in the parking lot.
Autos, bikes, baby strollers, and boogie boards were also blessed. It is
normal for us to bless things that we use - for transportation and
even recreation. The blessing is for their safe usage as well as a
reminder that whatever we do, wherever we are at, be it work or play, we
should do the will of the Lord and remember His Holy Name.
On Sunday, May 27th, His Grace, Bishop Peter of Cleveland, of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad served Hierarchial Divine Liturgy at Saints Peter and Paul church in Manville, nj
Pictures from the visit of Bishop Michael - 11/22/10
Pictures from Bishop Michael's first visit to our parish on the feast of the Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple. More pictures to come in the future.
Visit of Metropolitan Dimitri of Georgia - 10/26/10
On Oct. 26th, Metropolitan Dimitri of Batumi and Lazeti Diocese of the Church of Georgia, and Communities of the USA and Canada, celebrated a Molieben to the Mother of God, together with visiting priests and a very large number of faithful Georgian Orthodox Christians. His Eminence spoke to the people about matters of the Faith. All were anointed with blessed oil from the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. After the service a wonderful reception was held in the parish hall.
On September 18th, our parish sponsored a bus trip for a one day pilgrimage to the Monastery of St. Tikhon, in South Canaan, Pa. The monastery is over a hundred years old and six of the twelve cannonized saints of America have had an association with the monastery. We were blessed to visit this holy monastery and venerate the many relics of the saints. The day was spent in prayer, fellowship, visits to the bookstore and museum, the cemetery, and the various shrines on the grounds. We are appreciative that Bishop Tikhon broke bread with us at the luncheon and spoke with us about the nature of the monastic life. The Abbot, St. Sergius, also gave us a warm welcome and Monk Nicodemus provided us with a tour of the Monastery and conversed with us about spiritual persons associated with the history of the monastery. We returned home with a sense of spiritual joy and strength. Glory to God!
On Thursday, July 8th, the Georgian Community welcomed visiting Archbishop Anton of Vani and the Bagdadi Diocese of the Patriarchate of Georgia at Ss. Peter & Paul Church. Along with Father Peter of St. George Church in Philadelphia, a Molieben Service to the Mother of God was served. Archbishop Anton gave a homily and anointed the people with blessed oil from the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem. On behalf of the parish Community of Ss. Peter & Paul, Archpriest James Parsells welcomed Archbishop Anton and presented to him an icon of All the Saints of Alaska and an icon of St. Tikhon, Enlightener of North America to Father Peter. A lenten festal meal was held in the parish center, with wonderful foods and even more wonderful fellowship and conversations. Archbishop Anton again spoke to all those gathered as well as to individuals. The festivities lasted well into the night. A blessed event!
Consecration of His Grace, Bishop Michael - 05/08/10
Photos taken by members of local parish from Manville of the consecration of His Grace, Bishop Michael on Saturday May 8th at Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Jersey City.
On November 23, the Georgian Orthodox Faithful gathered at Ss. Peter & Paul to celebrate the Fall Feast of the Great-Martyr George, with a Molieben celebrated by Archpriest Alexander of St. Nino Church in Brooklyn. More than a hundred people were present to honor St. George.
On Sunday, July 26, members and friends of the parish gathered for the annual picnic. Many thanks to all who participated and worked to make this day possible!
On Saturday, May 2nd our parish held "A Celebration of the Nation of Georgia: its Faith, People and Culture". The day began with a Molieben Service in Georgian by Fr. Alexander Tandishvili the rector of St. Nino Church in Brooklyn. The Service was held before the Iveron (Georgian) Icon of the Mother of God. Fr. Alexander spoke that our Orthodox Church embraces all people of all lands and uses many languages. Our Orthodox Faith is One and expressed in both unity and diversity. Fr. James Parsells, rector of Ss. Peter & Paul, welcomed all those gathered and expressed on behalf of the parish, our delight and joy to host this first time event. At the conclusion of the Service, the faithful were anointed with blessed oil from the Monastery of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, founded in the 5th century and inhabited for centuries by Georgian monastics. Throughout the day the church remained opened and people came in and out to pray and light candles. In our parish hall, a feast of Georgian foods and wines and fellowship took place. Educational displays about Georgia were on display and religious items for sale. A wonderful day!
On Bright Monday, April 20th, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul, together with visiting clergy and friends, celebrated the festive Divine Liturgy. Due to adverse weather conditions the customary procession had to be canceled. However, those in attendance were able to share in a luncheon and fellowship following the Divine Liturgy. Many thanks to those who helped make this Paschal celebration so joyous! Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
Greetings to all visiting our parish website, as we celebrate the Holy Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ!
May He Who was born in a Cave and lay in a manger, Christ our True God, grant you all the rich blessings of this holy feast!
30th Anniversary of Fr. James in Manville - 10/05/08
On Sunday, October 5, 2008, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church celebrated the 30th Anniversary of Archpriest James Parsells' pastoral assignment to Manville. Following the Divine Liturgy, a festal meal was held in the Parish Center, during which Fr. James was presented with a gift on behalf of the parish. Present at the festivities were Archpriest David Straut, together with his parishioners from St. Elizabeth the New Martyr in Rocky Hill, NJ, and Priest John Parsells together with his family from Christ the Savior in Dagsboro, DE. Many thanks to all who made this celebration such a success! May the Lord grant Fr. James and all those who gathered for this special day many blessed years!
On Monday, September 15th, the annual Assembly of the Diocese of Washington and New York was held at Ss. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church of South River, New Jersey. Representing Ss. Peter & Paul of Manville were Fr. James Parsells and Michael Redmond.
On Sunday, July 20th, the Annual Parish Picnic was held at the Village Swim Club in E. Brunswick. Parishioners and friends enjoyed a day of fellowship, food, swimming and recreation. Many thanks to all who helped make this year's picnic such an enjoyable time!
On Sunday, July 20th, the feast of the Prophet Elias, there was a blessing of automobiles. It is customary to have this blessing on or near the feast of the Prophet Elias who ascended into the heavens in a fiery chariot. (2 Kings 2:11)
On Sunday, June 29, 2008, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul celebrated their patronal feast. VRev. David Koles celebrated the Divine Services with VRev. James Parsells, Rector of the Parish, while friends and visitors from various places were in attendance. Following the Divine Liturgy and procession around the church, a festal luncheon was offered. Many thanks to all who helped make the day such a special one!
On Sunday, April 27, 2008, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul celebreated the Feast of Feasts, Holy Pascha. Following the Divine Services a festal meal was held in the Parish Center. Christ is Risen!
On Sunday, December 9th, Bishop Peter of Cleveland (ROCOR) celebrated Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at Ss. Peter & Paul Church (OCA) in Manville, New Jersey. This joyous and historic celebration manifested the new-found unity of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and the Orthodox Church in America, made possible by the re-unification of the Russian Church Abroad and the Moscow Patriarchate.
On Bright Monday, April 9th, the faithful of Ss. Peter & Paul, together with visiting clergy and friends, celebrated the festive Divine Liturgy which was followed by a Procession. Afterwards, those in attendance shared in a luncheon, which was followed by an egg-hunt for the children. Many thanks to those who helped make this Paschal celebration so joyous! Christ is risen! Indeed He is risen!
Ordination of Dn. John Parsells to the Holy Priesthood - 07/01/06
On Saturday, July 1st, 2006, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN visited our parish to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and ordain John V. Parsells to the Holy Priesthood. A festal meal followed in the Parish Center. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this day happen. Congratulations and many years to Fr. John, Matushka Emily, and their new daughter, Elisabeth Parsells!
Bright Monday / Romanian Choral Performance - 04/24/06
On Bright Monday, the parish community welcomed friends and guests for an Open House following the Divine Liturgy. As is the custom in Manville, many of the children took the day off from school to attend the Church Services and to spend the day with one another playing games and enjoying the Feast. Following the evening service, a liturgical and folk song concert was offered in the Parish Center by the Ars Carminis Theological Choral Group. The members of the group are students of the University of Orthodox Theology "Patriarch Iustinian Marina" in Bucharest, Romania. Following a splendid performance, the choir and attendees shared fellowship and refreshments.
On Sunday, April 23rd, the faithful gathered for the celebration of the Feast of Feasts, Holy Pascha. Despite adverse weather conditions, which forced the cancellation of the traditional procession around the church building, the liturgical celebrations were filled with resurrectional joy! Following the Nocturns, Matins, Divine Liturgy, and the blessing of the Paschal baskets in the Parish Center, many parishioners and guests stayed to exchange their Paschal greetings and to share their festal foods. Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!
A Film Presentation: "The Face: Jesus in Art" - 02/26/06
"The Face: Jesus in Art", a WNET documentary, was presented on Sunday, February 26, 2006, at 2:00pm, in the upper level of the parish center. Following the film, Fr. James and Austin Kachek, the resident iconographer of the parish, led a discussion on the film as it relates to the Orthodox iconographical tradition. Then, following a tasty meal, Mr. Kachek led a tour of the church for those who were visiting the parish.
Visitation of Met. HERMAN and ordination of Dn. John Parsells - 10/30/05
On Sunday, Oct. 30th, 2005, His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN visited our parish to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and ordain John V. Parsells, a parishioner and recent graduate of St. Tikhon's Seminary, to the diaconate. A festal meal followed in the Parish Center. Many thanks to all who worked so hard to make this day happen. Congratulations and many years to Dn. John and Matushka Emily Parsells!
In 2005, the parish of Ss. Peter & Paul in Manville, NJ, established in 1915, celebrates 90 years of service to Christ's Holy Church. On Sunday, October 2nd, special anniversary celebrations were held as the faithful offered their thanksgiving to God in the Divine Liturgy and warmly welcomed all those who gathered for the 90th Anniversary Banquet which followed.
On Sunday, August 28th, the Ss. Peter & Paul choir, youth groups, and their families gathered for the annual Choir Picnic. The weather held out and everyone had an enjoyable time courtesy of the Kita's, who hosted the picnic!
On Wednesday, June 29th, the faithful gathered to honor our heavenly patrons, Ss. Peter and Paul. Following the Divine Liturgy and Procession, a festal meal was served in the parish center. Holy Apostles Peter and Paul pray unto God for us!
On Monday, June 20th, iconographer George Filippakis with the help of the parish's resident iconographer, Austin Kachek, began the installation of four large ceiling icons depicting the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, the Theophany of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. In 1980, iconographer George Filippakis began work on the church's wall and ceiling icons. The church is still in the process of being completed by the work of Mr. Filippakis.
Marriage of John Parsells and Emily Straut - 06/12/05
On Sunday, June 12th, John Parsells and Emily Straut were united in the bond of Holy Matrimony. The service was performed by His Grace Bishop TIKHON, with the assistance of Dn. Paul Sokol. Following the Marriage Service, everyone was invited to the parish center for a reception and fellowship. Many thanks to all who helped make this day memorable for John and Emily! May God grant them many blessed years!
On Sunday, June 12th, His Grace Bishop TIKHON led the faithful in the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, commemorating the Holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council held in Nicaea, 325 AD. His Grace also served the Vigil Service held on Saturday night. Many thanks to His Grace for his kindness, words of instruction, and leadership in the Divine Services.
Visit of His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN - 04/10/05
On Sunday, April 10th, His Beatitude Metropolitan HERMAN visited our parish and served the Lenten Mission Vespers. After the service everyone was invited to a lenten meal in the upper parish hall. Many thanks to all who helped make this event possible!
The Twelve Apostles' Youth Group capped off their 2004 event schedule with a trip to the Bridgewater Sports Arena for ice skating. Following the ice skating, the youth group enjoyed pizza, saw a movie, and went to a local park.
As part of the preparation for the parish's 90th anniversary (June 29, 2005) and as continuation of the church beautification process, we have undertaken to complete the church's ceiling with the installation of four large icons depicting: the Meeting of the Lord in the Temple, the Theophany of the Lord, the Transfiguration of the Lord, and the Entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem. Should you wish to participate in this project you may do so by filling out this form, or contacting Fr. James at 908-685-1452.
Youth Group Waterpark Trip - 08/31/04
The Twelve Apostles Youth Group concluded their summer events with a trip to Camel Beach Waterpark located in Tannersville, PA. Of the 22 water slides and attractions some of the favorites were the Titan, the Triple Venom, and the Sidewinder.
The Ss. Peter & Paul choir, youth groups, and their families gathered on Sunday, August 22nd, for the annual Choir Picnic. A good time was had by all. Thanks once again to the Kita's for hosting the picnic!
The servants of God, Alexander and Martin were baptized and chrismated on Saturday, July 31st. Following the outdoor Baptism, the faithful processed into the church for the Chrismation. The joyous occasion concluded with a luncheon in their honor. Many blessed years to Alexander, Martin, their family and sponsors!
The 12 Apostles Youth Group enjoyed a beautiful day at the Bronx Zoo. Among the exhibits viewed, some of the favorites were the Congro Gorilla Forest, the Skyfari, and the Sea Lions. After the visit to the zoo the youth group had pizza and played games.
The faithful gathered for the Patronal Feast to honor the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul. Among the visiting clergy were Fr. David Straut from St. Elizabeth's in Rocky Hill, NJ, Fr. Michael Carney from St. Herman's in Grand Rapids, MI and Fr. Witalis Suszczenia from Holy Trinity, Rahway, NJ. Parishioners were present from our OCA parishes in Paramus, Brick, Glen Gardner, Rocky Hill and Rahway. Following the Divine Liturgy and procession a delightful festal meal was held at the parish center. Afterwards, the youth spent the afternoon at a pool party. The festal day concluded with the faithful gathering for an Akathist to Ss. Peter and Paul. Many thanks to all who attended from near and far!
The Ss. Peter & Paul choir, youth groups, and their families gathered on Sunday, August 22nd, for the annual Choir Picnic. A good time was had by all. Thanks once again to the Kita's for hosting the picnic!