Name Repose Date
Fr. Daniel Yachmeneff unknown
Fr. Kosma Gorbacheff unknown
Anastasia Irnitsky unknown
Helen Romanak unknown
Elias Neckorchuk unknown
Julia Gorobetz unknown
John Vashuta unknown
Peter Romanowski 1/1/1963
Michael Emilianov 1/1/1995
Paul Lebedz 1/1/2010
Chariton Kucher 1/2/1947
Mary Knaff 1/2/1966
Charles Specian 1/2/1989
Vera Wilhousky 1/2/2012
Mary Tarby Adamcio 1/3/1962
Christine Sudillo 1/4/1963
Mary Dzurich 1/4/1970
Peter Wilhousky 1/4/1978
Alice Kulina 1/4/2016
Nicholas Senko 1/5/1964
Anna Sudia 1/5/2004
Michael Kuzmiak 1/6/1952
Frank Bongiorno 1/6/2016
Ufim Nesteruk 1/7/1959
Mary Borushko 1/7/1963
Helen Knysh 1/7/1967
Mathilda Blanchard 1/8/1963
Katherine Karpinski 1/8/1967
Eustafey Gumenuk 1/8/1978
Michael Hobora 1/9/1995
Helen Zvonchenko 1/10/1983
Vassily Koles 1/11/1979
Alex Emilianov 1/12/1965
Julia Dzyban 1/12/1976
Xenia Kalevich 1/12/1982
Margaret Lohsen 1/12/2011
Slako Yadlowsky 1/12/2013
Katherine Shwetz 1/13/1953
Peter Krenitsky 1/13/1966
Ekaterina Moroshan 1/15/2000
Fr. Eliia Lilikovich 1/17/1938
Radion Tzarkov 1/17/1953
Mary Kralovich 1/17/1975
Anastasia Petrushevich 1/18/1927
Helen Trehubets 1/18/1963
Constantine Putyrske 1/18/1990
Vera Gromack 1/19/1974
Charles Basil Fetchko 1/19/1999
Nazar Pasechnik 1/20/1960
Charles Chabala 1/20/1963
Andrew Zorella 1/21/1971
Tarasius Lasin 1/22/1923
Paul Dzioba 1/23/1936
John Lapa 1/24/1960
Fr. Stephen Podlusky 1/24/1963
Jacob Mogilevsky 1/24/1976
Anna Putyrske 1/24/1985
Simon Leich 1/25/1976
Fr. Constantine Suchostovsky 1/26/1965
Joseph Wilhousky 1/26/1982
Helen Popko 1/27/1937
Mary Sandago 1/27/1972
Alexander Kulina 1/27/1987
Olga Small 1/28/1995
Paul Monko 1/29/1974
John Macinko 1/29/1988
Jacob Michaelski 1/31/1952
Michael Petro 2/2/1940
Theodora Mahalick 2/2/1949
Natalie Kuntzevich 2/2/1984
Sonia Esposito 2/2/1986
Kalioppi Alexis 2/2/1994
Jonah Lasin 2/3/1929
Mary Bolash 2/4/1973
Pelagia Grishkivech 2/4/1975
Theodore Andreosky 2/5/1958
Basil Petrovsky 2/7/1931
Tatiana Gumenuk 2/7/1970
John Andreosky 2/8/1953
Fr. Nikifor Besmertnuk 2/9/1972
Anna Karel 2/9/1988
Vincent Chwat 2/9/2007
Fr. Michael Tidik 2/10/1962
Ruth Michaelovsky 2/10/1988
Mary Spotts 2/10/2001
Josephine Hriniak 2/11/1993
John Jackowlew 2/11/2007
John Wislosky 2/12/1972
Xenia Fedarka 2/12/1988
Gregory Stepaniuk 2/13/1929
Christina Kozar 2/13/1948
Clement Mc Closkey 2/13/1957
Alexander Pawlik 2/13/1970
Moses Korenchik 2/15/1929
Helen Russo 2/15/1998
Zollie Pituch 2/15/1999
Athanasius Barna 2/16/1928
Abraham Yashuk 2/16/1954
Anna Peschek 2/17/2003
Gregory Holovach 2/18/1952
Magdalena Padla 2/18/1963
Josephine Fedchin 2/18/1993
Gregory Klimchuk 2/19/1963
Jacob Shevchuk 2/20/1918
Anna Sabat 2/20/1953
Theodosia Zuboff 2/20/1963
Anna Lisowski 2/20/1981
John Cherkan 2/21/1939
Steven Piscadlo 2/21/1963
Anna Sharshon 2/21/1976
Ludmila Tjaden 2/21/2011
Stephen Blisak 2/22/1931
Olga Yaskovsky 2/22/1931
Stella Honchar 2/22/1977
Gertrude Huzinec 2/22/1989
Loius Potapchuk 2/23/1942
Joseph Wilhousky Sr. 2/23/1946
Michael Warin 2/23/2011
Constantine Yushkevich 2/25/1941
Helen Wilhousky 2/25/1960
Stephen Woychid 2/26/1969
John Semoskovich 2/28/1969
Anna Cimpko 2/28/1983
John Lapchuk 2/28/1992
John Marchisin 2/29/1944
Archpriest Jacob Grigorieff 2/29/1960
Constantine Bobich 3/1/1962
George Bekzar 3/2/1917
Peter Palomar 3/2/1919
Traiko Josifovich 3/2/1994
Helen Rzeszowski 3/2/2005
Xenia Kozich 3/3/1953
Pauline Leich 3/3/1961
Joseph Legedza 3/3/1962
Fr. Theodore Labowsky 3/3/1969
Samuel Savastinuk 3/3/1970
Anna Klimovich 3/4/1935
Sedor Dezko 3/4/1959
Gregory Grenther 3/5/1981
Joan Balogh 3/5/1989
Joseph Lebedz 3/6/1972
John Wigodinski 3/8/1974
Sophie Rose 3/8/1976
Henry Olszyk 3/8/1990
Mary Rosocha 3/8/2012
Elizabeth Demstor 3/9/1919
Michael Hnatuk 3/9/1956
Anna Makowski 3/9/1956
John Makowski 3/9/1957
Daria Karanevich 3/9/1976
Charles Basil Kachek 3/9/2010
Jacob Voliakim 3/10/1936
William Zaleski 3/10/1963
Paraska Holowach 3/11/1961
Alex Smagley 3/11/1972
Nicholas Semashkevich 3/12/1924
Leo Stachowsky 3/12/1966
Theodore Malko 3/13/1929
Tekla Barnosky 3/13/1969
Paul Swidonovich 3/13/1973
Helen Lysy 3/13/1974
Nikolai Dimitriew 3/13/1994
Joseph Zydiak 3/13/1996
Catherine Chepon 3/14/1971
Louis Nebozinsky 3/15/1951
Edmund Kornacki 3/16/1973
Joseph Peschek 3/16/1979
Theresa Krivka 3/17/1949
Andrew Hnatuk 3/17/1968
Philip Kulina 3/17/1989
John Hrihorchuk 3/18/1942
Metropolitan Ireney 3/18/1981
Anna Lisneski 3/19/2004
Theodore Adamchak 3/20/2000
Sophie Olszyk 3/20/2015
Eugenia Kozlov 3/21/1991
Peter Chabra 3/23/1925
Anna Yalsh 3/23/1975
Alexander Gromack 3/24/1959
Julia Zorzi 3/24/1970
Xenia Poletelo 3/24/1974
John Holovach 3/25/1954
Stephen Szwhala 3/25/1984
Anna Mogilevsky 3/26/1931
Henry Knaff 3/26/1958
Anna Shwhala 3/27/1971
Steven Pawlik 3/27/1985
John Kudelko 3/29/1942
Anastasia Kornacki 3/29/2007
Julius Kisel 3/30/1959
Pauline Bulat 3/30/1968
George Andrejko 3/31/1931
Alexander Rudzina 3/31/1985
John Huzinec 4/1/1966
Thomas Wytovich 4/1/1974
Ignatius Shevchuk 4/2/1917
Elias Zhak 4/2/1928
Eugenia Kiryluk 4/2/1972
Michael Mahalick 4/2/1987
Stephanida Kozura 4/2/2003
Joseph Yarik 4/4/1957
Helen Hnatuk 4/4/1959
Helen Macinko 4/5/2011
Mildred Mock 4/5/2013
Gregory Tscherwinski 4/6/1974
Eva Marchuk 4/6/1977
Stephen Mock 4/6/1992
Anne Burd 4/6/1995
Fr. Basil Dziama 4/7/1968
George Huzinec 4/9/1937
Anna Romnanovich 4/9/1953
Mary Romanovsky 4/10/1960
Jacob Cherniak 4/11/1919
Anna Skwarla 4/11/1959
Paul Adamcio 4/11/1966
Frank Yurchuk 4/13/1961
Igor Mushta 4/13/1964
Procopius Kostik 4/14/1921
Maria Huzinec 4/14/1941
Peter Leich 4/14/1955
Miron Urichuck 4/14/1965
William Basil Davidovich 4/14/2008
Lazar Elik 4/15/1961
Helen Gregovitch 4/15/2012
Vassily Seminuk 4/16/1991
Peter Dutko 4/17/1957
Martha Dzioba 4/18/1936
Mary Spotts 4/18/2001
Metropolitan Platon 4/20/1934
Charles Lazaruk 4/20/1947
Eva Chukhta-Zydiak 4/21/1919
Peter Chromoho 4/21/1935
Julia Andrews 4/22/1986
Olga Verkon 4/22/1997
Anna Tacak 4/22/1999
Vladimir Hnatuk 4/23/1959
Peter Hnatuk 4/23/2003
Vera Welenteychik 4/25/1970
Joseph Onuschak 4/28/1983
Margaret Gustich 4/28/2001
Joseph Bulat 4/29/1949
Infant Bodyl 4/29/1964
Genevieve Tindall 4/29/2008
Mary Julio 5/1/1986
Deacon Gregory Lapchuk 5/2/1989
Rose Lorenick 5/2/1998
John Petrovich 5/3/1926
Olga Saffron 5/3/1984
Helen Kudelko 5/3/1985
John Holovach 5/4/1973
John Ivaniec 5/5/1961
Katherine Nebozinsky 5/5/1970
William Neudachin 5/5/2012
Basil Pawlik 5/6/1971
Philip Recetz 5/6/1982
Demetrius Polegonsky 5/8/1917
Pauline Lasin 5/9/1972
Ignaty Chwat 5/10/1984
Olga Kluchnik 5/11/1962
Peter Grenther 5/11/1999
John Yalsh 5/12/1990
Maria Yaskovsky 5/13/1933
Jacob Popko 5/13/1958
Peter Chromoho 5/14/1933
Della Marchisin 5/14/1953
Pelagia Carko 5/14/1956
Metropolitan Leonty 5/14/1965
Maria Barna 5/15/1925
Olga Shemansky 5/15/2005
Michael Hobora 5/16/1953
Theodore Janushenko 5/16/1962
Wasil Kosticz 5/18/1975
Gregory Halkovich 5/19/1939
Julia Grigorieff 5/21/1985
Ephraim Demianov 5/22/1939
Joseph Fenuck 5/22/1951
John Korolovich 5/23/1925
Wasyl Mlinetz 5/23/1954
Thomas Cimpko 5/23/1962
Semeon Kozak 5/24/1941
Julian Sudillo 5/27/1977
Tatiana Shvridrik 5/27/1988
Mary Szwhala 5/28/1970
Elizabeth Bulat 5/29/1942
Emil Wilhousky 5/29/1953
Dominick Stokolovsky 5/30/1939
Anna Kuchner 5/30/1949
William Marchison 5/30/1963
Michael Dziga 5/31/1963
Alex Horbel 6/1/1961
John Senko 6/2/1929
Wasyl Bondarenko 6/2/1951
Xenia Bodenchuk 6/2/2017
Michael Tacak 6/3/1952
Anna Susko 6/3/1985
Eva Hnatuk 6/5/1953
Eutyches Gumenuk 6/6/1938
Charles Fetchko Jr. 6/6/1972
Helen Kulina 6/7/2004
Fannie Huzinec 6/7/2009
Nadezhda Soroka 6/8/1976
Nazar Skwarla 6/10/1953
Chariton Mishalenko 6/11/1953
Nadezhda Lebedz 6/12/1979
Julia Yadlowsky 6/12/2008
Theodore Zydiak 6/14/2012
Anna Williams 6/14/1978
Leon Martinchuk 6/15/1959
Maksym Yadlowsky 6/15/1973
Olga Pawlik 6/16/1953
David Kloss 6/17/1977
Frank Gregovitch 6/18/2013
Irene Marmarinos 6/18/2002
John Makovsky 6/19/1926
Anna Vozny 6/19/1929
Maria Kosovan 6/19/1939
Michael Kosovan 6/19/1939
Peter Kulina 6/20/1954
Susan Smith 6/20/1997
Chariton Cimpko 6/21/1960
Jerome Wilhousky 6/21/1975
Ivanna Parsells (Infant) 6/21/2017
Anna Padla 6/22/1926
Andrew Klimovich 6/22/1968
Joseph Holovach 6/22/1977
Alexander Naruta 6/22/1979
Helen Patson 6/22/1999
Helen Brutsky 6/23/1929
John Felice 6/25/1975
Mary Max 6/26/1966
Jacob Grenther 6/26/1984
Pauline Zorella 6/26/1997
Alex Putyrske 6/26/1999
Metropolitan Theophilus 6/27/1950
Joachim Seminuk 6/28/1935
Trophim Lachtuk 6/28/1953
Alex Lasik 6/28/1968
Nicholas Dzurich 6/28/1973
Peter Zeban 6/28/2003
Steven Sidorkovitz 6/30/1955
Christine Senko 6/30/1967
Sophie Karwatt 6/30/1994
Paul Federoff 06/?/1948
Semeon Romanovsky 7/1/1929
John Kulina Sr. 7/1/1999
Theodore Yurgel 7/2/1931
Mae Wilhousky 7/2/1973
Anna Kliaga 7/3/1923
Susan Ostapovich 7/3/1973
Athanasius Demchuk 7/5/1925
Alexis Fedchin 7/5/1970
Anna Cohen 7/7/1984
Kuzma Savich 7/9/1971
Tatiana Onuschak 7/9/2010
Atopere Filippini 7/9/2011
Vassily Fetchina 7/10/1951
Elias Chromoho 7/11/1928
Antonia Salamander 7/12/1978
Chariton Perogeff 7/12/1979
John Kachorsky 7/13/1975
Charles Specian Jr. 7/14/2015
Wojciech Bogusiewsky 7/15/1951
Pelagia Holovach 7/16/1968
Stephen Kulina 7/16/1982
Elias Kozich 7/17/1928
Elias Bartushak 7/17/1958
Barbara Tutolo 7/17/2005
Vladimir Fedarka 7/18/1960
Louise Chabra 7/19/1989
Anna Lebedz 7/19/2004
Maria Simonovich 7/20/1925
Ronald Kavchok 7/20/2007
Luke Maximovich 7/21/1922
Theodosius Horbel 7/21/1925
Ann Holovach 7/22/1982
Helen Stashkevetch 7/22/1989
John Suseck 7/23/1988
David Riegler 7/23/1988
Joseph Hamernick 7/24/1950
Steven Sabat 7/24/1965
Roman Bodenchuk 7/24/1996
Elizabeth Tyevech 7/24/2004
Maria Kuch 7/25/1941
Joseph Verkon 7/25/1966
John Pawlik 7/25/1973
Michael Kohut 7/26/1917
Michael Evanoff 7/26/1956
Clara Bartushak 7/26/1977
Peter Cresina 7/26/1977
Sophia Sufrinko 7/28/1946
Euzebius Tarangul 7/28/1985
Nicholas Barnosky 7/28/1999
Helen Monko 7/29/1980
Nicholas Lebedz 8/1/1954
John Rosocha 8/1/2005
Helen Hnatuk 8/3/1995
Archpriest Peter Karel 8/4/1970
Jacob Hosko 8/5/1966
Joseph Pituch 8/5/1977
Lepasava Ratzkovich 8/5/1988
Sarafina Spak 8/6/1943
Jacob Russaway 8/6/1946
Artem Kuchner 8/6/1974
Andrew Gavlick 8/6/1989
Peter LaVerne Mickel 8/6/2015
Anna Wislosky 8/7/1916
Michael Gargol 8/7/1931
Maria Vozny 8/7/1932
Helen Martchisin 8/7/1941
Mary Lebedz 8/8/1945
Shelia McCloskey 8/8/1949
George Siplak 8/9/1916
Michael Sapochuk 8/9/1939
Parasceva Kulwinsky 8/9/1979
Andrew Hriniak 8/11/1967
Alexander Kozich 8/11/1974
Joseph Kulina 8/11/1987
Anna Pozgay 8/11/1995
Anna Adamchak 8/11/2003
Constantin Stepan 8/11/2017
Paul Sarko 8/13/1983
George Perun 8/14/1958
Julia Cresina 8/14/2017
Katherine Greunther 8/15/1955
John Nedelka 8/15/1972
Demetrius Skwarla 8/15/1991
Olga Gorbatuk 8/15/2000
Stella Gromack 8/16/1954
Lazar Padlo 8/16/1968
Michael Marchuk 8/16/1975
Barbara Putyrske 8/16/1989
Julia Specian 8/16/1992
Theodore Kucheruk 8/17/1977
Anna Tarangul 8/17/1985
Demertius Barthusak 8/18/1922
Peter Patson 8/18/1968
Angeliki Tsokris 8/18/2019
Helen Wawrenchuk 8/19/1925
Constantine Yancevich 8/19/1942
John Shander 8/19/1948
Samuel Barnosky 8/19/1957
Helen Perry 8/19/2015
Sophie Wassel 8/20/2008
Natalie Laga Salevanik 8/20/1965
Mary Pegene 8/21/1980
Anna Cherniak 8/21/2001
Anna Recketz 8/22/1978
John Mlinets 8/23/1926
Semeon Dutko 8/23/1938
John Wasevich 8/24/1954
John Galida 8/24/1958
Michael Sudia 8/24/1990
Tekla Barna 8/25/1977
Anna Persurance 8/26/1962
John Harchin 8/26/1965
John Wassel 8/26/2001
John Poklitar 8/27/1934
Luke Vozny 8/27/1970
Daniel Zydiak 8/28/1958
Terry Beth Koles 8/30/1952
Jacob Kava 8/31/1927
Julia Marchuk 8/31/1972
John Kluchnik 8/31/1975
Fr. Nicholas Kiryluk 8/31/1988
Constantine Maykovsky 9/1/1922
Edward Wasitowski 9/1/1977
Pauline Trosko 9/1/1978
Peter Lorenick 9/1/1998
Archimandrite John (Lewis) 9/1/2007
Maria Schander 9/3/1956
Marina Audrey Haitch 9/4/2000
Peter Darensky 9/5/1917
Fr. Stephen Adamcio 9/7/1966
Anthony Cherniak 9/7/1967
George Rech 9/7/1970
Paul Petsur 9/8/1925
Mary Mahalick 9/8/1977
Adam Rzeszowski 9/8/1985
Xenia Seminuk 9/9/1978
Michael Grenther 9/11/1964
Helen Kotliarchik 9/12/1929
Pauline Kravitsky 9/12/1971
Anna Naruta 9/12/1974
Anna Rudzina 9/12/1995
Stephen Keselchak 9/14/1978
Theodore Mivonuk 9/15/1966
Mary Lukasik 9/16/1980
Katherine Sedorkewicz 9/17/1960
Raymond Koslosky 9/17/1988
Mila Seidal 9/17/2003
Stephen Zydiak 9/18/1974
Johanna Godleski 9/18/1993
Olga Dutka 9/19/1964
Peter Chapan 9/20/1940
Sophie Demjanow 9/20/1976
Eugenia Fetchko 9/20/2006
Steven Trehubets 9/21/1977
Nicetas Tsokris 9/22/2019
Mary Koles 9/23/1985
Stephani Kachek 9/23/2019
Evdokia Philmiuchuk 9/24/1917
Kuzma Trushko 9/25/1937
Marie Dezko 9/25/1959
Olga Semergieff 9/25/1997
Thomas Lisowski 9/28/1953
Demertius Berdar 9/29/1929
Wasyl Kluchnik 9/30/1954
Anna Gnointsky 9/30/1966
Anna Motoviloff 9/30/1983
Stephen Chemeris 09/?/1930
Stella Labay 10/2/1990
Evan Kalenik 10/2/2011
John Milanich 10/3/1922
Stephen Blisak 10/3/1946
Dimitri Pegene 10/3/1971
Pauline Andreyko 10/3/1978
Michael Gorobetz 10/6/1961
Daniel Victorenko 10/6/1963
Josephine Vasevich 10/7/1934
Ann Cook 10/7/1948
Mary Rechetnikoff 10/7/1961
Nicholas Makovsky 10/9/1923
Mary Zydiak 10/9/1945
Elizabeth Tkach 10/10/1917
Francis Bongrost 10/10/1926
Fr. Michael Lototsky 10/10/1947
Mary Lebedz 10/11/1961
Anna Evaniec 10/11/1969
Jacob Barnosky 10/11/1978
Timothy Zeban 10/12/1967
Matthew Zeban 10/12/1967
Andrew Mogilevsky 10/12/1981
Anthony Bolash 10/14/1973
Yerzhy Golombus 10/17/1916
Paul Kuntzevich 10/18/1976
Mary Holovach 10/18/2009
Peter Putyrske 10/19/1951
Julie Pribish 10/19/2002
George Huzinec 10/20/1988
Anna Lopac 10/20/2005
Isidore Ubrimovich 10/24/1924
Damian Dzyban 10/24/1949
Dolores Barnosky 10/24/2002
Nicholas Harasamiuk 10/25/1961
John Lopatka 10/25/1966
Steven Max 10/26/1956
Michael Motoviloff 10/26/1985
Nikolai Roschuk 10/27/1960
Paul Klaga 10/28/1916
Nicholas Kulina 10/28/1932
Stephanida Seminuk 10/29/2007
Stanley Hamernick 10/30/1965
Helen Chabra 10/30/1972
Joan Filippini 10/30/1993
Michael Barna 10/31/1959
Michael Salamander 10/31/1967
Vassily Romanov 10/31/1972
Fr. Andrew Slepecky 10/31/1976
John Rosocha 11/1/1977
Mary Davidovich 11/1/1990
Theodore Gorbatuk 11/1/1999
Fr. Cornelius Svigoon 11/2/1967
Borica Cavic 11/02/2017
Mary Carmon 11/4/1992
Valentine Gorbunov 11/4/2014
Helen Lopatka 11/5/1972
Joseph Lazorisak 11/5/1980
Helen Bogush 11/6/1963
Katherine Yarik 11/7/1971
Vera Medford 11/7/1971
Anna Barna 11/8/1928
Anna Albanese 11/8/2005
Matthew Mukhevich 11/9/1916
Philip Bukraba 11/9/1977
Maria Ishchuk 11/10/1918
Julia Bushinsky 11/10/1921
Alexandria Kulina 11/10/1960
John Buday 11/10/1969
Peter Kliaga 11/12/1916
Olga Skopak 11/12/2004
Peter Chabra 11/13/1963
Fr. Nikita Borisoff 11/15/1929
Francis Romanofsky 11/16/1950
Anastasia Kuzmiak 11/16/1965
Michael Putyrske 11/16/1977
Vladimir Pasechnik 11/17/1951
Stanley Bozinta 11/17/1977
Mary Skwarla 11/19/1941
Andrew Panacek 11/19/1959
Mary Suseck 11/19/1978
Archbishop Peter 11/19/2007
Vera Somoluk 11/19/2007
Mary Kachorsky 11/20/1977
Raymond Wasil Bolash 11/20/2002
George Zvonchenko 11/21/1997
Ann Zeban 11/21/2004
Anastasia Barna 11/22/2008
Daniel Podobed 11/23/1968
Zinaida Neudachin 11/23/2015
Michael Spotts 11/25/1968
Julia Hansen 11/25/1971
Metrophan Saffron 11/26/1950
Sauka Greunther 11/26/1953
Mary Gavlick 11/26/2002
John Skwarla 11/27/1979
Mary Bozinta 11/27/1992
Anna Zeban 11/27/2004
John Kachek 11/27/2012
Anna Perchishin 11/28/1974
Alexander Khvechin 11/29/1921
Fr. Peter Shemashko 11/29/1934
Mary Fetchina 11/29/1981
Athanasius Klebanovich 11/30/1930
Anastasia Rilik 12/5/1941
Stefan Syubiak 12/5/1978
John Suseck Jr. 12/6/1997
John Chabra 12/6/2010
Howard Bozinta 12/6/1011
Felix Kshanovsky 12/7/1929
Gregory Hriniak 12/7/1972
Priest Jaroslav Roman 12/7/1999
Max Horbel 12/9/1965
Helen Horbel 12/9/1970
David Gerasemchuk 12/10/1946
Anthony Pawlik 12/10/1956
Michael Sofko 12/10/1988
Ann Kralovich 12/10/2004
Paul Romanovich 12/11/1961
Christina Swidonovich 12/12/1976
Pauline Jackowlew 12/14/1978
Vladimir Shultz 12/16/1933
Ann Warin 12/16/1993
Joseph Pituck 12/18/1980
Michael Popko 12/20/1962
Anna Martin 12/20/1980
Helen Semoskovich 12/21/1946
Nadia Marchuk 12/21/1997
Nicholas Chabra 12/21/2006
Gregory Persurance 12/23/1950
Peter Kozura 12/23/1989
Olga Barna 12/23/1991
Steven Holovach 12/24/1946
Catherine Hriniak 12/24/1947
Sophie O'Connell 12/24/1961
Anna Martinchuk 12/24/1978
Alexander Kuntzevich 12/25/1990
Helen Wislosky 12/25/1991
Julia Galida 12/25/2014
Jerry Russo 12/26/1980
Douglas Rose 12/26/2004
Mary George 12/27/1989
Joseph Ribsky 12/28/1927
Olga Solodiuk 12/28/1927
John Grishkevitz 12/28/1983
Edmund Kornacki 12/28/1987
Alice Susko 12/29/1977
Edna Kalenik 12/29/2002
Adam Gromako 12/30/1934
Michael Barna 12/30/1989
Anna Wasitowski 12/30/2006
Tikhon Yakovlev 12/31/1942
Nicholas Chmelik 12/31/1950
Jacob Hriniak 12/31/1962
9:30 Liturgy
No Public Services
Until further notice, there will be no public services at Ss. Peter & Paul due to the Coronavirus.