Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery in Hillsborough, NJ has undertaken a major work project this Spring of 2012.
In a concerted effort to maintain and enhance the beauty of the cemetery, trimming, cutting, leveling of grounds,
and planting has been done. In the developed section of the cemetery, attention has been given to the 196 trees and
266 shrubs and plants that all have been established in the past 15 years. Some 109 yards of mulch has been used.
In the month of May an annual appeal is made for “Cemetery Care.” This year, a great deal of work and expenditure has
been done on the cemetery grounds. We invite you to make a free will offering in memory of the departed and for the
beautification of these holy grounds. The Lord bless your offering!
Offerings may be made to: Ss. Peter & Paul Cemetery, 605 Washington Ave., Manville, NJ 08835